The further intensification of an acute headache can be prevented if the individual takes the correct remedy during the onset of the very first signs of a headache - a prompt treatment precludes a headache from worsening in the long term.
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All of the homeopathic remedies given below can be used at 6, 12, or 30th potency hourly if the headache is already evident in the body, alternately the remedies can be used as often as necessary and till the headache disappears. Intermittent doses of holistic and constitutional remedies which are aimed at curing the inherent tendency to developing headaches are also advised for individuals who tend to suffer from frequent headaches.
Belladonna is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of acute headaches in affected individuals who are afflicted by sudden, very intense, or violent headaches. Such headaches usually arise as a result of colds, due to a sinus problem, as a result of a migraine; they can be due to sunstroke. Such headaches can also arise due to physical injury, and if the head is chilled due to exposure to the cold.
The use of certain classes of medications can also induce such headaches. Physical symptoms which often accompany such headaches include persistent nosebleeds. The presence of throbbing and intense stabbing pains is also frequent complaints of the patient. Physical symptoms also include the presence of restlessness accompanied by flushing in the facial region, the eyes may be bloodshot.
Psychological symptoms can include violent behavior, the person may rage or become very fearful about everything, he or she wants to escape from ordinary circumstances. Such patients are often delirious from the intense pain in the head. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen from even the slightest motions, they will hate exposure to the light, to noises, to touch, and he or she may dislike all jarring motions.
The condition of the patient can greatly improve when he or she is laid down, he or she may feel better when staying in dark rooms, the symptoms may also be alleviated by applying some pressure to the forehead. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Belladonna as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the headache.
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Bryonia can be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering from acute headaches which usually begin after midnight. The headaches may also begin following the morning toilet. These form of headaches can develop as a result of persistent stress and constant anger, it can also be due to constipation, and the consumption of certain beverages like coffee by the person.
Physical symptoms of the condition include the presence of bursting or stitching painful sensations in the body, the person may suffer from a pressed out and crushing weight on his or her head. The headache is especially heavy on the side and front of the head. The psychological symptoms of the condition include extreme irritability and a tendency to constantly worry.
The physical symptoms can also include feelings of thirst; this is coupled with the development of a dry mouth, and the presence of a hot sensation in the head. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen even when the person slightly moves the eyes or the head, the person may experience a worsening of the symptoms when stooping, and he or she will dislike jarring motions, and being touched, the headache typically worsens after midnight.
The condition of the patient improves with the application of pressure on the forehead, the patient may also feel better when he or she stays still with the eyes closed, topical applications that take the heat off the region of the head will also make the person feel better, the condition of the person generally improves with exposure to the fresh air out of doors. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the use of Bryonia as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the affected individual.
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Gelsemium is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals who suffer from acute headaches that come on accompanied by the blurring of vision, spells of dizziness may follow, the person may become light-headed, the face can become hot and chills may run down the body.
Physical symptoms include the presence of a dull sensation, and heaviness in the occipital region, this sensation then radiates forward, it may also be felt as tight bands that seem to be wrapped around the head of the patient. Physical symptoms also include the both physical and mental lethargy, the person become very dull, physical weakness and mental confusion set in, he or she may be given to sudden bouts of trembling in the body.
The condition of the patient can greatly worsen on exposure to the damp and the cold, exposure of the body to sunlight can increase the intensity of the symptoms, the person also constantly worries, worsening the headache, the symptoms also worsen when lying down, and on the slightest movements. The condition of the patient can improve when he or she urinates. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Gelsemium as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the affected individual.
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Nux vomica is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering from acute headaches that come about as a result of digestive problems, or the use of alcoholic drinks and certain medications. Such headaches can also result from the presence of intense anger, and may be due to loss of sleep, or because of the stress felt by the patient. The person may have a constant feeling of pain.
Physical symptoms include the presence of a dull pressure on the head. The physical condition of the patient is often faint and he or she is very light-headed at most times of the day and night. The other physical symptoms include a persistent feeling of constipation. The psychological condition of the individual is characterized by constant anger, he or she becomes very driven, and in addition, the person is very critical and oversensitive about all situations.
The physical symptoms also include the presence of persistent tension, and the presence of muscular spasms, along with constant emotional stress. The person also suffers from chill running down the body at all times. The condition of the person can greatly worsen on exposure to the cold, he or she will worsen on the slightest motions, on being touched, the patient also dislikes noises, bright lights, and the symptoms greatly worsen after midnight.
The condition of the patient can improve on taking in warm foods and liquids, he or she may benefit from wrapping up warmly. The presence of one or more symptoms requires the use of Nux vomica as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the individual.
Sanguinaria is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by an acute headache which can come about because of exposure to harsh sunlight, this type of headache can also come because the person does not eat, and it can also result from nasal blockage. Such headaches can also result in women who are in menopause, and it can also come about because of heartburn in the patient.
Physical symptoms include the presence of a bursting and painful sensation starting in the back of head which travels toward the right eye-this pain can be extremely intense. Psychological symptoms affect the person at all times, he or she may have a "sinking feeling" and is sad at most times.
The physical symptoms also include a continuous flushing in the facial region, the presence of a burning sensation in the face, the presence of heat in the head, the reddening of the cheeks. This form of the condition tends to be headaches that come on weekly. Physical exhaustion follows the nausea and vomiting even though it results in some relief from the pain.
The condition of the patient can greatly worsen during the day time, he or she may feel intensification in the symptoms on exposure to certain type of odors, and he or she will dislike all kinds of noises, and will hate being exposed to the sunlight. The condition of the patient can improve on resting, on being in a darkroom; the condition can also improve while staying in a quiet place, and on the application of hard pressure. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Sanguinaria as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the affected individual.