Children of all ages, if they are active and healthy, are prone to getting minor injuries on a regular basis, these can include small cuts and scrapes from playing in the playground, falling etc; these minor injuries are not considered serious and are mostly treated at home; requiring little except for a good antiseptic.
However, the possibility of a vein or artery getting cut or lacerated is always present-especially if the external wound spurts out blood or steadily bleeds for a long time, this should be considered very serious and the severity of the bleeding will depend on the depth to which the artery or vein has sustained damage.
A lot can be said from the color of the blood that is spewed out from a bruise or a wound, for your information the arteries are those vessels which carry oxygen-rich blood or oxygenated blood from the lungs and the heart to the other areas of the body, on the other hand the veins are the vessels which are involved in transporting the deoxygenated blood or the oxygen-poor blood back to the heart and lungs from the other areas of the body.
There is a difference in the color of blood if it contains oxygen, thus a ruptured artery will bleed blood that has a bright red color because of the oxygen content. Alternately, a cut vein will bleed blood that is oxygen-poor; the color of this blood will be darker and bluish red because of the lack of oxygen. Thus the color of the blood itself will tell you if a vein has been cut, or if it is an artery that is cut.
The total blood volume in the body of a toddler weighing in at say-twenty-five pounds is only about one quart of blood and any severe bleeding will clearly not be sustained as any severe cut will simply drain the entire body. Depending on the age and the size of the body, a child who is older will have about three to six quarts of blood, in his or her body.
The human body is a patchwork of blood vessels and except for the cornea in the eyes there are literally hundreds of miles of blood vessels that run and connect to every living organ and tissue within the body-most of these are minute blood vessels. Any part of the body usually dies off if the blood flow is cut off-oxygen is essential to all tissues within the body, a lack of oxygen causes cellular and tissue death.
The average time in during which any of the tissues can live without oxygen varies from one organ to another and from one type of cell to another, thus the cells in the brain die after three to four minutes if the blood supply fails due to lack of oxygen-gastric tissues survive longer. Therefore taking all these into consideration, emergency treatment is required if your child is bleeding heavily-rush the child to a doctor or the nearest hospital immediately.
These herbal supplements can be used once the child has recovered after treatment for bleeding from a hospital and after he or she has undergone appropriate medical treatment-these herbal remedies will help the child in the recovery process and bolster the defenses of the body including the immune system. However, emergency treatment should be resorted to immediately if the child is bleeds profusely, at any time during the recovery period. These herbal supplements cannot be relied on to treated bleeding, and are meant only for therapeutic support.
Anemia is often seen in children who have suffered any serious loss of blood. One of the consequences of bleeding is that a lot of the mineral iron is lost with the blood, this iron needs to be replaces and the use of the herbal iron supplement Floradix formula will gradually help replace iron loss and this supplementation can be done over two or three months during the recovery stage and the product label will have the dosage directions-follow these instructions through out the treatment period.
For your information: the herbal supplement for iron Floradix is best used in the addressing cases of moderate to mild anemia. Thus if the anemic condition of the child is particularly severe or if the seriousness of the anemic condition has been documented by a blood test as being extreme, the use of a more concentrated nutritional iron supplement would make the best supplement and will help the child build up iron reserves better.
The production of healthy blood cells is also actively achieved through supplements of the nettle and yellow dock which are herbal supplements. Dosages of one or both of the herbs for children-who are in the recovery stage from an incident of severe bleeding can be two times each day, for a total supplemental period lasting one to two weeks.
For your attention: stomach disorders have been reported in some children who were given nettle. The use of this herb must be discontinued at once if this occurs. Additionally, children who are under four years of age should not be given nettle in any form.
Commonly used essential oils for bleeding:
All incidences of bleeding in the body can be usually considered as being acute conditions; requiring constant and immediate attention; during the recovery stage, all of the homeopathic remedies given here can be used depending on the type of symptoms and the remedy chosen for use can be taken either in a low or in a medium potency form, it is important to maintain the frequency of the supplementation, a single dose taken every 15 minutes is ideal for all types of bleeding.
China is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of the after-effects of severe blood loss, extreme exhaustion in particular. The physical symptoms that are evident in the patient include coldness, feeling faint and dizzy, the patient could be very weak, and is usually apathetic to his or her surroundings, the patient also suffers from paleness and tinnitus could also be present.
This supplement is to be used during the recovery stage from bleeding episodes such as bleeding from nose, from the mouth, from the rectum, from the ears, or any internal bleeding that affects the internal organs such as the stomach.
This remedy can also be used in the treatment of early menstruation in women, in which the blood comes out profusely, has dark clots; the remedy can also be used during the pre- and post-partum phases in women, and in the treatment of women recovering from miscarriage in which a lot of blood has been lost. Some of the other physical symptoms that are evident in the women can include flatus and great distension in the abdominal region.
Some of the sings and symptoms indicating the need for this remedy also include sensitivity to light and nervousness; such patients are also very sensitive to noise. The condition of the patient often worsens on the slightest touch, in the night time, and on even a slight exposure to a cold draft.
On the other hand the condition of the patient is significantly improved by the application of some pressure, on being exposed to a warm environment, and when he or she uses only loose clothing. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of China as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the condition.
Ipecac is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals who have suffered any form of bleeding that produced a bright red blood, the blood may have gushed out uncontrollably from the stomach, the remedy is also to be used in the treatment of bleeding from the lungs, from the nose, from the bladder, in people who suffer from hemorrhoids, from bleeding in the bowels and the uterus in cases of miscarriage, women who bleed profusely during the menstrual period can also benefit from this remedy.
Some of the physical symptoms that are evident in the individual include periods of heavy breathing and respiratory distress; the person may also have intense bouts of nausea. Physical symptoms also include extreme nausea, and profuse salivation, the person may also be affected by episodes of vomiting. The person is often short of breath, and produces a rattling cough with mucus. The complexion of the person appears deathly pale; other physical signs are a slight blue tinge under the eyes.
Other psychological symptoms that are apparent in the individual include irritability; the person is often given to whining and is very capricious. Another symptom is the absence of thirst in such patients. The physical symptoms can also include the development of cold sweats whenever the person is covered; the pulse tends to be very weak because of the loss of pressure. The condition of the patient can really worsen when he or she is given some warmth.
The condition of the patient often improves on being exposed to the open air. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the use of Ipecac as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the condition.
Hamamelis is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals who suffer from bleeding anywhere on the body that results in the production of dark blood. These tend to be bleeding from ruptured veins and or from injury. The remedy can also be used in the treatment of any form of bleeding, for example from all types of wounds and cuts, serious and profuse nosebleeds, from bleeding in the intestines, from the rectum and the stomach, bleeding because of hemorrhoids, and due to any form of varicosities, or from ulcers in the gastric region.
The bleeding can also result as a chronic effect of physical injury, and also because of grave bruises. This form of condition can also be those that cause hemorrhage in the eyes, as evident during conditions such as black eye from trauma to the eye, this form of bleeding also include bleeding from the iris, from the retina, and from anywhere inside the eye.
The condition of the patient tends to worsen on putting any type of pressure on the affected area, from exposure to the open air, on being exposed to jarring motions, from physical exertion, on being touched, and on being exposed to a cold and humid environment. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the use of Hamamelis as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the condition.
Lachesis is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals with bleeding in which dark and black blood is produced from the wound. The affected area of the body appears blue-black in color and there is some swelling, the skin in the affected area may also be mottled with spots of all color. The blood that is bled out also has very poor coagulation properties and thus the bleeding is not easy to stanch.
This remedy can also be used in the case of bleeding that occurs from the retina, from the gums, the bleeding that occurs from hemorrhoids, the bleeding that comes out of the tongue, from the nose, and because of dental work. Patients who need this remedy may suffer from small wounds that bleed freely and produce a lot of blood.
The remedy can also be used in the case of hemorrhaging in alcoholics, bleeding after menopause, and in hemophiliacs. This type of bleeding also occurs from ulcers and from scars, and also from bleeding eruptions on the skin. This form of bleeding can also come about from the presence of varicosities.
The condition of the patient can greatly worsen from exposure to heat, and on awakening, during the night, on being touched, and on feeling any sort of constriction. The condition of the patient can be improved on exposure to the open air. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the use of Lachesis as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the condition.
Phosphorus is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals who bleed and or are bruised too easily and even very minor wounds may lead to a lot of bleeding. The speed of bleeding tends to be slow. The blood that comes out is very thin and is bright red in color, the blood also clots very slowly and the bleeding may be prolonged because of this.
The blood produced also tends to be pale, it can also be bright red and sometimes it is dark. This remedy can also be used in the case of bleeding that occurs from the eyes and the ears, internal bleeding such as from the lungs, from he stomach and the intestines, and the anal region. The patient may also be given to having blood in the stools, in the vomit and in the saliva.
The person may also suffer from nosebleeds when he or she blows his or her nose. The person can also have bleeding gums. The condition of the patient can worsen when he or she is lying down, nosebleed may be cause by washing the face with cold water. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the use of Phosphorus as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the condition.