Archived Articles - October 2016

Is walking better than running?

We all are aware that running is a wonderful means to remain fit and in shape. Nevertheless, even walking is a very useful exercise. Often there are people who do not give much importance to walking. However, the fact is that walking offers the same benefits which we generally derive from undertaking workouts. Walking is a wonderful way to stay fit and remain in shape, especially for the aged as well as people who have endured an injury.

Hence the debate "is walking better than running". Compared to walking running is not only a more painstaking exercise, but one may also hurt himself while running. On the other hand, walking may not help to enhance your heart rate, but it certainly does not put your body under too much strain or pressure. So, how do we settle on which is better?

Many often ask which of these two exercises is most suited for a person who is really concerned about fitness and getting into shape. Keep reading to know more.

The final finding

Frankly speaking, both walking and running are wonderful exercise schedule that one may choose to follow. If you are still wondering which of these two you should opt for, the answer is simple - choose both. If you alternate between walking and running at regular intervals, you will be able to give your body the rest it would require most. In addition, by adopting walking and running alternately you will experience an uplifting change every so often. Moreover, walking is certainly an outstanding exercise option for people who are into cross training.

At the beginning of their running work-out, people are generally advises to commence with interval training, involving walking as well as jogging. Thus, first time runners would become accustomed to a steady pace prior to picking up speed. In case a beginner runner begins to feel fatigued or winded while he is running, he can always slow the pace changing it to a steady walk. This will help them to take enough time to catch breath with no loss of momentum. When he is walking, he can catch his breath even as he is exercising. Restrained exercises such as walking are also effective to boost the nitric oxide levels in one's body as well as promote his health, in general.

Walking secrets

Several people are of the view that compared to walking running helps to burn additional calories better just because the movement is faster. On the other hand, when we talk about the benefits of walking one should recall the old tale about the hare and tortoise. It is true that runners have the propensity to burn extra calories, but the fact is that even walkers maintaining a fast and steady pace will burn equal number of calories. Actually, a fascinating study undertaken at the Duke University showed that the weight loss by walkers and runners was almost the same.

In fact, compared to running walking is more suited as well as beneficial for some people, especially those suffering from muscle or joint pains. This is mainly because runners are likely to sustain more injuries than the walkers. There is no doubt that runners burn calories faster, but even walkers are able to burn calories, besides maintaining a well-toned and healthy body.

Therefore, we may come to the conclusion that walking and running are both necessary for sound health. People who are able to deal with both these forms of work-outs should ideally incorporate walking and running into their training programs. However, though walkers move at a relatively slower pace it does not denote that they don't burn enough calories or work enough to perspire much.

When we undertake any form of work-out, our first and foremost objective should be burning fat and blasting maximum calories. You can achieve this best by opting for a cardiovascular exercise, which particularly suits you and continue doing it dedicatedly daily. Over the years, we have seen the advent of great exercise machines and they can certainly be a wonderful place to being with.

Natural foods that can combat Alzheimer's disease and dementia

According to rough estimates, about 20 percent people above the age of 65 years will be affected by Alzheimer's disease or dementia. The initial symptoms of this condition include confusion, depression and lack of memory. However, dementia cannot be classified as a disease - it is a common expression denoting failure of the brain to function properly. In fact, there are various forms of dementia. In fact, Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia that has inflicted over 35 million people across the globe.

Dementia is a degenerative condition, which is attributed to damaged brain cells. When the cells of our brain lose their ability to communicate with each other, it results in the malfunctioning of our body. Hence, it is important that we provide our body with the right nutrition to keep it healthy and strong. Insufficient nutrition may worsen the behavioural symptoms of individuals suffering dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Some natural foods that can help you to deal with Alzheimer's and dementia include broccoli, spinach, extra virgin olive oil, turmeric, berries and cherries, and walnut.

Findings of a study state that curcumin, an active compound in turmeric, is effective in getting rid of plaques from the brain. It is believed that these plaques are responsible for degeneration the brain cells, thereby resulting in Alzheimer's disease.

Extra virgin olive oil encloses a substance known as oleocanthal, which is helpful in perking up vital protein and enzyme production. These proteins and enzymes work to disintegrate the amyloid plaques, which are linked to Alzheimer's disease.

Berries and cherries are also helpful for dealing with dementia and Alzheimer's. They enclose a compound called anthocyanin, which shields our brain from any further damage due to the harmful free radicals. Moreover, they also possess anti-inflammatory attributes. In addition, berries and cherries are packed with vitamin C and vitamin E, besides containing potent antioxidants.

Consuming spinach is also good for the health of your brain. This green leafy vegetable contains elevated amounts of an antioxidant called lutein, which is believed to aid in defending against cognitive degeneration. A study undertaken in Australia involving more than 200 women showed that consuming foods with high content of folate and vitamin B6 may help to improve mental abilities and do away with short-term memory loss. Both these nutrients are found in adequate amounts in spinach.

Two nutrients present in broccoli can also help to enhance the functioning of the brain. While vitamin K in broccoli aids in supporting the cognitive abilities of a person, it has been found that choline helps to enhance memory. In addition, broccoli also contains significant amounts of folic acid, a compound that can facilitate preventing Alzheimer's disease.

Walnuts are packed with nutrients that are good for the health of your heart and, at the same time, have anti-inflammatory properties. In other words, consuming adequate servings of walnuts promotes blood circulation, thereby ensuring that oxygen is effectively delivered to the brain cells.

Findings of a study showed that people who regularly consumed at least three servings of any oily fish every week faced nearly 50 percent lesser chances of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
