
While the joints in the knees are the most common place for an injury to occur, almost any joint can crack and be injured due to a variety of factors. The vulnerability of the joints in the jaw is also very high; this causes what is known called tempero-mandibular jaw syndrome in affected individuals. While in most cases, only an uncomfortable sensation may be apparent, the majority of cracking joints are not terribly painful.

Cold Sore Oil

Cold Sore Oil

This 100% natural oil reduces the healing period of cold sores by at least 50 percent.

An improper dietary regimen leading to an imbalance affecting the connective tissue is responsible for the majority of cracking joints in the human body. Damaged or impaired connective tissue functioning will severely affect joints as these tissues along with the muscles are what hold up a joint in its correct position-thus joint disorders are almost inevitably linked to connective tissue disorders.

Occurring mostly in the cartilaginous parts of the tissues, the compound glucosamine is a nutrient found and synthesized naturally in the body. It is a chemical compound manufactured by a combination of the nutrient glucose and another chemical compound called an amine-which is a derivative of ammonia rich in nitrogen and hydrogen atoms.

The problem is that as the human body ages, the cartilage loses the compound glucosamine at an increased rate, this loss will lead to the thinning out of the cartilage and thus the joint gradually becomes painful-it also becomes stiff and swollen as a result. Some other factor may be responsible for the presence of a continuous spate of cracking in the same bones-such as the development of a misalignment in the joints, itself brought on by stiffness in the muscles and arising perhaps from an under use or an overuse of certain muscle groups.

This can also occur because of injuries related to sports or it can come about due to bad posture over a long period of time. In the long run, the misuse of any joint in the body can lead to disorders like arthritis, which is serious and irreversible. When the immune systems resistance and physical conditioning of the body is low, the occurrence of any extreme weather conditions can also affect the joints in a person's body.

Skin Revitalizer

Skin Revitalizer

An advanced, 100% natural revitalizer that will keep your skin glowing and looking young.

Supplements and herbs

The healing process within the body will be supported by the use of these supplements. Further injury and physical stress can be avoided by the supplemental use of the vitamin C, which improves the lubricating effects of the fluids present in the joints. Use supplemental vitamin E and the coenzyme Q10 on a daily basis to prevent knee cracking because of tightness.

Tissue repair and circulation can also be promoted by the use of the vitamin E which is an excellent antioxidant. The levels of the vitamin-like substance coenzyme Q10 declines with age, though it naturally exists and is synthesized within human tissues. The supplemental dose of this compound also supports the immune system and is an excellent supplement for use to promote health in the joints.

Treat long term chronic cases through supplement forms of the glucosamine sulfates and chondroitin sulfates, these two compounds act as anti-inflammatory agents and are excellent painkillers-they are best used in the treatment of severe cases that persist over a long period of time.

Elma HA Serum

Elma HA Serum

100% natural anti-aging serum great for masking wrinkles and rejuvenating skin.

They produce no side effects within the body and used in combination with other factors such as an improved diet and the use of vitamins, they can help in the restoration of damaged cartilage and also help in regulating the many enzymes responsible for the destruction of cartilage. After being on a regimen of glucosamine for six weeks-the majority of patients experience relief from all symptoms of cracking joints.

The following herbal remedies and herbs can be used in the treatment of joint disorders.

Take the horsetail herb in a juice form using a tbsp. of herbal juice everyday to revitalize connective tissue, if preferred 3 cups of herbal tea or some 15 drops of horsetail tincture mixed in water can also be used-the dosage must be for a total of two weeks, with a two-week break in between. If you find the symptoms still persist, then repeat as needed.

Take 2-3 capsules thrice daily if you prefer to use an aqueous horsetail extract. The immune system benefits from the herbal remedies made using the cat's claw; its natural anti-inflammatory properties have been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis successfully in many affected individuals.

Diaper Rash Ointment

Diaper Rash Ointment

This 100% natural ointment is designed to treat and prevent diaper rash.


Commonly used essential oils for joints:

Additional things you may do

Cracking joints result if the physical fitness levels decline, for this reason though daily stretching and warm up exercises is suggested for overall fitness in everyone-it is further stressed for those affected by any joint which cracks within the body. A high fitness level will lead to the boosting of the circulatory system and it will also ensure that the joint is well supplied with all the essential nutrients needed during tissue recovery and for the purposes of a proper cellular repair mechanism.

Problems like an underlying food allergy, or some deficiency in the digestive enzyme and the presence of absorption problems must be considered as likely causes if the cracking in the joints persists.

Usual dosage

Vitamin E, 400 IU.

Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, 1,000 mg thrice a day.

Glucosamine, 500 mg 3 times a day for a period of 4 months.

Coenzyme Q10, 400 mg.

Other beneficial herbs


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