Infection of the urinary bladder, which is also known as cystitis, takes place when bacteria, usually from sources other than the body, invade the urinary tract and contaminate the bladder as well as urethra. In fact, infection of the bladder is more widespread among women. In such conditions, trickling urination is frequent and despite draining the bladder the patient does not always feel relieved and the urge to urinate remains.
The beginning of the infection may either be sluggish or occur all of a sudden and it results in the cramping pains that deepen the suffering. In addition, the contagion may also be gentle accompanied with symptoms of irritation of the bladder while passing urine with no accompanying pain.
Since infections of the kidneys owing to untreated infections of the bladder are common, it is advisable that you ask for professional health care provided the pain is acute or if the contagion does not respond to general treatment. The other signs that need to be treated with seriousness include fever, lower-back aches or passing urine with blood.
Chronic inflammation of the bladder in the absence of any contagion is known as interstitial inflammation since the pain as well as the swelling take place between the tissues and never on the urinary bladder walls. However, when there is an infection, the pain and swelling occurs on the bladder walls.
The first type of inflammation is especially bothersome to diagnose as well as treat as the results of laboratory examinations mostly negative, since there an absence of bacteria and, hence, even the use of antibiotics are of no use. The major symptoms of this kind of inflammation of the urinary bladder are comparable to the other infections of the bladder, but there is a difference. In the second case, the process is likely to be persistent and recurring.
It may be mentioned here that infections of the urinary bladder mostly occur due to bacteria that result in an inflammation of the internal lining of the bladder. In the case of women, the urethra is short and very near to the anus as well as the vagina and, hence, bacteria are able to get into the bladder without much difficulty.
E. coli is known to be useful for the lower bowels, but becomes perilous when it invades the urinary organs. In fact, E. coli is the most widespread or frequent bacterial reason for developing infections of the urinary bladder. It is important to note that the hygiene of the genitals is vital for women, who are inclined to or suffer from chronic or recurrent urinary bladder contagions.
Apart from women, men are also susceptible to infections of the bladder owing to chill or probably problems related to the prostate. In effect, use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, strain and inferior or inappropriate diet all add to worsen the potency of immune system and often produce a propensity for frequent bladder infections. In addition, a number of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) also result in symptoms that are comparable to the symptoms of infections of the bladder.
As briefly discussed above, interstitial cystitis is basically a chronic health condition attributable to inflammation of the gap between the lining of the urinary bladder and the muscle of the bladder. The reasons for developing interstitial cystitis are various, but generally there is no presence of bacteria in the urinary bladders of patients suffering from chronic cystitis and, hence, use of antibiotics proves to be ineffective in this case.
On the contrary, the more widespread infection of the urinary bladder is attributable to bacteria having their origin in the large bowel. Hence, it is imperative to get a urine culture done with a view to conclude whether bacteria are present prior to beginning treatment with antibiotics. It is possible that bacteria may possibly per-sensitize the urinary bladder with the intention that a variety of factors, including specific foods, medications, viruses, hormones, and also exposure to dampness and cold drafts, will commence the process of the chronic ailment.
It may be noted that interstitial cystitis is a progressive aliment that may possibly differ in relentlessness from minuscule ulcers to a totally disfigured bladder. In addition, interstitial cystitis is an ailment that is brought about by the environment and it often reacts to diet as well as changes in one's lifestyle.
A number of specific herbs and supplements are useful in treating bladder infections. For instance, bladder infections may be cured using big doses of vitamin C, which augments the acidic nature of the urine, thereby creating an environment that is hostile for bacteria. In addition, vitamin C also assists the immune system to combat infections. In case using vitamin C results in loose stools, it is advisable that you decrease the dosage of this supplement a little.
On the other hand, if you are treating interstitial inflammation, stay away from using vitamin C on a regular basis owing to its elevated acidic levels. Instead of vitamin C, you may use calcium ascorbate, which is actually vitamin C bulwarked with calcium. Calcium ascorbate possesses the powers of vitamin C that reinforce the immune system, but devoid of the acidity of vitamin C.
It is advisable that you take vitamin A and vitamin E especially if you are treating recurring bladder infections. Vitamin E helps to augment the supply of oxygen to the cells and, at the same time, puts off scarring that may occasionally become rather acute with the frequent exasperation of interstitial bladder inflammation.
Similarly, vitamin A and beta-carotene are indispensible to maintain the mucus membranes that form the internal lining of the walls of the urinary bladder. In addition, they also promote the functioning of the immune system. You also ought to add zinc for a more robust immune system.
Garlic capsules are also very effective in treating infections of the urinary bladder. They work in the form of a natural antibacterial agent. In addition, acidophilus cultures facilitate in putting off bladder contagions associated with Candida and ought to be included in your diet when you take antibiotics. In case the infections are of chronic and recurring nature, taking green-food supplements as well as drinks, particularly chlorella, blue-green algae and spirulina, encourages renewal of the cells.
Drinking herbal teas also help to clear infections and, at the same time, heal the urinary tract. Add one teaspoonful of the herbs to one cup (250 ml) of boiling water and infuse them for about 15 minutes, subsequently filter the liquid and drink one cup of the tea thrice every day.
Using the herb horsetail augments urine flow by about 30 per cent and also reinforces the supple tissues of the walls of the urinary bladder. To treat persistent bladder infections, you should use a mixture comprising equal portions of bearberry leaves and chamomile flowers. Even dandelion leaves and roots, lemon balm, stinging nettle leaves and roots, birch leaves, yarrow, parsley or rose hips may be taken separately for relief from the symptoms of bladder infections. All these herbs are effective in clearing up the infections.
Commonly used essential oils for bladder infection:
Homeopathic medications are effective in treating bladder infections, especially severe conditions. When the infection is in an acute condition, using specific homeopathic remedies in the strength of 30c every hour or more frequently can provide relief from the symptoms of the disease.
When the symptoms begin to settle, these medications may be taken in reduced dosages, for instance, one dose each hour and slowly reducing it to three doses every day to avoid the recurrence of the disease. Although the infections clear up very rapidly, you should continue taking one dose of the chosen homeopathic remedy for two to three days, as it will help preventing the disease from recurring.
In case there is no further reaction even after many hours, you must be sure that the medication used by you is the suitable one. Hence, after doing some re-thinking, your may try another homeopathic remedy for the infected bladder. If the condition is chronic and there is a persistent irritation, you ought to take the remedy once every day for a period of one or two weeks to get lasting results. Brief accounts of a few homeopathic remedies for bladder infections are given below for your perusal.
This homeopathic medication is required by people who experience vicious burning pain, scalding, cutting or razor-like pain and presence of blood in the urine. The Cantharis type of personality has an intense impulse for urination and a continuous yearning to empty the bladder with intense straining. They usually face difficulty in passing urine, which happens drop by drop and experience pain in the lower abdomen.
Such people suffer from fever and have an intense thirst. In addition, they are often tetchy and abusive and have an augmented sexual drive.
The condition of such individuals deteriorates when they see running water, drink coffee, when someone touches them and prior to as well as following urination. On the other hand, they feel better when they relax and when there is warmth.
People requiring this homeopathic medication have a continuous yearning, impulse and fullness of the bladder to pass urine, but their condition does not improve following urination. Some people often suffer from nightly urination. The Equisetum type personality experiences itching, cutting or burning pain in the urethra while passing urine and their condition worsens following urination.
They usually pass large quantities of urine that has a pale yellow color or pass dark urine having mucus. They continuously have a feeling of swelling and experience aching and pain in the region about the bladder. They also suffer from bedwetting. The condition of such patients deteriorates after they pass urine, when someone touches them, owing to pressure, when they are mobile or sitting. They feel better when they are lying down.
Merc. carr. is given to patients who have an intense and constant urge to pass urine, but they do not find any relief even after urination. Such individuals experience a stitching and tearing pain and pass very little burning and hot urine which occurs in droplets. Often, their urine contains blood as well as speckles of mucus and has a rectal urging simultaneously.
They feel chilly and have an intense thirst for cold beverages. The Merc. carr. personality usually feels feeble, faint and experience shuddering. They also have a foul breath and sweat profusely. Such people are always anxious and restive. The condition of these patients deteriorates during night time, when there is warmth, owing to acids and when they are in motion. They feel better when lying on their back, relaxing or rocking.
Patients requiring Sarsaparilla most are those who experience a burning sensation following urination and often cry out in pain. They also experience pain inside or urethra's tip. People belonging to the Sarsaparilla personality experience intense pain in the urethra that spreads out to the abdomen and they have an intense urge prior to passing urine.
They find it difficult to urinate unless they are in a standing position. However, they pass urine without difficulty at night time and may possibly suffer from bedwetting. Often, when they are sitting urine trickles out. They pass very little urine that is slimy or contains blood or some kind of red sediment. Some patients requiring Sarsaparilla may also develop bladder stone. The condition of such patients deteriorates during the night, when they are in motion, in cold and damp conditions. They feel better while they are standing.
People who require Staphysagria most are those who have an intense urge, pressure to urinate, but find it very difficult to pass urine. Such people pass urine in the thin stream or drop by drop. People belonging to the Staphysagria personality have a feeling as if a drop of urine is rolling the length of the urethra and their condition deteriorates while they are walking or riding, but have a better urination.
Such people normally have a burning sensation while passing urine and still have an urge and feel pain after urination. This homeopathic medication is suitable for treating cystitis following an intercourse. These people easily feel humiliated and offended and also have suppressed anger.
The condition of such patients deteriorates when they are walking, riding, when anyone touches them, at night, in cold and when they sleep on a cold bed. They feel better when they are relaxing and when there is heat.
Besides using antibiotics, other prescription drugs and herbs and supplements, you may do a number of additional things to cure as well as prevent the infection of the urinary bladder. For instance, you should take ample rest and keep yourself, especially the feet, warm. In addition, compresses, hot herbal packs, alternating foot baths and even sitzbaths for prolonged period of time are very effective in curing a bladder contagion.
At the same time, ensure that you keep the area around your genital warm using any natural fiber, for instance, cotton or wool, underwear.
In order to reinforce the urinary bladder, you may undertake exercise of the sphincter muscle by means of constricting it and holding for a few seconds and subsequently releasing it. This type of exercise is the same as stopping the flow of urine while in mid stream. Perform this exercise a few times every day.
Women enduring a recurrent bladder contagion ought to wipe out from the frontage to the back following visiting the toilet each time. In addition, both partners ought to take a shower prior to sex and urinate after the sexual activity is over. Moreover, as a precaution, never hold your urine for a prolonged period of time and pass urine whenever you feel the urge to do so. At the same time, keep away from douching or employing any kind of vaginal deodorants, since these have the potential to alter the vaginal flora and, simultaneously enhance vulnerability to infections.
Specific herbs and supplements are useful in treating bladder infections. The dosage of these is mentioned below.
Beta-carotene, the normal dose of this supplement is 100,000 IU daily.
Garlic, the standard daily dosage of this herb is two capsules taken thrice every day.
Green food supplements, these should be taken in the measure of one tablespoonful daily.
Lactobacillus acidophilus, the standard dosage is two capsules or one teaspoon taken thrice every day. This supplement should be taken about 45 minutes before taking your meals.
Vitamin A, the normal every day dose of this supplement is anything between 25,000 IU and 50,000 IU.
Vitamin C: The usual dosage of this supplement taken along with bioflavonoids is between 4,000 mg and 10,000 mg taken in divided doses daily.
Vitamin E, the standard dosage of this supplement with mixed tocopherols is anything between 400 IU and 800 IU daily.
Zinc, this supplement should be taken in dosage of 50 mg along with 5 mg of copper every day.