
The enlargement of the veins in the anus or rectal region-varicose veins-causes the disorder known as hemorrhoids, more commonly known as piles. The veins comprise the main channels of the venous system, these blood vessels are the conduits responsible for the return deoxygenated blood towards the heart, in some cases and in old age laws of gravity can induce a slowing down of this transportation process along the lower half of the body.

This situation leads to a state where a lot of the blood pools in the veins, the accumulated blood now begins stretching and weakening the veins due to the pressure. The most vulnerable veins are the ones that lie in the rectum and the anal region of the individual.

Unlike the other veins in the body, these veins do not possess the valves that act in the prevention of the backward flow of blood and they also lie in the lower part of the body-these two factors contribute to the chances of varicosity developing in these vessels. On the other hand, varicose veins as a condition, affect the legs the most. Here, the faulty functioning and weakened valves in the legs contribute to the development of varicose veins.

Piles or hemorrhoids can be classified into two distinct types or conditions. Internal piles are those that develop in the inner area of the rectum-they lie inside the body, since there are no nervous pain sensors in this region, these piles do not cause a great deal of discomfort. However, they can sometimes bring about bleeding during and following the movement of the bowels movement-besides the bleeding, there are almost no symptoms.

The piles that occur around the anal opening are known as external hemorrhoids. These external piles are very fragile and can cause a great deal of discomfort and pain to the patient as they bleed very easily especially following the movement of the bowels. This is very evident especially when the area is wiped using toilet tissue papers.

The primary cause of bleeding during hemorrhoids is excessive straining during bowel movement, the veins in the anus and the rectum are under pressure when the person strains excessively and this results ruptures along the vein. The final result is mild to excessive bleeding from the vein.

The veins in the region are also weakened if the person is overweight and pregnant women also tend to have weakened veins, because of the excess weight they carry in the form of the baby and the fattening they undergo during the pregnancy. The direct causation of hemorrhoids attributed by some to the development of constipation is still a disputed point among experts, at the same time it is general experience that constipated individuals often strain excessively in order to defecate-the presence of this problem, at the very least seems to make hemorrhoids worse or more uncomfortable to undergo.

The likelihood of hemorrhoids is also increased by frequent bouts of diarrhea-this fact has been suggested by studies done on individuals with piles who were also affected by diarrhea at the same time.

The development of hemorrhoids can also be attributed to some lifestyles, for example, long periods spent standing or in a seated position may possibly lead to the eventual development of hemorrhoids in the individual. Hemorrhoids are much more common in older individuals, this is not surprising as most of the muscles which aid in the propulsion of blood through the venous system lose their tone as a person ages. Hereditary factors also play a role in the development of hemorrhoids as the disorder is known to run in families and the likelihood of an individual developing the problem increases if his or her parents were affected by the condition.

Supplements and herbs

The following herbs and nutrient supplements must be used in combination with a change in life style, the intake of a high-fiber diet and the initiation of a regular exercise regimen over a long period of time. Stool is easier to pass when there is a lot of fiber in the diet, this nutrient substance bulks up and softens the stool-the passage of stool is much easier when this is done. Regular bowel movements are ensured when the person undertakes a good exercise regimen, such physical activity helps in toning the muscles surrounding the veins and the chances of piles recurring is reduced.

Veins will be strengthened and irritation minimized by the use of these herbs and essential vitamin supplements, the results induced may not be similar to the results obtainable by the use of other over the counter topical ointments. Enlarged veins can be toned up and shrunken down by using a combination of supplements such as the vitamin C, the plant based natural substances called flavonoids, and the herb remedies made from the butcher's broom herb.

The healing of wounds is also increased and regulated by supplements of the essential mineral zinc taken over a long period of time. As the zinc present in the body can interfere with the absorption of mineral copper, supplements of the essential mineral copper must also be taken when long-term use of zinc is undertaken by the individual. Extra plant based fiber can be sourced from herbal supplements of the herbs psyllium or flaxseeds-these must be taken on a regular basis to provide sufficient fiber to the affected individual.

The passage of stool is eased and affected by both these herbal sources of dietary fiber. Following the movement of the bowels, and when the hemorrhoids cause a lot of painful sensations, an herbal topical ointment containing the herb St. John's wort as a main ingredient must be applied to the anal region several times a day-this herbal ointment will aid in bringing about relief from the pain and lead to a better recovery from the ruptured veins. Swollen tissues in the anal region can also be shrunken down and reduced in size by the continuous application of this herbal ointment.


Commonly used essential oils for hemorrhoids:


All the homeopathic remedies given below can be used at 6 to 30th strength; each must be taken once to thrice every day of the treatment period. Topical treatments such as hot sitz baths infused with the Epsom salts or the herbal infusions of the Witch Hazel can also aid in treating hemorrhoids. The walls of the blood vessels can be effectively strengthened using the plant based natural supplements known as the bioflavonoids-these must be taken on a regular basis to induce the rapid healing in the anal region of the affected individual.


Aloe is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by hemorrhoids who suffer from symptoms such as the presence of a tearing sensation in the tissues of rectum; these piles can arise as a result of a weak sphincter muscle in the rectal region. The torn tissues in the anus are also responsible for such hemorrhoids.

Symptoms include the passage of mucus and the presence of tremendous pain following the passage of stool. Such hemorrhoids tend to protrude outward from the anal region and resemble grapes in appearance. Physical symptoms also include the presence of a persistent burning sensation in the anal region.

The patient also suffers from additional soreness and tenderness in the anal region. Symptoms such as a heavy dragging sensation in the stomach and constantly rumbling bowels are also experienced by most patients. The condition of the patient tends to worsen early in the morning after midnight. The condition of the patient often improves when he or she takes a cold bath using very cold water. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Aloe as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the hemorrhoids.


Aesculus is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by hemorrhoids in which the symptoms can be the presence of a persistent pain in the anal region, this sensation feel like some sharp splinters or a bur is stuck permanently in the rectum. Physical symptoms experienced by the patient also include the presence of a hot, raw and persistent soreness in the anal region.

The symptoms also include a constricted feeling in the anal region; this feeling is like a knife is being moved up and down the anal opening. Symptoms also include persistent pain, a feeling of fullness in the abdominal region following the passage of stools. The person is also affected by persistent crawling and constant itching sensations in the rectal region.

The patient also suffers from a constant burning sensation in the anus and is affected by the passage of chills up and down the back of the body. There is also a persistent painful sensation in the lower back, along with a pain in the sacrum. The remedy is also to be used by those who suffer from a purple looking, and protruding hemorrhoids. The patient also complains of constant constipation along with the production of many large, dry, and extremely hard stools throughout the day.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when the person is standing for long periods of time; the symptoms also worsen on walking, and in the winter season. The sensations of pain begin to mellow after the person bleeds and when some warm ointment or compress is applied to the anal region. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Aesculus as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the affected individual.


Hamamelis is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by hemorrhoids in which the symptoms can include the presence of a bluish, and pulsating, outwardly protruding hemorrhoids along the anal region. The physical symptoms include the presence of a bruised soreness in the rectum, along with some feeling of constriction in the rectum.

Physical symptoms also include the profuse bleeding from the anal region following excretion, there is a lot of dark and clotted blood passed along with the stools, and this is usually followed by a period of physical weakness and fatigue. Even when the hemorrhoids are treated, it can easily result in a prolapsed state if the person suffers from fullness in the abdomen or becomes over weight.

The symptoms also include the presence of a persistent pain radiating from the anal region towards the back of the body. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when under a term of pregnancy, or when he or she is touched. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Hamamelis as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the hemorrhoids.

Nux vomica

Nux vomica is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by hemorrhoids in which the symptoms can include extremely sensitive and inflamed piles along the anal region. Physical symptoms also include the presence of a persistent burning and stitching pain along the rectum. Symptoms also include the passage of very bright red blood along with the stool.

This form of hemorrhoids can result from the excessive use of beverages such as coffee, the use of alcohol and certain kinds of drugs. The psychological symptoms include extreme irritability and critical behavior from the affected individual. The condition usually affected those with a very sedentary lifestyle.

The hemorrhoids almost always come along with extreme and chronic constipation, these is very little effect when the person strains and only bleeding may ensue. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen during the nighttime, and when under a term of pregnancy. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Nux vomica as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the individual.


Paeonia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by hemorrhoids that come along with a burning sensation in the anus; these piles cause persistent itching sensations in the anal region. Physical symptoms also include the presence of an extreme burning sensation following the passage of stools; the person is usually affected by chills in the inner region of the rectum at the same time.

Physical symptoms also include the presence of excruciating pain following the passage of stool. The patient is also affected by anal fissures, all kinds of ulcerations and fistulas in the rectal opening. There is also an oozing of offensive moisture from the anal orifice. There could be development of crusts following the bleeding.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when he or she touches the anal region especially after the anal region has been wiped clean, the symptoms also worsen in the night, and discomfort to the patient increase even on the slightest movement or motion. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Peony as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the individual affected by hemorrhoids.


Sulphur is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals with chronic types of hemorrhoids. Physical symptoms include the presence of severe burning, itching or stitching pain in the anal region. The anus may ooze out a lot of smelling moisture along with the blood. Recurring attacks and prolapsed situations are common.

Symptoms also include the presence of a swollen and red anus due to inflammation. Physical symptoms also include the presence of frequent desires for excretion; this is ineffective even when the person strains very hard. The condition is usually accompanied by attacks of diarrhea early in the morning.

The condition of the patient tends to worsen when he or she stands for long periods of time, it also worsens in the early morning after midnight, it tends to worsen at night, the condition also worsens when the person consumes beer, the presence of heat worsens the symptoms, the person hates being touched and it worsens the symptoms, women in menopause also tend to experience a worsening of the symptoms.

In general, the symptoms are aggravated following the passage of stool. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Sulphur in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by hemorrhoids.

Additional things you may do

You must strive to increase the amount of dietary fiber in your diet. Try to include a lot of different fruits and vegetables in your diet, the diet must also include different varieties of grains, prune juice and all kinds of legumes. It is very important to drink as much water as possible and the ideal intake of water is to drink at least eight glasses of water each day.

Hemorrhoids often come along with constipation, drinking a lot of water prevents the hardening of stools and precludes constipation. Whenever moving the bowels, avoid straining and try to breathe normally, this rate of respiration must also be maintained when you are lifting weights or other heavy objects especially when you undertake such strenuous physical activity on a regular basis.

The pressure in the abdominal region is also increased if you spend long periods of time holding your breath. Avoid eating too much meat in your normal diet as this increases the likelihood of an attack and all spicy foods must be reduced in the diet as such foods are triggers for an attack of piles.

Usual dosage

Butcher's broom, 150 mg thrice daily.

Flaxseeds, one tbsp. of ground flaxseeds in large glass of water every day. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily.

Psyllium, one tbsp. of psyllium powder dissolved in juice or water daily. Drink extra water throughout the day.

St. John's wort ointment, apply ointment of St. John's wort herb three to four times daily, when needed. This herbal ointment is very beneficial when used after a bowel movement.

Zinc / Copper, 30 mg zinc with 2 mg copper daily. When you use zinc longer than four weeks, add copper.

Flavonoids / Vitamin C, 500 mg flavonoids and 1,000 mg vitamin C thrice daily.

Hemorrhoid pads

This home made remedy works just as good as brand name products. You will need:

Find a jar with a tight fitting lid, within which you combine the aloe vera gel, essential oils, and witch hazel. Soak up the liquid into cotton cosmetic pads and refrigerate them for a minimum of one hour.
When you feel burning, or after bowel movements, take a pad and apply it to the affected area. Keep refrigerated for several days.

Other beneficial herbs


From Jon
Cayenne and related plants (because of Capsaicin) can be used topically to relieve pain and itching while acting anti-inflammatory. However it's only useful if you don't mind/dose the pain correctly. In high doses, in some people it can cause blisters and hemorrhoids though. It can also be taken internally to relieve itching all over the body. Only use homogeneous Capsaicin and not whole plant/seeds.
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