Both men and women achieved significant reduction in the levels of serum triglycerides during a double-blind study that utilized a supplement constituted of 5 g of creatine taken along with 1g of glucose four times every day for 5 days which was supplemented with twice daily for fifty one days - both groups of patients showed lowered levels of serum triglycerides in the blood. These same results could not be achieved by athletes who were administered creatine through a 3 months strength training program as part of a double blind trial.
However it should be noted here that in the second test showing unfavorable results the use of creatine supplementation on the athletes was lesser - it was only five grams of total supplement per day per person at least during the last eleven weeks of the trial and may not necessarily reflect the real effectiveness of the compound in relieving triglyceride levels within the body.
Ayurvedic medication systems from India have traditionally used guggul, which is actually a mix of ketonic steroids extracted from the gum oleoresin of the commiphora mukul, this substance has been the traditional and age old approved treatment for hyperlipidemia in Ayurveda, and in India, atherosclerosis and related conditions have been traditionally treated using this ayurvedic herbal approach.
The treatment of high triglyceride levels in the body have been shown to be effective using guggul as an herbal medication, this is borne out by the fact that the level of serum triglycerides fell by 30.3% during one particular trial.
Prolonged and controlled trials done on an extensive basis still have to confirm these findings and the effectiveness of the substance in lowering triglyceride levels if any. The amount of guggul sterones in the extract used during the supplementation will decide the dosage level recommended for daily intake in the treatment of the disorder.
A dosage level of 25 mg per day is the typical recommended amount of the guggul-sterones during the treatment of the individual with a high triglyceride level within the bloodstream. About 5-10% of guggul-sterones per supplement is the normal dosage in the extracts used during supplementation. To lower the level of triglycerides, prolonged used of guggul may be undertaken, though it is important to monitor the effect of guggul on the TGs for a period lasting from 3 to 4 months at a time.
Garlic is another supplement that can help in the reduction of triglycerides in the blood and many of the reports from a variety of clinical trials utilizing the garlic up to about 1998 suggest an average of 8-27% reduction in triglyceride levels and a further reduction in the cholesterol by 9-12% over a supplemental period lasting from a month to a 4-month period per individual.
The supplemental level of garlic during these trials was about 600-900 mg of garlic per day; this garlic supplement was standardized to stabilize the content of alliin and the allicin potential in the garlic. However, the potential of garlic to lower cholesterol and triglyceride has been shown to have a minimal effect during 3 double-blind clinical studies undertaken on a group of patients having extremely low levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.
Some of these clinical trials that showed negative results used the same standardized garlic supplements as the ones used in the trials showing a positive result but one particular trial used steam distilled garlic "oil" which has no proven effectiveness against these conditions. Therefore as far as lowering the elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body is concerned and partially based on these secondary findings the utilization of garlic as a supplement shouldn't be the primary approach during any treatment regimen.
The usual supplementation of garlic is done though the administration of an odor controlled and enteric-coated garlic tablet, which are pre-standardized for their allicin content, the dosage amounts are typically 900 mg taken on a daily basis - this will provide approximately 5,000 to 6,000 mcg of allicin and can be divided into 2 or 3 different portions every day of the treatment regimen.
Traditional Persian medication also uses an herb called the Achilla wilhelmsii, this herb was used during a double-blind study, on people affected by a moderately high triglyceride level, and the trial used the supplemental form of the Achillea wilhelmsii tincture on the participants during the trial.
The trail lasted a period of six months in total during which the participants were administered 15-20 tincture drops two times each day for the six months it took to complete the study. Those participants who were administered the actual herb showed significant reduction in the levels of triglycerides in the blood compared to the controlled subjects on a placebo by the time the trial ended. The use of this herb as a supplement produced no adverse effects and side effects were not observed.
People with elevated levels of triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL) can also be carried out through supplementation with the herb known as the fenugreek, this reduction in the levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol was achieved in individuals with high lipid levels during preliminary trials where bread made using 50 grams of fat free powder of fenugreek was consumed two times every day by the test subjects as a supplement. In diabetics and other individuals with elevated levels of different lipids half the amount of fenugreek was sufficient to bring about a reduction in the levels of lipids and cholesterol including triglycerides.
The regular and daily utilization of fenugreek seeds during a small and randomized trial established similar results, this trial utilized 100 g of fenugreek seeds as a single dose during the study. In addition to these results, high or elevated triglyceride levels were reduced over a 20 day period during a one clinical study where 25 grams to 50 grams of fat free powder of fenugreek seed per day was utilized as supplement.
Fenugreek utilization has its downside, in that symptoms during the first days of initial use of the powder can bring about problems such as mild diarrhea and will lead to the production of gas, in general these symptoms tend to disappear as the patient slowly adapts to the fenugreek powder.
During some clinical trails the husks and seeds of the psyllium have been shown to possess a modest ability to decrease the blood triglyceride levels in some affected individuals, similar results were not obtainable in all other studies and results may differ from one individual to the other.
Because most of the studies that have been conducted related to the use of psyllium are to probe the possibility of reducing the levels of cholesterol, a lot of further research will become necessary to completely check and assess the effect of psyllium in the reduction of triglyceride levels in affected individuals.
The levels of triglycerides in the blood is not effected by the consumption of 3 cups or less of green tea on a daily basis, by individuals affected with high cholesterol or triglyceride levels within the body. However, the anecdotal evidence is supported by the fact that triglyceride levels did show a significant reduction in the blood of affected individuals who consumed 4 or more cups a day as a treatment for elevated blood triglycerides.
A lot of research still has to be undertaken to support any evidence or relationship between lowered triglyceride levels and the consumption of green tea by such patients.
Elevated triglyceride levels can also be lowered through the consumption of red yeast rice extracts which are rich in compounds known as monacolins and while these are primarily used to lower high serum cholesterol levels - enough evidence exist to support their role in reducing triglyceride levels.
This evidence was deduced during a study where individuals were administered 1.2 g-nearly equivalent to 13.5 milligram total monacolins - in the form of a red yeast rice extract concentrate, the dosages were given one time every day during the whole of the two months during which the trial was conducted. Because of alleged patent infringement claimed in a lawsuit, currently the sale of the substance known as cholestin has been prohibited in the U.S.
While this red yeast rice extract is not available, alternate red yeast rice products with a dissimilar chemical constitution to that of cholestin are currently available in the US domestic market. While most of these are a very poor substitute for cholestin, because of the fact that none of them contains the full complement of ten monacolin compounds, there exist added risks in such products, as some of them contain a potentially poisonous fermentation product which is called citrinin as a constituent.
Therefore, the use of cholestin is to be preferred and the use of red yeast rice extracts other than cholestin must not be undertaken till such times as thorough research has been done on their composition and effects if any.
In addition to other supplements, the levels of all fats and lipids in the blood can be reduced through the consumption of maitake mushrooms, so some animal studies seem to suggest. Because this research has not been carried out on human subjects and is at a preliminary stage, it is largely inconclusive and positive results if any from the consumption of maitake mushrooms by human remain open to conjecture.
Triglyceride levels in the body can be effectively lowered through regular and daily exercise and most physical exertion is very beneficial in the thorough treatment of elevated cholesterol or triglyceride problems. The supervision of a medical practitioner is necessary before an exercise regimen is entered upon by individuals who have conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, and advice from a doctor must be sought by all individuals over forty years of age.
While it is sensible for all smokers to quit smoking, it is also beneficial in that elevated levels of triglycerides in the body have been linked to activities like smoking. Quitting smoking is also beneficial to overall health in general and immediately reduces the chances of other debilitating conditions occurring in an individual.
Additional protection can also be obtained from the negative effects of an elevated triglyceride levels in the bloodstream by maintaining one's ideal body weight and staying fit. Because of the fact that losing extra weight immediately lowers triglyceride levels in the body, the majority of doctors encourage their patients to do so as a part of treatment. Losing weight is one of the most effective and immediate steps that can be carried out to rid one of elevated triglyceride levels.