
Citrus bergamia

Bergamot essential oil, extracted from the peel or rind of the bergamot fruit, is brilliantly stimulating and rejuvenating oil. The bergamot (Citrus bergamia) belongs to the orange family and got its name from the place it was initially cultivated - Bergomont in northern Italy. Presently, the tree is also grown in a number of regions in Africa. While the essential oil extracted from bergamot is highly valued for its therapeutic properties and delectable aroma, the leaves of the tree are used in preparing Earl Grey tea.

The essential oil extracted from the peel of the bergamot fruit basically works on the nervous system and has the aptitude to calm down as well as stimulate the nerves. As this essential oil possesses vivid, positive and inspiring properties, it is recommended for use when a person is depressed or restless. When an individual is suffering from nervous anxiety or strain, simply smelling the oil can perform wonders by boosting his/ her confidence. The uplifting or inspiring features of this essential oil facilitates grief-stricken people to become more open and positive. This oil has a healing effect on such persons as it induces happiness and love. This essential oil encourages self-reliance, valour and acumen. This oil is very useful for women since it helps in regulating their menstrual cycle as well as alleviates premenstrual syndrome (PMS). In addition, the bergamot essential oil also helps in alleviating the symptoms of menopause. In addition, bergamot essential oil also aids in bringing down body temperature during fevers and is also used to treat contagions in the urinary tract. While recuperating from any ailment, use of this essential oil also has the aptitude to relieve the digestive and respiratory systems, thereby promoting appetite and quick return to normal health.

Another benefit of the bergamot essential oil is that it is extremely useful in treating travel sickness. The enriching properties of this oil are exceptional for treating the skin disorders, particularly acne and cold sores. In addition, this oil is also a useful disinfectant and, hence, it is an excellent option to freshen up any room. This essential oil also combines well with more or less all other oils and is extensively used in the manufacture of perfumes.

As mentioned earlier, bergamot has derived its name from the Italian city Bergomont in Lombardy province. This fruit was first cultivated in this Italian city as early as in the 18th century. Presently, bergamot is also commercially cultivated in Ivory Coast. The bergamot plant is a small tree producing soft oval-shaped leaves and small fruits that have a roundish appearance. In fact, the bergamot plant is entirely cultivated for the essential oil enclosed in the peel of its fruit. The whole bergamot plant, which usually grows up to a height of 14 feet, discharges an aroma that is akin to citrus, especially the tropical tree orange bergamot tree. The aroma of the essential oil is appropriate for use in manufacture of air fresheners, deodorizers and further blended perfumed products. The bergamot essential oil is extracted from the peel of the fruits that are almost mature. In addition, the flowers of the bergamot tree are also suitable for consumption.

Citrus Bergamia or the essential oil extracted from the peel of bergamot fruits possesses various remedial properties and is used to treat several conditions, including boils, acne, cold sores, sore throats, greasy complexion, insect bites, infections in the mouth, flatulence, colds, flu, fever, loss of appetite, nervousness, depression and associated medical conditions. An infusion is effective in treating nausea, coughs, colds and sore throats. This essential oil is also a useful insect repellent and traditionally, herbal medicine practitioners have used a tea prepared from the leaf of the bergamot tree to drive out worms and expel gas from the body.

The aroma of bergamot essential oil is unsullied, sweet and something akin to citrus, which many people recognize as the essence in Earl Grey Tea. Bergamot essential oil has an inspiring and unwinding effect and is wonderful for fostering poise and self-confidence. At the same time, this essential oil is effective in boosting one's mood. In addition, bergamot essential oil has been traditionally used to treat oily and problem skin.

The essential oil extracted from bergamot fruit peel is especially valued by the perfume manufacturers owing to its aptitude to blend easily with a wide range of aromas to prepare a variety of scents that balance each other. According to a rough estimate, bergamot essential oil is an important ingredient in about a third of all perfumes meant for men, while it is enclosed in approximately half the perfumes for women. In fact, bergamot was an element of the first Eau de Cologne that was created in Germany in the 17th century. It may be noted here that the celebrated 'Eau de toilette' perfume was first developed by scooping out the pulp of bergamot fruit and compressing its peel into sponges.

The essential oil extracted from the peel of bergamot fruit is delicate and inspiring. The aroma of this oil is among the most exciting scents that have a great potential to heal different medical conditions. The aroma of this essential oil has a greenish-yellow hue and has an aroma that is fresh, sweetish-tart and citrus-like having a somewhat zesty balsamic tinge.

Bergamot essential oil is obtained from the peel of the astringent orange-like fruit by a procedure known as cold press. The bergamot trees produces small roundish fruits that resemble minuscule oranges. Although the tree is known to be a native of the tropical climatic regions in Asia, it is now extensively cultivated throughout Italy for the essential oil.

The bergamot fruit, more precisely, the essential oil extracted from its peel, possesses numerous therapeutic properties. While the bergamot essential oil promotes the physical condition of the pancreas and the liver, findings of a number studies have demonstrated that it also possesses anti-microbial properties, particularly on the respiratory system or the bronchies. In addition, this essential oil may enhance the digestive process as well as be effective in treating high blood pressure or hypertension. Bergamot essential oil is also an effective and natural skin toner and detoxifier. Using this essential oil also checks the untimely aging of the skin and is likely to be useful for people having oily skin and suffering from acne. However, bergamot essential oil is also phototoxic and, hence, people need to exercise caution while applying it topically to areas of the skin that would not be considerably exposed to sunlight 72 hours after its use. In addition, the use of bergamot essential oil is known to result in a somewhat irritating side effect on the skin. However, this side effect can be avoided and the oil can be used for optimal benefits if it is diluted to 3 per cent or even less before use. This is possible by blending the bergamot essential oil with carrier oil before it is applied topically to the skin areas.

General properties

  • antiseptic
  • antiviral
  • antispasmodic
  • anticancer
  • anti-inflammatory
  • analgesic
  • sedative
  • cooling
  • relaxing
  • uplifting

Blends well with

General uses


Although bergamot essential oil is useful therapeutically, it is important to exercise caution while using this valuable herbal product. Always remember, this oil should never be used in high concentrations on the skin, as it may cause irritation. In fact, it needs to be blended with any harmonizing carrier oil to lower its concentration to three per cent or less before it is applied topically to the affected skin areas. Furthermore, never expose the areas where the oil has been applied to sunlight for around 72 hours since it may result in excessive pigmentation of the skin and other defects.


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