Breast cyst formation is an unpleasant and sometimes painful occurrence in some women, it can however be remedied through proper diagnosis. The cyst may arise due to a variety of reasons, and one of them called fibrocystic breast disease has been identified as the most common cause of breast cysts.
And the physical manifestations of this illness are the formation of fluid filled masses that are encysted in lumps that can be felt through the skin, breast cyst can affect one or both the breast with telltale lumps that are recurrent and can cause pain, the lumps being tender and recurrent, this flare-ups or the appearance of the lumps usually happen around the time of menstruation in this illness.
The occurrence of breast cyst formation is also linked to the onset of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which happens somewhere around middle age in all women, the lumps formed have some movement within the breast and are usually painful or tender to the touch, and can bring on soreness and stiffness to the breast.
The onset of breast cysts in women is mostly in middle age around and about the ages of thirty and fifty. The medical diagnosis is not breast cancer but at the same time breast cancer in itself cannot and should not be ruled except in the light of professional diagnosis from a competent medical practitioner.
Breast cancer can only be completely ruled out in cases where the lumps have movement and are sore, because in the vast majority of cases of breast cancer, it is very unlikely that the lump will be movable and vary in size with the monthly menstrual cycle - most cancerous tissue is often painless, is not motile or is totally immovable and does not show fluctuations in size with the menstrual cycle.
Discoloration of skin and a difference in the nipple size and shape are other warning signs for breast cancer and professional advice must be taken at the earliest, which might lead to a biopsy and diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
Changes in hormonal levels and subsequent hormonal fluctuations within the body which usually occur one to two weeks before menstruation can cause glands present in the breast to fill with fluid and increase or decrease in size according to the hormonal level.
These chemical changes lead to the formation of a breast cyst, the breast can become uncomfortably swollen and inflamed and this results in varying degrees of pain. The underlying causes of breast cyst formation have not been as yet, fully appreciated or understood, though some contributing factors have been identified and singled out.
One explanation could be the resulting imbalances in hormonal levels as middle age sets in, this could lead to the sudden increase in milk-producing glands, glands that might not be normally stimulated in a hormonally balanced body, this could in turn produce an enlargement of cells within the breast tissue and there multiplication with resulting scarring in the breast tissue - leading to encystment and the formation of painful breast cyst.
The medical view is that normally secreted female hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and prolactin could all be responsible for breast lump formation and the trigger for encystment is typically their varying levels within the body, there is a view that especially with regard to the levels of the two main female hormone estrogen and progesterone.
An increase in estrogen or fall in progesterone levels is thought to affect breast cyst formation to the greatest extent in comparison to other female hormones, including lactating hormones like prolactin or oxytocin. The rapid increase in the levels of estrogen is very often because of a poor liver function.
In cases where the hepatic system or the liver is unable to break down and assimilate the production of excess estrogens in the body quickly, breast cyst formation usually results. Another probable cause of breast cyst formation and one of the contributing factors is a deficiency in one of the essential fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid or (GLA), which is used as a raw material in the formation of a hormone like substance known as prostaglandin in the body.
This hormone-like substance or prostaglandin, is also though to play a role in the onset of breast disease, since a dietary supplement consisting of evening primrose oil, which is a very rich source of GLA, is beneficial and often very helpful in the therapeutic process.
Other compounds such as methylxanthines, that are found in abundance especially in beverages like coffee and also in black tea, and in some amounts in colas and chocolate, have been shown by research to be linked to the development of breast cysts and the appearance of breast cyst is usually greater in women who have a higher consumption of these substances.
There are other reasons for the appearance of breast cyst which includes the lack of iodine in the diet, the lack of this mineral in the body can manifest itself in many easy one of which is to cause symptoms of an under active thyroid, and this under activity of the thyroid is also known to be a cause of breast cyst formation.
Other physical and artificial reasons also exist for the formation of breast cyst, one of which is the wearing of brassieres, which can restrict circulation of the lymph in the lymphatic vessels, and can thus block or slow the removal of wastes through the lymphatic system. Women who wear brassieres the whole day long, are susceptible to constriction of lymph glands, and especially in case of those women who wear constricting types of brassieres such as under wire and throughout the night, are the most susceptible to breast cyst formation in middle age.
Many types of herbal supplements have provided women suffering from the discomfort of breast cyst, that's is herbal remedies have been successful in dealing with and providing relief from pain and discomfort caused by the cyst, these herbal remedies however, should be combined with changes in diet and lifestyle. Particularly important and effective in this regard are vitamin E and evening primrose oil taken as supplements with the diet.
Among the two, evening primrose oil is especially beneficial. It provides the essential fatty acid GLA necessary to fight and soothe the inflammation, and the pain and swelling in the breast caused by the formation of breast cyst. It is therefore advisable to take this supplement along with a balanced diet for at least several months in order to improve its efficacy. The beneficial effects of vitamin E has also been observed in a great many cases where it has been used as a dietary supplement.
One of the reasons for you, feeling sluggish may be due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland, the thyroxine production and therefore the thyroid gland function may be low. The seaweed also known as kelp stimulates the thyroid and will aid and relieve breast problems related to a low thyroid function, and even help in the lessening of pain due to swollen breast cysts.
One of the water B-complex vitamins also called vitamin B6 can help in the reducing the size and swelling of breast when encystment has occurred and if the symptoms is associated with the other imbalances hormonal or otherwise in the body due to PMS. Pyridoxine-vitaminB6 is essential in the fight against breast cyst formation and those who lack the enzyme necessary to convert B6 to its active ingredient are advised to take, pyridoxal-S-phosphate (P-S-P) along with the diet as this phosphate is recommended.
By taking this supplement for a period of ten days or two weeks before the menstrual period or during the cycle, many of the symptoms and soreness inherent in breast cyst formation can be minimized. In any case, a vitamin B complex should also be added to the normal to ensure a healthy balance of B vitamins, which are essential components of the human body and perform other functions beside those listed.
Other water based vitamins like vitamin C, the fat soluble substance beta-carotene and the trace mineral zinc are also good dietary supplements, and can aid in vastly reducing symptoms of breast cysts and swelling etc. It has also been shown that they may help in decreasing the probability of the incidence of breast cancer. These, listed above, should be taken in conjunction with the other supplements, and most mineral products.
Many of the herbal remedies aid in regulating hormonal levels within the body, this is important because a fluctuation of hormonal levels is often the primary cause of breast cyst development.
There are many ways to combine your diet with these herbs, depending on which part of the body you want to stimulate in the therapeutic process, for example in order to normalize and stimulate hormonal function, it is a good idea to take diluted in water ten drops of tincture of chaste tree every morning in the 2nd half of the cycle. Then combine with vitamin B6 and oil of evening primrose to increase the effect.
A glandular stimulant such as poke root can also be used. A puree of poke root along with olive oil can be used as a poultice for topical application on the breasts. You can also try applying packs made of the leaves herbs such as marigold, comfrey, and raspberry. Even common celery leaves that have been boiled in milk can work toward cyst healing. A very simple remedy is the use of raw cabbage leaves as a liner within the brassiere.
To get rid of soreness in the breast and to relieve the resultant pain, a simple remedy is the application of a compress made out of ground carrot, onto to the breast as a topical salve for about twenty minutes, this followed afterward with a gentle rinsing done with cold water in a bracing mixture with 90% alcohol, this rinsing and sprinkling will greatly aid in the alleviation of the soreness.
It is also best to wear loose, light and comfortable clothing preferably of natural fabric such as cotton. Circulation and blood flow can be greatly hampered by brassieres that are too tight or do not fit well, tight clothing of any sort can easily hinder lymph flow and cause blocks in the lymphatic system, which is a very important detoxification channel in the human body.
It is known that tight fitting and constricting brassieres may lead to some types of breast cancer, due to constriction and such blockages has been linked to some usual types of breast cancer. Self-examination and regular self-monitoring is an easy way to get an early warning on lumps and cyst formation. Such self-monitoring coupled with a good exercise regimen aids in stimulating blood circulation, and the body finds it easier to rid itself of toxins accumulated in the blood.
Aerobic exercises are the best way to get a fit and healthy start on the occurrence of illness in the human body. Other remedies like the topical administration of natural progesterone creams can help in greatly, reducing many of the symptoms associated with cyst and breast lump formation, a healthy lifestyle also precludes such illnesses common in woman such as ovarian cysts, it also aids in fluid retention and in the prevention of vaginal dryness-which may have other causes besides physical ones.
Natural progesterone creams come packed with various herbs that can shoot up the levels of progesterone in the body. By the elimination of brassieres from their closets, many women have experienced relief. By choosing other options such as camisoles or even good fitting sport bras, physical discomfort can be greatly lessened.
Evening primrose oil, 2x500 mg capsules 3 times a day
Kelp, 1 table spoon
Vitamin B complex, 100 mg
Vitamin B6, 150 mg
Vitamin E, with mixed tocopherols, 400-800 IU
Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, 1,000 mg 1 to 3 times a day
P-5-p, 100 mg
Beta-carotene, 30,000 IU in divided doses
Zinc, 15 mg, with 3 mg copper