Variable Blood Pressure May Enhance Risk Of A Stroke


Findings of a new research published recently warns that compared to people with usual high blood pressure, people whose blood pressure peaks sporadically are at a larger risk of having a stroke.

Meanwhile, researchers in Europe have written four articles published in the medical publications Lancet and Lancet Neurology proposing that it is a necessary to amend the principles regarding the treatment of patients with hypertension or high blood pressure.

One research conducted by Peter Rothwell and his team of scientists from the John Radcliffe Hospital's Stroke Prevention Research Unit in Oxford in the UK meticulously perused as many as 8,000 people who had heart attacks at some point in their life. During the course of the study, the researchers discovered that compared to people having usual high blood pressure, those enduring constant erratic blood pressures possibly faced the risk of a stroke no less than six times over. According to Peter Rothwell, they were inclined to consider that the mean basic blood pressure paces and generally pay no attention to the sporadic high rates thinking it to be a malfunctioning of the heart. He says that although such occasional high rates of blood pressure are ignored, they are extremely enlightening, as the majority of people experiencing such conditions and are usually not being treated for hypertension may be facing a great threat of having a stroke any time.

Peter Rothwell and his associates conducted two more researches with a view to scrutinize the impact of the different medications used to treat high blood pressure or hypertension. During the course of their research, the scientists discovered that usually the high blood pressure medications that lowered the sporadic peaks in the pace of blood pressure were the most helpful in putting off strokes.

According to Peter Rothwell, the findings of these studies may increase the number of people under treatment for hypertension or high blood pressure two times over and said that hypertension is responsible for approximately 50 per cent of the risks faced by an individual of having stroke. He further stated that over 50 per cent of the adults were susceptible to hypertension. Although specialists had researched whether people with variable rates of blood pressure faced more risks of having a stroke earlier, the researches conducted by the Lancet are the first to follow the risk among people with spikes in blood pressure rates for a number of years.

Meanwhile, the American Heart Association has suggested that it is essential for all patients having high blood pressure to test out their rates regularly at home. The association has further said that it is not enough for such people just to have a few readings in a year at their physician's clinic. On the other hand, other physicians are of the opinion that although the findings of the studies undertaken by Peter Rothwell and his colleagues are definitely interesting, there is a need for collecting more scientific proof prior to altering the recommended treatments of high blood pressure. For instance, Lars Hjalmar Lindholm from the Umea University Hospital in Sweden, who was in no way associated with any of these researches, said that it was not possible for the scientists and doctors to modify the treatment guidelines each time someone or some research group comes up with some new ideas or suggestions. According to Lindholm, the doctors need to be somewhat careful prior to changing the guidelines regarding the treatment of the patients. At the same time, Lindholm described the findings of the Lancet researches as an incredible input in the way physicians' perceive blood pressure.

Echoing Lindholm's views, Peter Rothwell also suggested that people enduring variable rates of blood pressure should not come to any conclusion immediately and go for a change in their mode of treatment. Instead, such people need to first consult their physicians with their respective problems. Rothwell added that it takes several months and years before the destructive consequences of variable blood pressure are apparent or begin to take its toll on an individual. At the same time, Rothwell recommended that people enduring constant high blood pressure or hypertension ought to be constantly examined and a number of them who have sporadic high rates of high blood pressure may some times find changing their medications useful.

Peter Rothwell further said that it is erroneous for people having a steady, but high blood pressure to assume that nothing is wrong with them. In fact, it is essential for all such people to visit their physicians and undergo regular treatment. He said that they have even been suggesting people who do not have high blood pressure all the time or constantly to seek regular treatment. According to Rothwell, treatment of hypertension or high blood pressure is always essential if one desires to minimize the risk of having a stroke.


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