Eye Infections

Though there exist a variety and types of conditions together termed eye infections. Many of these disorders are commonly connected to or related to the common pinkeye (conjunctivitis), this condition comes about as a result of an inflammation to the lining of the eyelids made up of mucous membranes, the condition though not serious causes a great deal of discomfort to the person afflicted with it.

A persistent scaliness on the edges of the eyelids medically termed called blepharitis can also bring about redness in the eyes and consequent discomfort to the individual concerned. Redness and discomfort is also caused by inflamed and painful bumps at the base of the eye-lashes, which can become swollen and localized like a boil or painful pimple, commonly called styes.

The correct and proper procedure and course of medication has to be prescribed by a medical doctor after evaluating the condition affecting the eyes, these could include conditions such as glaucoma, causing redness, pain and discomfort to the patient.

Infection in the eyes can also come about because of invasion from viruses and bacteria, due to low immunity, or poor hygiene etc. Many forms of allergens and various allergies, and chemical and other irritants including smoke, the ingredients in makeup and other synthetic cosmetics, or even the chlorine content in a swimming pool, can all lead to inflamed and reddened eyes, as can physical injuries and trauma from accidents.

Supplements and herbs

Prompt and immediate medical attention is required in all cases of injury to the eyes or if serious infections develop in the eyes. Natural and homemade remedies may work wonders for moderate and mild forms of eye infections but the examination and guidance of a professional doctor will be necessary in all serious injuries and cases of infection, especially where the infection or inflammation shows no sign of abating even after three to four days of treatment.

Proper hygiene is the first priority in dealing with infections in the eyes or the eyelids, utilize a good herbal eyewash to cleanse the eyes and the parts of the face near the eyes, many times a day and particularly before applying ointments or creams to those regions. Redness in the eyes, inflamed and swollen eyes can be reduced and alleviated by using the herb known as the eyebright, this same herb can also be utilized to decrease the level of irritation felt during conjunctivitis, and other conditions of the eyes such as blepharitis, including styes of the eyelids, or any sort of eye injuries and trauma.

Other excellent alternatives to eyebright are herbal eyewashes made utilizing herbs such as the chamomile or the goldenseal; these have similar actions and remedial effects. Use a piece of cheesecloth to finely filter all eyewashes before utilizing them.

Use supplements of the vitamins A and C accompanied by the essential mineral zinc, to promote the health of the eyes, this supplementation can be continued for an entire month as the treatment period. These nutrient supplements prevent infections from recurring and aid in the removal of the infection itself, at the same time they are able to enhance the immunity of the afflicted individual.

The integrity of the mucus membranes surrounding the eyes is bolstered and aided by supplements of the vitamin A or retinal, the vitamin is of course very important in its role of maintaining vision and proper eyesight. Moreover an increase in inflammation in the eyes can be controlled and alleviated through the use of the vitamin C which may speed healing and provide protection to the eyes.

The effectiveness and healing ability of the vitamin A can be further bolstered by the presence of the essential element zinc, which is found in very high quantities within the human eye.


Dosage levels can be 6th to 30th potency for all the homeopathic medications given. Severe cases may require stronger potencies of the given homeopathic substances, and can be used once every hour, lower the potency of the homeopathic medication gently to a just a few times a day as the condition of the patient improves or shows signs of recovery.

The homeopathic medications can be utilized once in the 30th potency and up to three thrice at 6 or 12c per day during the treatment regimen. Using an eyecup, dilute the tincture made from the Euphrasia herb in dilutions of up to one part, this herbal concoction can be used as eyewash during infection.


Apis is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients suffering from eye infections where the symptoms include the development of stiff lids, redness and swelling in the eyes leading to puffy looking eyes. The conjunctiva of the eyes becomes bright red in color and looks extremely puffy. Pus may ooze out form the eyes and there is also a corresponding production of a lot of hot and watery tears from the infected eyes.

The condition of the patient may worsen when he or she reads a book; the eyes tend to be very sensitive to light. Other physical sensations, which are present, are stinging pains and burning sensations or even sudden piercing and itching sensations in the infected eyes. This remedy can also be used to treat styes. The condition of the patient greatly worsens, towards the evening, during the first part of the night, the right eye is more affected than the left, and heat aggravates the condition.

The condition of the patient shows immediate signs of improvement when treated with cold water. The appearance of one or any of these symptoms requires the immediate utilization of Apis as a homeopathic remedy to treat the patient with the eye infection.

Argentum nitricum

Argentum nitricum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients with eye infections where the symptoms include the reddening and swelling of the eyes. There is a great amount of pus produced in the eyes during the condition. Other typical physical signs are that the corners of the eyes become bright red in color, because the blood vessels stand out against the background. This treatment can also be used to treat cases of conjunctivitis in newborn children.

The other accompanying symptoms are the formation of corneal ulcers. The person has difficulty focusing their vision properly and the eyes tire easily and ache immensely, thus the patient suffers from additional eyestrain. When staying inside a warm room, the patient may experience some form of photophobia and will have a strong aversion to bright light. The eyelids become swollen and thick and are usually very sore at all times of the day and the night.

The eyelids margins are given out to crust due to the drying out of the pus produced and there is often ulceration on them. The condition of the patient greatly worsens when he or she stays in a warm room. The condition of the patient greatly improves when the patient has his or her eyes closed, when feeling any sort of pressure, and on being exposed to cool air in the outdoors and after bathing with cold water.

The appearance of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Argentum nitricum as a homeopathic medication in the treatment of eye infection in the afflicted individual.


Belladonna is to be used in the treatment of individuals with eye infections in whom the symptoms may suddenly appear without warning; there is a dull and throbbing pain in the affected eyes. The eye of the patient becomes congested and red and there is a dry burning sensation in the eyes.

The patient may suffer from certain visual hallucinations and may keep seeing a red color in everything due to this fact. The eyes of the affected person are extremely sensitive to light and bright sunlight. The pupils feel enlarged and become unnaturally brilliant and are often extremely dilated. The eyelids of the affected individual become swollen and become heavy.

The condition of the patient greatly worsens on exposure to any heat or hot condition, to cold drafts, by touch, around 3 p.m., and most times of the night, there is additional discomfort felt due to jarring movements, the person does not like light, and motion or activity, generally the right side of the body is more affected than the left. The appearance of one or any of these symptoms requires the immediate utilization of Belladonna as a homeopathic treatment for the person afflicted with an eye infection.


Euphrasia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with an eye infection in whom the symptoms of the disease include the production of large amounts of acrid, hot and smarting tears, these can dry out on the cheeks and leave a "varnish" and shin trail. Other symptoms are that the eyes have a bloodshot look and are extremely red.

The eyelids become inflamed and there is a burning and itching sensation on them. The other symptoms include psychological ones such as photophobia and twitching of the eyelids of the person. Physical signs may also be seen in the production of acrid and yellow pus like discharges and a very sticky eye gum, which may seal the eyelids. The persistent presence of a sensation like a hair irritating the eye also causes a great deal of discomfort.

Nasal discharges may also accompany the infection though these are of the non-acrid variety. This treatment can also be used in the case of the development of conjunctivitis after injury or eye trauma, after infection from the flu, the measles and other diseases. The condition of the patient greatly worsens on being exposed to the wind, to direct sunlight and towards the evening.

On the other hand the condition of the patient shows a marked improvement when he or she winks, rubs the eyes, or when he or she walks about outside in the open air. The appearance of any of these symptoms requires the use of Euphrasia as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of an eye infection in the patient.


Mercurius is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients suffering from eye infections in whom the symptoms may include the formation of a yellow-green pus in the eyes and the discharge of mucus. Because these discharges sometimes dry up, the eyes can get glued together tight, especially in the mornings. There is also a formation of styes in the eyes.

The conjunctiva of the eyes becomes inflamed and the lids, the cornea, the iris and the retina may all be affected in this way. There is a deep pressure on the eyes along with a burning sensation in them. Tears are produced profusely and regularly. Excessive perspiration is another physical symptom in the affected individual sweating; the salivary output may also be abundant in the individual.

The glands over the body tend to be swollen and inflamed as a result of the infection. The individual tends to undergo some type of ulceration in the body and the affected eyelids. The condition of the afflicted individual can greatly worsen during the night time, on exposure either to heat or to the cold, to damp or inclement weather and environments, on being exposed to artificial lighting, and when exposed to drafts. The appearance of one or any of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Mercurius as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the eye infection.


Pulsatilla is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering from eye infections in which the symptoms may include the production of abundant quantities of a bland and yellow mucus or pus from the eyes of the patient. The lids of the affected person may become sealed due to the drying of the pus. Being exposed to strong winds tends to produce tears immediately.

These symptoms of the disease keep changing again and again over time. The corners of the eyes tend to fill up with a lot of mucus. The eyelids of the affected individuals tend to be prone to itching and burning sensations. In affected children and infants, the symptoms often produce conjunctivitis. The cornea and the lids are extremely inflamed in all cases. The person may develop styes. The condition of the patient tends to worsen towards the evenings and when staying in a warm room.

The condition of the individual on the other hand tends to improve when exposed to the open air in the out doors, when massaged with a cold compress, and when gently walking out doors or by slow movements of the body. The appearance of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Pulsatilla as a homeopathic remedy in the patient afflicted with an eye infection.

Rhus tox.

Rhus tox. is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering from an eye infection in whom the symptoms may include inflammation of the eyes along with the formation of a large amount of pus in the eyes. The eyes tend to itch and are bloodshot; soreness and burning sensations are also present.

The affected individual often suffers from some form of severe to mild photophobia and dislikes exposure to direct light. The condition called cellulitis which is the inflammation of the tissues around the iris and the eyes often sets in. The cornea tends to be affected with ulcers. The presence of styes is another factor in such people. The swelling of the eyelids is extreme in most cases of the condition and in most patients. The eyelids of the person tend to become heavy and stiffness results.

The eyelids are completely sealed together at night because of the drying away of the pus produced in the eyes. The eyes produce a lot of tears at all times of the day and the night. The condition of the patient worsens during the night, under cold and damp, conditions; alternately the condition of the patient may greatly improve when the eyes are gently rubbed using a warm compress. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Rhus tox. as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the eye infection.

Additional things you may do

Ensure to maintain proper hygiene, don't rub eyes with soiled or unwashed hands, frequently wash your hands thoroughly and preferably using a high quality antiseptic soap. Sharing of towels is not a good idea, since many infections and pathogens are passed along in this way, you must also make sure that the pillowcases and towels you use are clean and changed for new ones on a regular basis. Because of their high probability of spreading from one person to the next, eye infections need to be handled well.

When your eye is infected due to any reason, it is advisable not to use contact lenses and to avoid wearing eye makeup at all, since these can seriously aggravate the condition and add to the physical discomfort in the eyes. To prevent communicating the infection to others around you, use a paper tissue to immediately wipe away and discharge from the infected eye, the paper towels must be disposed off carefully.

With particular reference the condition known as styes, the application of a warmed and moistened compress on the eyes for a period of ten minutes, three or four times daily will help and must be continued until the stye, matures and drains away by itself. The use of a warm and moist compress, directly applied for fifteen minutes on a daily basis can loosen the infected scaliness that results during cases of blepharitis in a person.

After this treatment has been carried out, use diluted baby shampoo, or water and a little baking soda to gently scrub the scrum off the eyelids. To prevent any possibility of accidentally spreading the infection from one eye to the next, make certain that you utilize a separate compress or eyecup for each eye that you wash.

Usual dosage

Chamomile, pour two or three tsp. of dried chamomile in cup of hot water. Cool and strain. Prepare daily and keep in sealed container. Wash infected eye thrice daily.

Eyebright, pour one tsp. dried eyebright in 250 ml of hot water, cool and strain. Prepare daily and keep in sealed container. Wash infected eye thrice daily.

Goldenseal, pour one tsp. of dried goldenseal in 250 ml of hot water. Cool and strain. Prepare daily and keep in sealed container. Wash infected eye thrice daily.

Vitamin C, 1,000 mg thrice daily for four weeks. If diarrhea develops, reduce the dose.

Vitamin A, 25,000 IU two times daily for a week. Then 10,000 IU a day for three weeks. Do not exceed 5,000 IU daily if you are pregnant or consider pregnancy.

Zinc, 30mg daily for four weeks (maximum 150 mg of zinc daily from all sources).

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