
The condition known as fibromyalgia is defined in the medical literature as being a type of rheumatic disorder; symptoms include the presence of a persistent and widespread muscle pain along with extreme physical fatigue. The disorder causes the aching and stabbing muscle pain on waking in the morning, these symptoms gradually fade in intensity as the day passes.

In addition the person feels tired and cannot seem to freshen up as the day moves along. The person may be affected quite suddenly by these symptoms, some of which may persist over a long period of time, in other cases symptoms may initially fade away only to recur suddenly several months later.

Fibromyalgia is a hard condition to diagnoses as symptoms may be vague at times and the majority of blood tests and X rays come up without any visual abnormalities which might distinguish patients. Doctors also utilize different methods to tell this disorder apart from other related disorders that induce similar symptoms in patients.

These disorders include conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome or depression. Specific areas on the body of the patient which are known as tender points are often pressed by the doctor as a part of diagnosis, this pressing or the application of pressure causes the person to flinch or cry out due to the pain-this may indicate the presence of the condition in the patient.

Persistent physical fatigue and muscle pain for periods exceeding three months at a time and which cannot be linked to another underlying condition suggest the patient is afflicted with fibromyalgia. In addition the presence of the condition in patients is also suggested by extreme sensitivity at the 11 of 18 tender points known, some of the more prominent ones are at the base of the skull and in the neck, in the shoulders, along the ribs, in the region of the upper chest-around the collarbone, along the elbows, on the knees, along the lower back, and in the region of the buttocks.

The underlying factors responsible for the development of fibromyalgia remain a mystery. It was previously believed to have a psychological basis because of the vague symptoms, now many probable causes have been attributed to the condition. Some researchers have linked it to low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, this chemicals is a compound used in the brain to transmit messages throughout the central nervous system and the brain.

The muscle pain may be directly caused by a deficiency of serotonin, though such as deficiency is much more likely to interfere with sleep and this could really worsen the symptoms and the pain felt by the patient.

The development of fibromyalgia has been linked by other researchers to the very high levels of substance P present in the body; this substance is believed to be involved in the transmission of pain messages from the body in the direction of the brain. A sensitivity to pain in some people therefore is the cause of fibromyalgia according to this substance P theory-thus the presence of high amounts of a transmitter substance is linked by researchers to the condition.

Some other conditions that have also been linked to the fibromyalgia as probable causes as well as contributing factors include severe case of the flu, the trauma sustained during a physical injury such as whiplash, an impaired or weakened immune system in the person, or the presence of any form of persistent psychological stress. There are many similarities between this condition and chronic fatigue syndrome, the symptoms are very similar and both often affect the same person at the same time.

Supplements and herbs

Supplementation with the essential mineral magnesium and the compound malic acid is necessary for all patients suffering from fibromyalgia. The supplements relax the muscles and restore the energy levels in the body. As a rule, fibromyalgia patients have a magnesium deficiency, the other supplement- malic acid is given as it promotes the intake and proper absorption of magnesium, the malic acid also boosts energy levels at the same time.

To raise the levels of the serotonin in the body, all supplements must include either the St. John's wort herb or the chemical compound known as 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), which is a form of the essential amino acid tryptophan. These supplements enable the person to deal better with painful symptoms and the symptomatic depression, so commonly seen.

The use of these supplements along with prescription antidepressants should only be done if they are approved by a qualified doctor as side effects are possible. Supplements of the vitamin C along with grape seed extract or without the extract will help protect the muscles cells against cellular damage caused by the disorder.

The vitamin C as well as the grape seed extract have a very powerful antioxidant function and are excellent supplements. Including the coenzyme Q10 along with these two supplements will increase the effectiveness of both. The coenzyme Q10 will also aid in alleviating the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, so often accompanying the condition.

Supplements of the hormone melatonin or the valerian herb can be used in people who have a difficulty getting sufficient sleep. Supplements of the oil of the evening primrose herb used at 2 to 4 grams daily before meals, is anecdotally supposed to be effective in alleviating some of the many symptoms caused by fibromyalgia in a patient-a few doses of this herbal oil can be tried by the patient.


The homeopathic remedies given here can be used in the treatment of fibromyalgia; the dosage regimen must be started at very low potencies, and the potencies must be gradually increased as time passes. A potency of about 6x or 6c can be used about two to three times every day for up to a month during the initial starting phase of supplementation.

This initial stage can then be followed by a second phase of supplementation using the remedy at a higher potency, at about 12c to 12x, this dose can be taken two times every day. A dosage regimen using remedies at a potency of 30x or 30c can be used once every day after a month in the second phase. The whole cycle of gradually ascending potency can be repeated if necessary.


Bryonia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients suffering from fibromyalgia in which the symptoms of the disorder can include the presence of a persistent stitching pain in the body. Symptoms in the body of the patients can include constant and acute inflammation, a rise in body heat, inflammation and swelling in all the joints and the bursa.

The patient also suffers from a splitting headache and fever may be present. The psychological symptoms that are present in the patient can include great irritability, and the patient may always be worried about things, he or she may seek out quiet places and may want to be left alone, the patient may pass long periods of time staying very still and very quiet.

The condition of the patient often worsens if the person uses cold water to take bath, he or she complains if even slightly moved from on place to the next, his or her condition can be aggravated by touching, and on being exposed to jarring motions, the condition of the patient is also aggravated after midnight, and he or she hates being disturbed by anyone.

The condition of the patient can significantly improve if the patient rests or lies still for some time, if some pressure is applied on the body, and if massaged using hot applications, the patient also enjoys staying out in the cool open air and improves significantly in the outdoors. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Bryonia as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the fibromyalgia.


Causticum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients with fibromyalgia in which symptoms such as a sudden contractions and stiffness results in the tendons, and affects the muscles as well as the joints of the individual. The patient displays psychological symptoms such as a persistent feeling of being crushed or physically being disabled.

The other symptoms suffered by the patient include the presence of tearing, burning and drawing painful sensations in the body. The patient may suffer from constant restlessness at most times of the day and night. The patient also suffers from a very weak and localized form of paralysis which can appear anywhere on the body.

The patient displays emotional symptoms such as sudden outburst of sympathy without cause, he or she may also suddenly become untreatable and will rebel against authority-usually represented by the caregiver. The patient can become very friendly and long suffering about things; he or she may want to nurse others back to health.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen in dry, cold and clear weather, the condition of the patient is also aggravated by windy weather, and he or she hates even the slightest movements, he or she also dislikes lying down, and the symptoms can worsen towards the evening, and at around 3-4 am in the mornings.

The condition of the patient can greatly improve if some heat is applied to the body, and he or she may feel better from the warmth of the bed, and if exposed to wet or rainy weather. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate utilization of Causticum as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the fibromyalgia.


Cimicifuga is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients suffering from fibromyalgia in which symptoms can include spasms in the large muscles of the body. The patient can suffer from stiffness, and sudden twitching and jerking in the limbs. The physical symptoms of the condition include a persistent soreness in the body, as if the person is bruised all over the body.

The patient also feels very heavy and numb due to the various symptoms. The painful sensations experienced by the patient include radiating or electric like painful sensations all over the body. The patient also suffers from neck and back pain. The spine of the patient may be extremely tender to the touch.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen if he or she stays in a cold and damp place, if he or she undertakes any movements, and especially after midnight, the condition of the patient is also aggravated if he or she is touched, and it can also worsen during menstruation or in those women with menopause. The condition of the patient can greatly improve if some warm applications or some pressure is applied. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate utilization of Cimicifuga as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the fibromyalgia.


Gelsemium is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients suffering from fibromyalgia in which symptoms can include persistent heaviness and weakness in the body, along with constant tiredness in the limbs, the fatigue also spreads to the muscles and the eyes. The patient may be trembling due to weakened muscles.

A typical physical symptom is the presence of an ache in the spine. At most times, the patient suffers from lethargy, appearing confused and dazed at all times of the day and the night. A persistent dizziness also affects patients at most times. Physical symptoms experienced by patients include the presence of a dull pain in back of the head and the neck.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when the person is exposed to damp and cold weather or to weather that is too warm or too wet, excess heat and prolonged exposure to the sun can also aggravate the condition, patients anticipating things also worsen greatly, and most patients complain of aggravated symptoms when they lie down. The condition of the patient often improves just after urinating; the application of pressure and massages can improve things for the patient.

This remedy can also be used to treat related conditions such as blurred vision, and a loss of muscular power in a person. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate utilization of Gelsemium as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the fibromyalgia.


Phytolacca is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients suffering from fibromyalgia in which the symptoms of the condition can include the sudden development of inflammation in all the fibrous tissues that are present in the body, the inflammation also spreads to the outsides of the limbs and along the back.

The patient can also suffer from a tightening in the muscles constituting the body. The condition of the patient is further worsened by the presence of changing and shooting, electric pains in the body. The person may suffer from persistent and extreme restlessness at most times and is physically very weak, he or she may become debilitated due to the symptoms.

The patient can also suffer from soreness which occurs all over the body, and intense physical exhaustion is another typical symptoms. The patient also suffers from stiffness and sudden contractions in the muscles. Other physical symptoms include painful sensations in the bones. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen even when the patient moves even slightly, the condition of the patient can worsen if he or she is exposed to very damp and cold conditions especially at night.

The condition of the patient can greatly improve if the patient gets sufficient warmth, and if he or she stays in a dry place or room, and if he or she takes sufficient rest and lies down for adequate periods of time of a daily basis. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate utilization of Phytolacca in the homeopathic treatment of the fibromyalgia.

Rhus. tox.

Rhus. tox. can be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients suffering from fibromyalgia who have symptoms such as extreme restlessness, and persistent painful sensations and stiffness in the muscles and the joints. Psychological symptoms in the patient can include feelings of being beaten and overwhelmed. The limbs of the patient are very droopy and hang heavily. Physical symptoms include the presence of persistent tearing, drawing and burning pains all along the body.

The person experiences persistent physical weakness and numbness along with trembling sensations in the muscles of the body. These symptoms arise in the individual as a result of overstraining or over exerting the muscles, the patient also feels tremendous chills that pass up and down the body, he or she detests damp weather as it worsens the symptoms. The most obvious symptoms are the extreme restlessness even in a much weakened patient.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen after passing stools for the first time in the morning, symptoms also worsen after a period of rest, and symptoms can also worsen in cold and damp weather and at night, and physical effort and overexertion always aggravate the condition.

The condition of the patient on the other hand is improved considerably if the patient moves constantly, if he or she stays in a warm and dry place, massages and rubs can also relieve the symptoms, mild exercise and stretching out the limbs from time to time can also improve the condition. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate utilization of the Rhus. tox. as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the fibromyalgia.


Ruta is to be used as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of fibromyalgia in patients with symptoms such as a persistent deep aching sensation in the tendons, in the area around the joints, and within the bone itself. Physical symptoms can also include a persistent soreness all over the body.

The person may even appear lame due to the constant weakness in the joints, which may not allow him or her to walk properly. The patient also suffers from a general stiffness in the muscles. Other physical symptoms which may be evident in some patients include the formation of extremely hard nodules in the tissues of the body-these can form in the muscles as well as in the connective tissue of the patient.

Psychological symptoms may also be very acute in most patients, they may show a very strong resentment towards one and all for no apparent reason, patients are also very anger most of the time. The patients can also suffer from extreme anxiety and fear; these sensations can get to the point of paranoia in some patients.

The condition of the patient often improves in a warm place or following the application of a warm compress, patients may also significantly improve after limbering up. The condition of the patients can worse if they are exposed to prolonged stays in cold and damp environs, the condition of patients can also be aggravated if they sit or stand still for very long periods of time. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate utilization of Ruta as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the fibromyalgia.

Additional things you may do

To maintain a constant reserve of proteins and carbohydrates for proper muscle function, it is essential to take many mini meals during the course of the day. To relieve stiffness in the body and to increase the circulation as well as to ease out the soreness in the body, regularly take hot baths or showers using hot water-rub and massage the body to ease symptoms.

Trigger point therapy is an excellent alternative technique to soothe the body, approach a massage therapist who has experience with this technique for weekly sessions. Physical fatigue can be induces by the intake of such foods and drinks rich in caffeine, alcohol or sugar-all foods containing any of these must be avoided or its intake must be limited to promote health.

It is very important to allow the body time for recovery, the best way to do this is to make sure that you receive at least eight hours of sleep every night as long as the symptoms of the condition persist.

Usual dosage

Grape seed extract, 100 mg two times daily. (Should contain 92% to 95% proanthocyanidins).

St. John's wort, 300 mg thrice daily.

Vitamin C, 1,000 mg thrice daily. If diarrhea develops, reduce the dose.

Melatonin, 3 mg of melatonin before nighttime.

Coenzyme Q 10, 100 mg two times daily. Take it with meal for best absorption.

Malic acid / Magnesium, 600 mg malic acid and 150 mg magnesium two times daily.

5-HTP, 100 mg thrice daily. Reduce the dosage to 50 mg thrice daily, if drowsiness occurs.

Other beneficial herbs


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