Heart Disease Prevention

The clogging up of the arterial space by fatty tissues-also known as plaque causes the condition medically known as atherosclerosis, more commonly this condition is called by the generic term as heart disease, it is essentially a hindrance in the arterial system due to fatty tissue deposition in them, which tends to affect circulating blood.

The transport of nutrients is affected as the smooth flow of blood is prevented; moreover the person is deprived of oxygen, which leads to severe consequences including death. Plaque deposition is particularly high in the tiny arteries and arterioles that thread there through the heart and branch along inside, providing nourishment and the very vital oxygen. The most serious consequence of blockage or hindrance in these arteries is of course a heart attack, which may be fatal to the person in most cases.

An increase in the cholesterol levels of the blood is the underlying reason for the deposition of fatty tissues on the arteries that lead to the condition of atherosclerosis. Plaque deposition is primarily a result of LDL or the bad type of cholesterol that sticks to the walls of the artery walls, accumulating these and finally leading to a blocked artery.

The problem inherent in the deposition of plaque is that whenever a rupture occurs along the plaque, it results in the formation of a blood clot, this is the factor that will lead to the blockage of the artery in the affected individual. Many other external and internal or metabolic factors can contribute to the build up of plaque in the arteries of an individual, these include such habits as smoking of tobacco and leading a sedentary and inactive life, other risk factors are the presence of a condition such as hypertension or a high blood pressure, excess body weight and obesity are also contributors, and so is psychological anxiety and stress.

These factors can also affect the abilities of the artery in various ways, including its elasticity and ability to constrict or widen along with the blood volume. Because of the fact that the female hormone estrogen has some beneficial effects on the heart, men seem to be at a higher risk for various heart diseases at least while they are young when compared to women. This difference levels out in middle age, and women are just as vulnerable to heart disease as men especially after menopause.

Supplements and herbs

The supplements suggested here are not meant to combat risk factors such as high cholesterol levels in the blood of the individual, instead the emphasis or the approach to treatment should be a healthy living, a healthy lifestyle along with plenty of regular and daily exercises is the best way to beat or prevent the occurrence of heart disease, this cannot be overemphasized.

The supplements here are also however, intended for individuals already suffering from some sort of heart disease or cardiac ailments. Most of these supplements are natural and safe for use along with the prescription medications, the exceptions are the use of vitamin E and the fish oils, and these substances may interfere and interact with drugs like the anticoagulants and hinder treatment in the process.

Free radicals are wayward and unstable oxygenated molecules produced by most metabolic processes in the human body, they interfere with cellular processes and cause many disorders in the body, the first batch of supplements recommended therefore are a combination of four antioxidants, which are substances that inactivate free radicals. Combine and consume all of them together for maximum benefit, as each one of them performs a different set of functions.

Through its oxidation of LDL or bad plaque causing cholesterol, vitamin E prevents the first stage of a possible clogged artery by preventing the deposition of any plaque on the inner walls of the artery. The elasticity of the arteries is maintained through the actions of the vitamin C, which in addition aids in the recycling of vitamin E within the body.

It is advisable to use a mixed or combined carotenoid supplement, the carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lycopene believed to have protective functions against the possibility of heart disease, it is therefore best to take them in combination for optimal effect. Another great antioxidant is that found in the extracts of the seeds of grape, this substance called procyanidolic oligomers (PCOs), is believed to be a much more powerful antioxidant than the vitamins C and E, these PCO's are flavonoids-natural and healthy plant based substances.

The risk of heart disease also increases if the body accumulates too much homocysteine, which is an amino acid by-product of metabolism in the body, the antioxidants mentioned above can bring down the levels of this substance in the body, another good way to lower the levels of homocysteine is through the use of the folic acid a member of the B complex group of vitamins.

Additionally the levels of homocysteine in the body can be lowered through the use of the vitamins B12 and the B6 pyridoxine, arterial pliability and elasticity is also possibly encouraged by the vitamin B6 as an additional and desirable property. The levels of the triglycerides in the blood, which are fatty compounds similar to cholesterol are kept in check through the actions of omega-3 fatty acids found in such sources and supplements as the fish oils and the oil of the flaxseed.

Cardiac rhythm is stabilized by the actions of the mineral magnesium, which can be combined in tablet form as an additional supplement along with the other substances.

Additional things you may do

Dietary considerations are very important in effectively combating heart disease or in reducing its likelihood of occurrence. Diet should preferably be very low in fat and particularly in the saturated fats. Fruits and green leafy vegetables are a necessity in the diet and make sure that you get at least five to ten servings of these food items daily or on a regular basis for optimum benefits, raw fruits and raw vegetables abound in antioxidants and are important to health.

To bring down and control the levels of cholesterol in the body, make sure that you consume at abundant quantities of food items containing a lot of soluble fiber these include grains such as oats, citrus fruits and beans. To provide the beneficial omega fatty acids, include seafood and fish like salmon, tuna or sardines, including other fishes at least once a week in the diet. Its very important to regularly exercise or perform physical activity for at least half an hour each day for a healthy life, this is especially true regarding heart disease.

Please give up smoking as it is unhealthy and a risk factor in the occurrence of heart disease. The activity of smoking causes irreparable damage to the lungs and the heart and affects health.

Usual dosage

Vitamin B6, 50 mg daily.

Folic acid / Vitamin B12, 400 mcg folic acid and 1,000 mcg vitamin B12 daily.

Vitamin C, 1,000 mg thrice daily. If diarrhea develops reduce dose.

Vitamin E, 400 IU daily. If you take anticoagulant medications, check with the doctor.

Magnesium, 400 mg daily. If you have kidney disease, don't take it.

Flaxseed oil, 1 tbsp (14 gr) daily, in the morning.

Grape seed extract, 100 mg two times daily.

Carotenoids, 1 pill mixed carotenoids two times daily with meal. (Should contain 25,000 IU (vitamin A).

Fish oils, 1,000 mg thrice daily.


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