Sore Feet

The muscles and ligaments in the feet can experience immense physical fatigue and are often sore after a long day's work, especially if the activity throughout the day involves standing still for long periods or walking around all day. As the feet pound pavement for hours on end, the muscles and ligaments are worn out and soreness in the legs ensues.

There is tremendous extra pressure on the venous and lymphatic systems in the legs when a person has been on his or her feet all day long, in such cases feet become swollen and sore and can cause a great deal of discomfort to the individual. The swelling and pain in the legs can be relieved by raising the feet up, another remedy is to massage the feet well-this also relaxes the muscles and alleviates the soreness in the feet.

The idea is to prevent continuous soreness in the feet, as persistent from the overuse of the feet can reflect on the structure of the feet, this considerably weakens the muscles and ligaments making up the feet and the result is a loss of structure giving rise to what is called flat feet. The vulnerability of feet to soreness increases, once the structure of the feet structure alters in anyway. Soreness and pain can also be caused by the presence of other foot problems such as bunions, the development of corns and disorders like burning feet.

Feet soreness is attributable to the wearing of improperly designed footwear which may not provide adequate support to the feet; this includes the use of shoes with hard and thin soles, or shoes with flat soles or very high heels. Very tight shoes can also cause the feet to become sore.

The same muscles are used repeatedly without resting when one is standing in a single spot for long periods of time, this wears out the muscles in the feet and soreness is the end result. The weight of the entire body is supported by the feet at any time an individual stands. Other muscles are employed when a standing individual moves even a little from one position to another.

A full day spent walking on a sandy beach during a holiday can cause immense soreness in the muscles of the feet, if the person is not used to walking on a regular basis or for extended periods of time.

Exercise is a beneficial action for most of the musculature in the body, foot muscles on the other hand become rapidly overtaxed, becoming weaker from overuse especially if they are used regularly. Immense pressure is also put on the feet is the person is of excessive weight and obese individuals are more likely to suffer from soreness in the feet compared to other individuals.

Supplements and herbs

Soreness can be prevented through supplements of the mineral silica, this mineral also helps strengthen the muscles in the feet-the mineral is an important component of the ligaments and the muscles in the feet. Pain in the bones and the foot along with leg cramps can be alleviated by supplements of the essential mineral calcium along with magnesium-these two minerals work in conjunction and provide strength to the muscles and the bones.

The plantain is also an excellent herbal supplement in this regard and soothes and heals the soreness present in the feet. Prepare this herbal remedy by squashing some plantain leaves and put this as a salve on the sore feet by rubbing it on the skin. Alternately the leaves can be used to line the bottom of shoes-this will topically relieve tired and aching feet besides having a very soothing effect on the feet as a whole.


Aromatherapy is an effective means to cure sore feet. Using massage oils helps to get rid of the conditions that are responsible for sore feet. Moreover, a foot massage with healing herbal massage oils relaxes the feet giving a wonderful feeling.

People having a sensitive skin are advised to use soft green massage oil because it is not only restorative, but also revitalizing. Green oil is basically a blend of an extract of peppermint oil, an extract of aloe oil, an extract of plantain oil, an extract of nettle oil, avocado oil, wheat germ oil, essential lavender oil, virgin olive oil, and vitamin E. It is ideal for revitalizing and restorative massages for tender feet.

People enduring sore feet may also use light amber oil, which is restorative and protective body oil effective for all kinds of skin. This oil is particularly useful for people having dry skin.

A blend of extracts of rose hips oil, calendula oil, grape seed oil, and sweet almond oil, as well as normal vitamin E oil that may be obtained in the form of plain oil or seasoned with the natural lemon essential oil contains loads of antioxidants and possesses revitalizing as well as restorative properties. This blend may be used to relieve sore feet and also in the form of a protecting massage oil, bath oil and a moisturizer.

You may also cure sore feet by massaging them with herbal oils like sea buckthorn, plantain, chickweed, and calendula on a regular basis twice daily - following your bath and again prior to retiring to bed at night.

Other beneficial essential oils

Additional things you may do

Take a foot bath using hot water to relieve aching feet, following any period of physical exertion such as after a long hike, after intensive jogging or if you were standing all day long. Soak the feet for fifteen minutes in a tub of hot water to which a quarter cup of Epsom salts has been mixed-this will soothe the soreness in the feet and allow the muscles to relax.

If your feet emit a foul smell, you may soak six tea bags in a big bowl containing hot water; let the water to cool and then immerse your tired feet in the water for about ten minutes.

Invigorate your worn-out feet by immersing them in a bowl of comforting cooled hot water mixed with millet or barley for about 30 minutes. You can also prepare a comforting footbath by including sea salt (about one tablespoon) in a large bowl containing warm water. Alternately, you may include one teaspoon of mustard powder in warm water during cold weather and soak your feet in it to loosen them up.

You may also apply some soothing menthol thickly on your feet at night and wear socks to prevent your clothes and linen from becoming greasy. On the following morning, your feet will feel wonderful and the soreness will have disappeared. In addition, the feet will feel relaxed and refreshed.

Usual dosage

Silica, 1,000 mg.

Magnesium, 250 mg two times a day.

Calcium, 500 mg two times a day.

Other beneficial herbs


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