Arteriosclerosis - part 2

Supplements And Herbs

The reversal process of tissue damage can be countered by nutritional supplements and they can also aid in the prevention of the effects of aging in the arterial system - though these are not substitutes for a healthy diet and constant exercise. Plaque deposits in the arterial system can be broken down through the use of bromelain, which is an effective digestive enzyme that makes an excellent supplement.

Other supplements such as the essential fatty acids which are found abundantly in the oil of the flax seed, the oil of the evening primrose and in fish oils like salmon can also effectively combat arteriosclerosis when they are included in the dietary regimen of patients. These aid in the lowering of the cholesterol levels in the body and thus prevent the deposition of plaque in the arterial walls, at the same time they also help improve the metabolism of fat in the body.

The oxidation of LDL cholesterol is prevented by the actions of a compound called beta-carotene which itself is the main precursor to vitamin A, this fat-soluble antioxidant is essential to the efficient management of cholesterol within the human body. The levels of HDL cholesterol in the body can be raised by supplementation with the beta-carotene. Smokers can also gain protection from coronary heart disease through the use of supplements of beta-carotene on a regular basis.

Supplementation with high doses of niacin is the single most effective way to lower high levels of the lipoprotein in the body of an individual. Additionally the levels of LDL cholesterol, lipoprotein, and substances such as triglycerides and fibrinogen are all lowered by the actions of niacin. The supplement at the same time raises the levels of HDL or "good cholesterol" levels and promotes health.

The supplemental form of the vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), and particularly the pantethine form can also effectively bring about a reduction in the levels of LDL cholesterol and bring about an increase in the levels of HDL cholesterol by at the very least ten to fifteen percent, while at the same time boosting the energy levels of the individual.

The increase in levels of the amino acid homocysteine has been implicated as one of the causes for atherosclerosis due to its involvement in cholesterol accumulation and its ability to injure tissues; supplements of the vitamin B6 helps prevent the accumulation of high levels of this amino acid and aids in the control of the condition - this vitamin can be taken as a regular supplement to keep the levels of homocysteine in check.

The vitamin B12 and the folic acid can also effectively lower levels of homocysteine in the body and can also be used as supplements to fulfill this function. Complications such as elevated serum cholesterol and atherosclerosis as well as much greater risk of coronary artery disease, has been linked to deficiencies of the vitamin B6 in people.

To bring about a balance in the levels of all the B vitamins in the body, the vitamins such as the vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid can be taken together in the form of a B complex vitamin supplemental combination. A lot of enzymes and minerals including magnesium and zinc are served by vitamin B6 as a co-factor in physiological actions within the human body.

Free radical damage in the arteries is prevented by the actions of the antioxidants such as the vitamins A, C and E, along with the mineral selenium - these can be taken together as antioxidant supplements by the patient. Disease is prevented in the body by the actions of the vitamins C and E which aid in the improvement of circulation and which provide the cell walls with sufficient nutrients for stability and elasticity.

Because of their ability to strengthen arteries, supplements of the bioflavonoids can also be consumed along with the vitamin C, in the form of a supplemental complex. Indeed the mineral selenium acts best within the body when acting in conjunction with the vitamin E - these two are the most potent of the antioxidants.

The vitamin C plays an essential role in the formation of collagen which maintains the integrity of the arterial walls and it also helps by promoting the breakdown of triglycerides in the body - the vitamin C thus has a direct effect in the prevention of atherosclerosis within the body. In patients with higher then normal levels of cholesterol, the vitamin C helps lower and maintain cholesterol levels - it thus serves to regulate to some extent the abundance of cholesterol in the blood.

The vitamin E is the agent responsible for blocking the oxidation of the "bad" LDL cholesterol, the vitamin E is regenerated and reactivated by the presence of sufficient vitamin C in the body - thus this vitamin is important in the regulation of other vitamins as well. Additionally the vitamin C is very important as an antioxidant and gradually helps in the reversal of heart disease by reducing all the risk factors.

The essential mineral chromium, particularly when utilized in its picolinate form, can be about an improvement in glucose tolerance and lead to a reduction in the levels of both cholesterol and triglycerides. The ability of the mineral chromium in burning off excessive body fat has been suggested by the results of some studies - these studies showed some correlation between chromium and a reduction in body fat. The mineral chromium has also been documented as being able to bring about a reversal of atherosclerosis and its attendant risk factors.

Those taking supplemental zinc along with copper also reported a decrease in the levels of blood cholesterol, zinc was taken at dosages of about 160 mg or more daily along with the supplements of copper. The incidence of aneurysms is prevented by the presence of copper in sufficient amounts and this mineral is the most important nutrient for this action within the human body.

A combination of blood, urine and hair tests can be conducted to asses the correct combination or ratio of the zinc and copper. Additionally the mineral copper plays an important part in the prevention and treatment of arthritis and is an important factor in the treatment of all other connective tissue problems that may occur within the body.

Normal cardiac functioning is dependant on adequate concentrations of the compound carnitine in the cardiac muscles; therefore this compound (amino acid) is therapeutically very effective in treating coronary heart disease. The presence of sufficient carnitine helps maintain strength and stamina and at the same time it also sufficiently lowers triglyceride levels and the levels of LDL cholesterol while at the same time raising HDL cholesterol levels.

It is a major component of an enzyme system that lowers the total fat tissue levels in the body and thus is considered physiologically very relevant to the maintenance of a healthy body. The other role of L-carnitine within the body is in the transportation of fatty acids into the cells, where these are burned or oxidized as fuels for the cellular machinery. It has been shown that a deficiency of carnitine within the body is responsible for some types of metabolic obesity which occurs in certain individuals.

The utilization of the D-carnitine and D,L-carnitine form must not be done under any circumstances as these forms of the compound can be toxic to the person. The only form of the compound which is safe for utilization as a supplement is the L-carnitine form of the compound.

Coronary arterial disease has been successfully treated through the utilization of the coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which is an antioxidant supplement for the prevention of the condition as well. Irregularities in the heart beat as well as chest pain can also be treated with particular effectiveness by the use of this supplement.

The co-enzyme is particularly efficient in brining about an improvement in the oxygen supply to the cells, it also promotes cardiac function during incidences of cardiomyopathies  -which are diseases of weakened heart muscle, the compound also reduces the occurrence of angina attacks and the painful symptoms, additionally the compound works synergistically with the other major antioxidants such as the vitamin E, beta-carotene and vitamin C within the body.

Another useful function that the Co Q1O performs within the body is in the lowering of high blood pressures, the compound also promotes a lower LDL cholesterol level and at the same time increases the levels of HDL cholesterol - these actions are carried out by the compound as a matter of course and the efficiency of the actions will depend on the level of the substance within the body itself.

Through the use of the following herbal remedies given below, human health can be restored to the individual and medication is rendered unnecessary as these treatments lower the blood pressure in a natural way - this is the ideal way to bring about healthiness. The ideal way to consume these herbs is by preparing an herbal teas, this can be done by pouring a cup of boiling water over a tsp. of any of the herbs and letting them steep in the water for fifteen minutes. The mixture can then be strained and the herbal tea can be drunk thrice every day as a measure against all cardiac conditions.

A reduction in the cholesterol levels can be brought about by consuming garlic, this herb has well documented blood-thinning properties, and makes an easy to obtain and excellent herbal supplement. Regular use of garlic can be made by using the odorless capsule form, especially if the patient dislikes the taste and odor of fresh garlic.

Dosage ideally should be about 600 mg of garlic powder in capsules taken daily, or alternately 25 mg of garlic oil can also be utilized. A reduction in blood pressure and heightened cholesterol levels can also be obtained by the consumption of an herbal tea made from Siberian ginseng. A reduction in the levels of cholesterol can also be obtained through the use of the hawthorn leaves and blossoms in an herbal tea form.

A cup of the herbal hawthorn tea can be consumed daily as a treatment, alternately 20-30 drops of hawthorn tincture can also be taken along with some water everyday. To bring about an improvement in the circulation, use about 3-5 drops of calendula tincture in a glass of water everyday-this herb will also strengthen, regulates and calms the cardiac muscles in the heart.

Tissue damage caused by free radicals can be healed by the high vitamin C content found in rose hip tea - this herbal tea is an excellent antioxidant and will help repair tissue damage wonderfully. The permeability and the elasticity of the connective tissues making up the arteries can be maintained by regular use of the alfalfa leaf juice along with the silica rich horsetail herb.

Horsetail can be used as an excellent source for silica, this essential mineral is best consumed in the form of an aqueous extract, and can be taken at a dosage rate of about 3-4 capsules everyday of the treatment period. The saponin content of large amounts of ingested alfalfa meal will also bring about a reduction in high levels of cholesterol. On a day to day basis, drink lemon balm tea in the evenings to relax and calm the nerves within the body.

The substance known as gugulipid is a natural extract of the mukul or myrrh tree which is native to India - it has two active components, called the Z-and E-guggulsterone, these two compounds have been documented as bringing about a reduction in both the levels of cholesterol - down to about 14-27%, and more so in the triglyceride levels - down to about 22-30% in all individuals tested.

By its action of bringing about dilation in the arteries, the cayenne - capsicum lowers the cholesterol levels and inhibits platelet aggregations. A regular supplemental use of cayenne has resulted in a remarkable improvement in the chest pain and circulatory problems of many angina sufferers - cayenne can be used as a food or as a capsule supplement for the treatment of individuals.

Turmeric has an active ingredient known as curcumin, which is an anti-inflammatory agent similar in action to the effects of compounds like cortisone, ibuprofen and phenylbutazone. Some research suggests it is also effective as a cancer preventive. Its antioxidant property has been compared to the activity of the vitamins C and E within the body.

Another great herbal derived supplement is the compound called forskolin, this is a derivative of the herb coleus forskohlii, and the compound makes an excellent natural bronchodilator in all patients. In addition the properties of forskolin are thought to extend to an ability to bring about a reduction in inflammatory reactions which may contribute to asthma.

The great thing about the compound is that it causes no systemic side-effects in the individual utilizing it. Indeed the compound has also been linked to having possible therapeutic effects and could aid in the treatment of high blood pressure, conditions such as congestive heart disease and glaucoma aside from its already well documented abilities in dealing with asthma. The vasodilating effects of the compound help in bringing about an improvement in the circulation which has direct benefits to the health of the person using it.

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