The condition known as autism begins in childhood, it is a form of severe behavioral disorder that persists throughout life and can be a major hindrance to the social integration of the affected individual. The child seems to desire to exist only in a world of his or her own making and isolates him or herself from the rest of society-the disorder is psychologically very demanding on the parents of the child, not to mention on the child itself.
The child may not respond to entreaties and will often the not speak at all, or will do so in a very restrictively manner. Predictable and repetitive movements often accompany this behavioral disorder, these include movements such as repeated head banging or rocking of the body. In all autistic individuals the prevalence of ritualistic behavior and a strong resistance to changing habits is a common trait.
As an example of this, an autistic child may often refuse to drink unless he or she is served from one specific cup filled a certain way with a particular preferred fluid and then left at a certain place-all these demands can be very hard to fulfill.
The singular or particular cause for the incidence of autism remains unknown. The last ten years have shown however, that the occurrences of the disorder are significantly increasing in the number of births.
Some investigations into the disorder have shown that the illness is linked to a particular brain defect, to some forms of toxic metal poisoning from lead, and in some cases to fetal alcohol syndrome, inherited from alcoholic mothers. Indirect evidences have possibly linked the presence of metabolites of toxic chemicals in the urine of autistic children to the cause of the autism itself.
Autistic children on the whole also possess very weak immune systems which can result in many types of chronic infections in the children. Autism can also be possibly triggered by certain types of vaccination medications, implicated in this regard is the whooping cough vaccine.
Because of the fact that the consumption of sufficient levels of the B vitamins have resulted in favorable results, it is believed that nutritional factors may also play a role in the causation of autism in some cases at least. Additional problems that can be considered in this regard include factors such as food allergies, particularly to substances such as gluten in wheat, and conditions such as candidiasis or yeast infections, another factor is the importance of removing dietary sugar from the diet.
Continual supplementation using the vitamin B6 has a positive effect on behavior in autistic children-this has been suggested by some studies that measured the relation between vitamin consumption and its effect on children. Supplementation of the vitamin B6 should be carried out along with other vitamin B complex combinations and should be followed by the mineral magnesium.
This is so because, if the vitamin B6 is supplemented alone, it may bring about a magnesium deficiency in the body of the child. Autistic children can also be given supplements of the folic acid, this vitamin is another B vitamin which is recommended for its role in helping autistic individuals. Supplements of the acidophilus has also been suggested as helpful in some studies carried out using autistic test subjects, the acidophilus provides friendly bacteria which aid in restoring a healthy internal milieu in the intestines.
The use of orthomolecular therapy has also shown positive results in children with autism. The magnesium depletion that occurs when large doses of the vitamin B6 are supplemented can be avoided by using combination supplements of vitamins like niacin, the vitamins B5 and B6, and the vitamin C along with abundant doses of magnesium.
All symptoms associated with autism can be effectively treated through the use of herbal remedies, all of which provide effective relief from the worst effects of autism. All the remedies that are given must be taken in the form of tinctures, at dosage levels of about 15-20 drops, two times every day during the treatment period.
Without brining on any signs of drowsiness in the patient, the herbal extract of the wild lettuce helps promote an overall calming effect on the nerves and leads to a restoration of a sense of control and balance. The nervous system is also positively affected by the herb ginkgo biloba, with the greatest benefit occurring when it is used in combination with the oil of the evening primrose herb, along with the lobelia, with the extract of the oat , with the skullcap, with the St. John's wort and or with the wild lettuce.
An autistic child has often been effectively drawn out form his or her own isolation by other techniques that use speech, music or dance therapies-these have been the standard way to deal with autistic children. While only performed by a professional therapist, the use of cranial osteopathy has given good results in the treatment of autistic children. Individual mineral deficiencies on the other hand can also be easily analyzed by careful hair mineral analysis to pinpoint their causation. Along with this, the blood amino acid levels can be determined to asses the condition of the child.
Vitamin B complex, 50 to100 mg.
Vitamin B6, 20 mg.
Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, 250 mg.
Magnesium, 600 mg.
Lactobacillus acidophilus, three capsules or one tsp. a day.
Folic acid, 400 mcg.
Vitamin B complex, age 3-6, 10 mg; age 7-11, 20 mg.
Vitamin B6, age 3-6, one mg; age 7-11, two mg.
Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, age 3-6, 150 mg age 7-11, 200 mg.
Magnesium, age 3-6, 200 mg; age 7-11, 300 mg.
Folic acid, age 3-6, 150 mcg; age 7-11, 300 mcg.