
Irregularities in the distribution of pigments, causes spots of pigmented skin called freckles to appear on fair skin, thus pigment changes are the primary reason for the occurrence of freckles that affect the face.

Normally changes in pigmentation on the face produces small and noticeable brown spots on the facial skin, and at times in the areas surrounding the nose, and in some people these spots may occur all over the body as well.

Freckles in general affect only fair-skinned and mostly red-haired individuals - this demographic group is most susceptible to developing the condition. In addition, over exposure to sunlight can increase incidence of freckles in individuals already susceptible to developing this condition.

The overproduction of skin pigment by the cells known as melanocytes in the facial region is the usual cause of developing the small brown spots so typical of freckles.

Pigment production is also stimulated by an over exposure of the skin to ultraviolet light from the sun. The chances of suffering sunburns is high in people with freckles as it is with all fair skinned individuals, a long time sun tanning or spending too much time in the summer sun must be avoided by these two groups of individuals as these activities promote freckle development.

Supplements and herbs

Freckles and skin affected by pigmentation problems can be lightened up using some of these herbs and herbal remedies given below.

Mix about a quarter cup of mashed and unripe currants and a tbsp. of non-pasteurized honey - use this mixture to lighten freckles that occur anywhere on the body. This topical herbal mixture can be applied directly onto the freckles and it must be left on the affected skin for half an hour at a time.

After giving the application sufficient time on the skin, rinse it off with some warm water and then dab some diluted fresh lemon juice onto the area as a further topical measure. Freckles can also be lightened up through topical applications of an herbal juice made from the horseradish herb or vinegar made from the horseradish. In addition herbal preparations of oatmeal dabbed directly on the skin also help lighten freckles up.

While there is no specific diet or foodstuff that would help to keep away from the incidents of freckles or blotches on the skin surface, there are a number of common diet instructions that will help to encourage vigorous and gleaming skin.

Consume lots of whole grains and fresh vegetables to intake vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamin C, which are all essential for a healthy skin. In addition, you should also consume cabbage, eggs, milk, nutritional yeast and wheat germ, all of which enclose vitamin B5 and aid in preventing parched skin.

You also need to take essential fatty acids that are present in unprocessed or cold-pressed vegetable oils, for instance flax seed. This is essential for maintaining a soft and resistant skin. Also enhance the intake of vitamin C, as it makes the skin less susceptible to the sun. Apples, citrus fruits, green onions, rosehip tea as well as red and black currants enclose high levels of vitamin C.


Homeopathic medications can also be used successfully as well as expediently to treat freckles. In fact, freckles are among those medical conditions which can be treated without much trouble within a few weeks. There are a number of common homeopathic medications that may be successfully used to treat freckles.

These medications include Kali carb., Graphites, Muric. acid, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Sepia, Natrum carb. and Sulfur. However, prior to using any of these homeopathic medications, you necessarily need to consult an experienced homeopathic practitioner with a view to ascertain the dosage as well as their potency that is suitable for you.

Additional things you may do

Besides using herbs and supplements and homeopathic remedies, you may do several different things that will help you to get rid of freckles from your face. The entire remedies that we would be discussing here are natural medications. The very first home remedy that you need to give a try to remove freckles is using lemon juice.

In effect, it has been proved that lemon juice helps in combating freckles. Just apply some lemon juice to your finger and put it on the freckles. Doing so will make the lemon juice to blanch the area. You may use other fruits, such as apricots and strawberries, as they work wonderfully as facial masks. To apply these fruits as facial mask, just crush the fruits preparing a paste and apply the paste to the area where you want to remove the freckles.

Alternately, you may also wash your face with sour milk, as it would help in removing the unsightly freckles. The lactic acid prepared from sour milk will function as a mild, natural peel. If you have some honey at home, take a little of it and heat it up and apply it to the freckles to get rid of the spots on your face. Subsequently, rinse the honey using cold water.

You should also use a sun block ointment every time you go out for a swim and apply it again once in two hours if you perspire profusely. In addition, you may also use a superior quality sunscreen that provides an elevated level of sun protection. You should use the sunscreen every time you go out in the sun.

Also include a wide rimmed hat to your wardrobe and wear it whenever you venture out in the sun. The broad rim of the hat will protect your face from being exposed to sunlight directly. Also try to keep away from going outdoors between 10 am and 4 pm, when the intensity of the sun's rays is at its peak.

Alternately, you may also apply some sour cream to your face and allow it to remain for some time. It is advisable that you do not wash off this mask completely, but wipe it gently using a soft tissue and apply a moisturizer after that. Freckles also fade away when you regularly apply facial masks made of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries, apricots, red currant and cucumbers. This is one of the best natural home remedy to combat freckles.

As mentioned earlier, washing your face with sour milk also helps to remove the freckles, since the lactic acid made from sour milk helps to bleach the freckles. In addition, lactic acid is also known to encourage moderate shedding of the skin's surface without any irritation or aridity. In addition, dabbing horseradish vinegar, horseradish juice or even oatmeal on the skin is effective in making the freckles lighter.

You may also apply the juice extracted from parsley blended with same amounts of lemon juice, red currant juice and orange juice below your preferred cream as this will facilitate in keeping the freckles hidden.

Another way to remove freckles from your face is to apply unscented castor oil or, alternately use vitamin E before going to bed at night. You may also dissolve some amount of sugar in juice extracted from one lemon and apply the mixture to each freckle individually using a brush. Another excellent home remedy for freckles is crushing yellow mustard in milk and applying the mixture to your face at night. Rinse your face with cold water on the following morning.

Freckles are also lightened if you apply buttermilk on them regularly. Though it may seem incredible, even onions are useful in getting rid of freckles and spots caused by aging. Cut a red onion into half and wipe it on the affected spots two times every day. Continue the process till the spots disappear totally.

Applying a paste prepared by grinding turmeric and using an equal amount of pulverized sesame seeds with water to the face also helps to remove freckles. You may also take a watermelon; make an opening in its rind and add some grains of rice to it. After a week, take out the rice grains, make a paste of them and apply it to your face to get rid of the freckles.

Other beneficial herbs


From Spotless - Dec-18-2012
The only remedy I ever recall hearing of to rid oneself of freckles while growing up was to dab your face (or wherever the bothersome spots appeared) with lemon juice an lye out in the sunlight for a half hour each day until they had eventually faded - never all of that malarkey. The other cure - heh, AGE.
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