Fibroids (Myomas)

The uterus often has benign growths of muscles in its walls called fibroids-clinically known as myomas; they are quite common in occurrence in the uterus of many women.

Fibroids are commonly seen affecting women from the thirty years of age to those reaching menopause, at menopause the lower estrogen levels in the body brings a typical reduction in the size of the fibroids. Extremely common in occurrence among women, fibroids are not considered a serious medical condition.

An ultrasound test is the usual method of detecting fibroids and their discovery is often accidental, the majority of women do not experience any symptoms because of the fibroids at all and find out they have them during the course of a medical check for other disorders. The actual size of a fibroid or the number of fibroids is not related to the extent or the severity of the symptoms-indeed most fibroids give out no symptoms whatsoever.

However, the presence of fibroids in the uterus can lead to episodes of heavy bleeding, they can cause abdominal bloating in the individual, and they can also cause menstrual cramps and spotting between menstrual cycles. It is advisable for any women suffering from extended periods of menstrual bleeding or profuse bleeding to have herself checked for fibroids.

This is because the presence of any fibroid tissue produces very obscure symptoms if any at all. Excessive monthly blood loss during menstruation results in anemia. If symptoms are present they will depend on the size and position of the fibroid within the uterine tissue, thus pain is often felt during sexual intercourse and irritations in the bladder or the bowel often occurs, this produces an increased urge and a rise in the frequency of urination and other conditions such as constipation can also follow.

Depending on the size and the location of the fibroid within the uterine wall, pregnancy can be hindered or unaffected as the case may be in individual women.

The exact cause and underlying factors behind the growth of fibroids is still to be identified, though it is thought that the consumption of a diet abounding in a variety of processed and fast foods, the indiscriminate use of birth control pills and the presence of high stress levels within the body may be responsible as this cause a rise in the estrogen levels.

This rise in estrogen triggers the growth and development of fibroids to a great degree. Fibroids tend to increase in size during pregnancy, and because of the continuous use of oral contraceptive or during hormone replacement treatment in most women. During menopause the levels of estrogen in the body decreases and this leads to a reduction in the size of any fibroids present in the uterus.

The consumption of the fat present in foods like red meat which has higher levels of estrogen compared to other meats, is also thought to play a role in the development of fibroids. The growth of fibroids is also encouraged by compounds called Methylxanthines found in coffee, thus women must restrict or reduce the amounts of coffee they consume. People who suffer from obesity and those who have a family history of women in the family with fibroids are at an increase risk of developing fibroids at a later stage of life.

Supplements and herbs

The heavy bleeding during menstruation and painful cramps during menstruation which are the typical symptoms of fibroids can be alleviated to a great extent through the use of supplements-some of the supplements given here will effectively control or reduce the more unbearable symptoms of uterine fibroids. The liver is an important organ playing a role in the management of hormones within the body; the supplemental treatment must aim at detoxification of the liver so as to enable the liver to regulate hormones in a normal and timely manner.

To prevent the incidence of anemia due to heavy monthly bleeding because of fibroids, it is recommended that supplements of the essential mineral iron be used on a regular basis; the use of this mineral will also reduce the intensity of symptoms associated with anemia if it is already affecting the woman.

All supplements of the essential mineral iron must be fortified by additions of the vitamin C; this vitamin helps the body in the absorption of iron, thus improving the effectiveness of supplementation with the mineral. The strengthening of fragile blood capillaries and a reduction of heavy bleeding can be maintained by supplements of the vitamin C along with plant based natural compounds called bioflavonoids. Fibroid growth is also inhibited by the bioflavonoids which also maintain a balance in the estrogen levels within the body.

An immense loss of nutrients results during heavy menstruation because of the fibroids and this necessitates the use of supplements containing almost all the vitamins required for a healthy body. The green food supplements contain abundant amounts of the vitamin K, which is an important blood clotting factor and these supplements must be included along with the daily diet on a regular basis.

Supplements of the vitamin A are also necessary as this vitamin is often found in sub optimal levels in those women suffering from heavy periods. Supplements of the vitamin E helps in relieving the many symptoms produced by high estrogen levels and regular supplements of this vitamin are also suggested-this vitamin helps by equalizing the level of the hormone within the body. The B vitamins are essential for normal liver function and healthy red blood cells. The vitamin B complex relieves symptoms of cramps, PMS, and other hormonal problems.

Women suffering from the symptoms of fibroids can also benefit from the essential fatty acids present in the oil of the evening primrose, these essential fatty acids act as effective natural anti-inflammatory agents within the body, regular supplements with this herbal oil will bring about a reduction in the pain and will lower the cramping sensations present in the woman.

The liver is the organ that breaks down and destroys excess estrogen within the body, this helps in the reduction of the excess estrogen levels. Thus supplements that support the liver in its functioning are necessary for woman with fibroids, regular supplements of these compounds must be taken. These supplements include lipotropic factors, such as the chemical compound choline and the amino acid methionine, these two compounds are often found combined in the natural state and both serve an excellent and useful function, actively promoting the correct functioning of the liver.

Herbs that cleanse the liver are also important supplements as aid in the alleviating the condition by flushing out toxins and generally maintain the liver. The detrimental effects of excess estrogen in the blood and excessive bleeding can be prevented through regular supplements utilizing a topical natural progesterone cream, this cream can be applied to the skin every day regularly for two weeks and its application must be done just before the menstrual cycle starts.

Toxins in the body can be eliminated by supplements consisting of a single dose or a tbsp. of the juice of the horsetail herb-this herbal juice will also promote urination in the woman and relieve the symptoms of fibroids. In general all types of tumors within the body can be relieved by using a combination herbal formula made using herbs like the slippery elm, the Turkish rhubarb, the sheep sorrel and the burdock, this herbal combination can also be effectively employed to treat fibroids.

Bath water to which a decoction of the Mexican wild yam or an infusion of the horsetail has been added can be used for bathing, this serves as a direct topical treatment. The glandular stimulation abilities of the poke root herb can be used to treat fibroids in women. Prepare this herb by pureeing poke root powder with olive oil and apply the resulting poultice on the abdominal area as a topical relief measure.

Additional things you may do

Circulation can be increased by taking regular sitz-baths at least thrice every week. The lower abdominal region can be massaged as a topical measure by applications of castor oil packs thrice every week or while symptoms persist. The level of hormones in the blood also responds to psychological problems and reducing the stress levels and practicing relaxation techniques will help bring about a balance in the hormones-lowering the chances of fibroid development.

Usual dosage

Vitamin A, 25,000 IU. Should be avoid during pregnancy.

Vitamin B complex, 100 mg.

Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, 1,000 mg.

Vitamin E,  400 IU.

Evening primrose oil, 2x 500 mg capsules thrice a day.

Iron, 50 mg.

Lipotropic factors in combination (as recommended).

Supplements of green food, one tbsp.

Other beneficial herbs


From Yigal
Many people in Israel use vitex-agnus for myomas with good results.
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