The Endocrine System

The endocrine system is studied under the biological subject known as endocrinology. This is the branch of medical science which seeks to evaluate and to understand the underlying structure of the endocrine glands - also called ductless glands - internal glands, in contrast to ductile glands, which are external glands - salivary, sweat, etc.

The subject is also concerned with the role of these glands and the nature and function of the various hormones which they secrete to regulate various processes in the human body. The majority of the research on the endocrine glands did not arise till modern times even though; some historical observations of this particular important system in the body may date back to very ancient times.

Aristotle, the great philosopher and originator of science in 3rd century B.C. (Greece) made an observation about the effect of castration on calves and bulls. This Greek philosopher studied the varying effects of the castration attempting to understand the effects. Such studies by this ancient scientist can be regarded as the first scientific examination of hormones and their role in the body.

Aristotle did not necessarily understand the processes, nor did the ancient civilizations of Egypt and China which also had philosophers examining and noticing the human behavioral changes which result following the removal of testes - the effects of castration at least was common knowledge in the ancient world.

Both of these ancient civilizations practiced castration in their society to produce a servile class of men known as eunuchs. The empirical knowledge about the glandular system did not came about, however till at least the 17th century, when modern scientific study can be said to have begun. During this age, scientists began to study the human body and had some empirical knowledge about hormonal roles and functions in the body.

Supplements and herbs

All of the supplements and herbs given here can be used in the treatment of endocrine disorders. Woman suffering from disorders must take the Endocrine Tonic For Menopause, the Endocrine Tonic Capsules For Menopause, and the Endocrine Tonic Tincture For Menopause - these remedies help strengthen and tone the endocrine system, enabling it to function smoothly.

The role of estrogen production is often taken over from the ovaries by the adrenals, after the ovaries cease production in transitional time, these glands need a boost during this time - use the remedies above as boosters. All of the blends mentioned before contain effective herbs which revitalize the functioning and performance of the adrenal glands - they should be taken on a regular basis by all women suffering from endocrine disorders.

The consistent and regular use of herbal remedies is important in order for them to be effective - long term use is the best option. Herbal remedies cannot induce instant cures and relief unlike some forms of conventional medicines. Their real benefits show up when they are used on a regular basis over an extended period of time. With long term use, they ensure steady, long lasting results which come on gradually.

Another good way to supplement with herbs in a form easy assimilated by the body, is via the use of concentrated vitamins and minerals - taken on a long term basis. Long term dietary use of the Menopause High-Calcium Formula can help ensure that patients get adequate amounts of the essential mineral calcium along with other essential minerals and some of the most vital vitamins. This remedy is very nice tasting and it can be enjoyably consumed throughout the course of a day by the patient.

Vitality and energy can be restored to the body by using the High-Energy Formula For Menopause which is beneficial and contains no caffeine - it must be used over a long period of time to see the beneficial results. The system is not depleted of its minerals and nutrients unlike the action of energizing caffeine rich drinks. This remedy contributes to a graduals and steady boosting of the energy levels when used over the long term.

Endocrine tonic for menopause

Mix the herbs together. Adjust taste. For each quart of tea use four to six tablespoons of herb mixture. Simmer over a very low heat for twenty minutes. Strain. Drink three to four cups daily for three months or as long as needed. The herbs may be simmered several times before being thrown out. Make a quart of tea each day and drink it throughout the day. It may be refrigerated and drunk cold.

Endocrine tonic capsules for menopause

All herbs must be in powdered form. If possible, buy them already powdered. If not, you can powder them in coffee grinders and/or nut grinders. (But if using your coffee grinder, be forewarned; it will never be good for grinding coffee again. Your coffee will taste like herbs and vice versa). Mix together thoroughly. Put in size "00" empty gelatin capsules (available at natural food stores and pharmacies) or rice paper. Take two capsules three times daily for three months or as long as needed.

Endocrine tonic-calcium formula

Mix herbs together. Put two ounces of the mixture in a wide-mouthed bottle and cover with one pint of good-quality brandy or vodka. Cover with a tight-fitting lid and place in a shaded, warm area. Let your tincture sit for four to six weeks. Shake once a day to mix herbs and alcohol together. Strain through a strainer lined with cheesecloth. Rebottle the herbal liquid. It is now ready for use. Recommended dose: one-fourth teaspoon diluted in tea or juice three times daily for three months or longer.

Menopause high-calcium formula

Mix herbs together and adjust flavors to suit your taste. Use four to six tablespoons per quart of water. Pour boiling water over the herbs and let steep for thirty minutes. Drink two to four cups daily.

High-energy formula for menopause

  • 4 parts sassafras,
  • 2 parts ginkgo leaf,
  • 2 parts gota kola leaf,
  • 1 part dong quai,
  • 1 part ginseng,
  • 1 part cinnamon chips,
  • 1 part ginger,
  • 2 parts licorice,
  • 1/8 part orange peel.

Mix herbs together, reserving the ginkgo and gota kola leaves. Use four tablespoons of the root mixture per quart of water. Simmer over very low heat (with lid on pot) for thirty minutes. Remove from heat and add one teaspoon each of ginkgo and gota kola. Cover pot and let steep for thirty minutes. Strain and drink as desired. The suggested amount is one cup twice daily. You can reuse the herbs for two to three pots of tea before they are depleted.

Other beneficial herbs

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