Laryngitis ( Hoarseness )

An inflammation in the voice box or larynx causes hoarseness in the voice and in some cases the complete loss of the voice-as the larynx is the organ affected, the condition is known as laryngitis. Commonly occurring with other upper respiratory tract infections, the condition known as laryngitis has symptoms such as soreness and scratchiness in the throat of the affected individual, and affected patients usually also develop signs of a fever.

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A dry and barking type of cough typically accompanies the sounds produced in the throats of people with laryngitis. Several days may pass before full vocal recovery is restored in individuals who have entirely lost their voice. The condition known as croup is probably involved if the cough and hoarseness brings about any difficulty in breathing.

The condition known as croup is especially common in many children; the more severe forms of this disorder can be alarming to a parent as an affected child gasps for air in a desperate manner.

Breathing normally is rendered more difficult by the persistent presence of anxiety and fear in the child. Individuals affected by vocal hoarseness that does not disappear within a week must seek professional help, this is suggested as the presence of a tumor or an enlargement of the thyroid gland can bring about similar symptoms.

Infections of the throat or the sinuses are often followed by cases of the acute form of laryngitis-which itself is brought on by the usual causative organisms and factors as the common cold and pathogens like the bacteria and many types of viruses.

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Recurring hoarseness and chronic cases of laryngitis can also be caused by the overuse of the voice, as stressing out the vocal chords creates a predisposition for developing laryngitis.

It is important not to strain the vocal chords repeatedly by speaking or shouting for long periods of time, great stress is also placed on the vocal chords if a person yells excessively, or if an individual takes part in long sessions of singing or lecturing. The larynx is also predisposed to many types of infections by smoking heavily, similar effects can be induced by inhaling other irritating toxins-inhaling polluted air and cigarette smoke are important factors in the development of laryngitis.

The cause of hoarseness in the voice can sometimes be due to anxiety and other psychological factors. Cases of laryngitis have also known to have occurred as result or as a form of hangover symptom, caused by the consumption of high amounts of drinks containing alcohol.

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Supplements and herbs

The use of supplemental zinc lozenges can alleviate the symptoms of a sore throat and this compound will help support and mobilize an effective immune system response to pathogens in the throat. Viruses and bacteria that have invaded the throat can also be dealt with using throat sprays which contain the seed extracts of the grapefruit-this herbal extract will help eliminate all pathogens accumulating in the throat.

The antibiotic properties of the grapefruits must be used effectively and this herbal extract is also available in the form of a liquid herbal extract or if preferred it can also be taken in the form of herbal tablets.

Immune system functioning can be boosted and restored through the use of high doses of the vitamin C, similar in dosage strengths to those used during the treatment of other infections, this vitamin must be taken to doses that the bowel can tolerate at any one time without adverse symptoms.

The effectiveness of the vitamin C supplements can be enhanced by the use of plant based natural substances called the bioflavonoids, indeed, these two substances must be taken together by the patient for optimal treatment from the illness, and both of these substances also ensure that the immune system functions properly. To soothe and heal the irritated mucus membranes and to support the action of the immune system, supplements of the vitamin A are also strongly recommended for all patients suffering from laryngitis.

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Since antibiotics are used during the treatment period, there is a loss of intestinal friendly bacteria, this loss can be replaced by supplements of the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacterium as the normal intestinal bacteria complement is vital to maintain health in the body. This particular supplement will help prevent the onset of further illness, and such supplements of these friendly bacteria must be taken when taking any antibiotics to treat throat problems.

While the Lactobacillus acidophilus occurs naturally in all natural brands of yogurt, the capsule forms are stronger and more effective and should preferably be used during the treatment of laryngitis. As a preventative measure, all of the supplements given here can be used at lower dosages on a regular basis by all patients with laryngitis.

The following herbs and herbal combinations can help in the purification of the blood, they will fight back infection from different pathogens and they will also help in bringing some alleviation from different forms of allergies induced by the laryngitis in the affected individual.

For the elimination of all the infective germs and the pathogens in the body, regularly gargle using an herbal sage tea once every hour or if this is not possible at least thrice every day. An effective herbal alternative that can be used in the herbal gargle water is the common garlic. The odorless garlic capsules may be preferred by some individuals; these capsules have the same potency of raw garlic and can be used by those who cannot deal with the smell of raw garlic.

Dosage of this herb can be three garlic capsules taken every day at regular intervals. The antiseptic actions of the tea tree oil can also be utilized in the treatment of a throat problem. Gargle using warm water to which five drops of the tea tree oil has been added for maximum relief from the symptoms of a throat infection.

Use different herbs as infusions in gargling water some herbs that can be used include a tbsp. each of the tincture of the lemon balm along with some brandy. To treat coughs and persistent hoarseness in the throat drink herbal teas made from a combination of herbs to which some non-pasteurized honey has been added, these herbs include some Echinacea herbal extract, the ginger, the garlic, the sage, the goldenseal, the licorice and the slippery elm in equal measures.

To disinfect and soothe the throat as well as to heal and soothe the inflammation resulting from laryngitis, steam inhalations of the wild thyme, the sage, the lavender or some oak bark can be employed. Steam inhalations of the oak bark are particularly effective, the bark has antiseptic properties, it also has a natural anti-inflammatory ability, it functions as a pain-relieving analgesic and its astringent properties are also very potent. Respiratory organs are disinfected by steam inhalations made from the wild thyme.

If there is a fever present in the patient, a drop of sweat inducing oils of the eucalyptus or the peppermint can be added to bring about perspiration and relief from the fever.


Commonly used essential oils for laryngitis:


The following homeopathic remedies can be used in hourly dosages at 6c,12c or 30c potencies, the initial strength of the dose can be progressively reduced as the intensity of the symptoms decrease. Depending on the physical response given by the patient, during treatment of chronic laryngitis cases, a single dose daily will be sufficient for several days or weeks at a time to bring relief from the many symptoms.

Sometimes immediate improvement may be noticed after taking just a single dose of a homeopathic remedy, before you take another dose wait and see how long the effects from the initial dose lasts. The response of different people to the any given homeopathic remedy is likely to be different from how everyone else responds to the same remedy - for this reason, all treatments must be carried out on individual basis.


Aconite is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients suffering from a sudden onset of hoarseness in the voice and other problems related to laryngitis. There is a husky, crowing or squeaky quality to the voice of the affected person. This type of loss of voice comes about due to sudden fright, because of sudden shock, and after being chilled by dry and cold winds out of doors.

Physical symptoms include the presence of a persistent fever and the development of a hollow, croupy cough along with the drying of the windpipe. Symptoms experienced by the affected individual can also include dryness and a sensation of burning heat in the throat. The psychological symptoms can include persistent restlessness and a fearful emotional state at all times.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen during the nighttime, the condition can also be aggravated by touching, and the person feels worse when breathing in, exposure to cold air and talking can also aggravate the symptoms. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Aconitum as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the laryngitis.

Argentum nitricum

Argentum nitricum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients afflicted by a chronic hoarseness in the voice, this remedy can also be used in the treatment of patients with a loss of voice, and the remedy also treats the form of laryngitis experienced by many singers. The condition causes a cough whenever the person sings in a high note.

Physical symptoms which are apparent include soreness in the larynx and along the pit of the throat. The individuals airways in the throat have a coating of very thick mucus. When the person is swallowing there is a sensation of some splinter stuck in the larynx and the windpipes. The physical symptoms experienced by the patient also include a sensation of hair like tickling along the inner throat.

Physical symptoms also include the presence of choking sensations, as if some food has lodged itself in the upper throat after a meal. Psychological symptoms include helplessness and a feeling of being numb and paralyzed. Physical symptoms like a burning or drying sensation in the throat is also present at most times of the day and night.

The condition of the patient can worsen after midnight, the condition of the patient is also aggravated by fear and anticipation of events, and anxiety can worsen the symptoms, the consumption of sugar, staying in a warm room can all worsen the condition of the patient. The condition of the patient improves when he or she stays out of doors exposed to the cool air. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Argentum nitricum as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the laryngitis.


Causticum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients afflicted by a case of chronic laryngitis and other related throat problems. Physical symptoms include the presence of a soreness and rawness in the throat, the throat may also have a burning and dry sensation most of the time. Further physical symptoms in the patient include a tenderness in the larynx and all along the throat.

Physical symptoms felt by the patient include a hoarse, hollow, husky and cracking voice. The person may also have a very weak voice, and this could be because of paralysis setting in on the vocal chords. Physical symptoms also include the accumulation of mucus in the throat, this collected mucus may be very hard to expel and the patient may be hawking or choking at most times, the affected individual will also complain of a sense of being constricted slowly around the throat.

The patient may feel a lot of pressure in the area of the larynx when blowing the nose or when exhaling with force. The symptoms may also include a sensation of some foreign body stuck in the throat.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when exposed to dry and cold weather, when the person inspires he or she may feel a lot of discomfort, symptoms also worsen with a lot of coughing after midnight which disturbs sleep, the condition of the patient is also aggravated when he or she is speaking, or when he or she strains the voice. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Causticum as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the laryngitis.

Kali bich.

Kali bich. is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients with laryngitis accompanied by a chronic hoarseness of voice, the remedy can also be used to deal with individuals who have experienced a total loss of voice, and the remedy can also be used to treat hoarseness in the voice which tends to worsen towards the evening.

Physical symptoms commonly experienced by the patient include a tickling and persistent sensation in the throat, this causes the patient to hawk and cough a lot, and the patient may also need to clear the throat a lot of times. Physical symptoms may also include the presence of a dry and constricting sensation in the throat.

Symptoms include soreness and rawness in the larynx, and the persistent burning sensation radiates from the throat up into the nostrils causing a lot of discomfort to the affected person. A persistent and rattling cough is also often seen in most patients. The patient also suffers from the accumulation of a tough, and stringy type of mucus that is very hard to expel from the nose.

Symptoms may resemble the condition known as the croup. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when the person is out in cold and damp conditions, sudden changes in the weather can also aggravate the condition, the condition of the patient is also worsened by excessive use of the voice, such as speaking or laughing for too long, and a persistent coughing after midnight worsens the symptoms disturbing sleep.

The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Kali bich. as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the laryngitis.


Phosphorus is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients who have a persistent hoarseness in the voice, patients afflicted with a sudden loss of voice can also be treated using this homeopathic remedy. Physical symptoms evident in the patient include the presence of a sore and raw sensation, along with a burning sensation in the larynx which causes a tickling cough to appear.

The trachea is also affected by too much talking, which will cause the appearance of a sudden intense stitching pain in the tracheal region. The patient may complain of a feeling of being constricted in the region around the neck. Symptoms also include the giving off of thick mucus as an expectorate. Sharp pains in the throat can also come about because of associated conditions of cough or croup accompanying the throat problem.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when any cold air enters the throat, too much talking and laughter can also aggravate the condition of the patient, the patient hates being touched, and the condition worsens steadily after midnight and is at its worst in the evenings. Symptoms are also aggravated by eating warm things and lying on the left side of the body for prolonged periods of time, the condition of the patient is also worsened by sudden changes in the weather.

The condition of the patient can greatly improve when eating cold food items. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Phosphorus as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the laryngitis.

Spongia tosta

Spongia tosta is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients afflicted by acute and chronic laryngitis and other related throat conditions. Physical symptoms apparent in the patient can include a persistent hoarseness in the voice, along with a sore and burning sensation in the larynx.

There is also a persistent tickling sensation present in the larynx and along the throat. There is a sensation of a plug or a nail stuck somewhere in the throat. The patient also complains of a great deal of dryness in the throat. The person is often hawking constantly due to excessive mucus.

There is a sensation of constriction around the larynx, this sensation can greatly worsen during midnight and also during sleep along with suffocative sensations and feelings of anxiety accompanied by other psychological symptoms. Symptoms also include a persistent barking cough at the beginning or during the onset of croup.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when the patient is touched and some pressure is applied to the throat, too much talking or swallowing a lot of things can also worsen the symptoms, eating sweets and being exposed to dry and cold wind also aggravated the condition.

The condition of the patient improves when the patient eats warm food or warm drinks, sitting and lying with the head held low can also improve the condition of the patient, eating a little at a time reduces the stress on the throat and improves the condition of the patient. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Spongia tosta in the homeopathic treatment of the patient.

Additional things you may do

The use of topical treatment methods such as using hot wraps around the neck will heal and help relieve the worst symptoms of the condition in an indirect way. To make a hot wrap, carefully soak a cotton cloth in some heated apple cider vinegar and wrap this cloth around the neck when the symptoms are particularly intense. Topical treatments that can also be used include some raw and crushed, heated leaves of cabbage, apply this around the neck along the area of greatest discomfort.

A salve made from the arnica can also be applied directly on the neck. Use a dry towel to always keep the neck wrap or compress covered. Another great topical treatment can be made by boiling two lbs. of small potatoes with the skins on. The boiled potatoes can then be mashed and the mashed paste can be spread on a cotton cloth, this can then be placed while it is still hot, directly on the throat along the affected area.

A woolen shawl can also be used to cover the affected area on the neck. Gargle your throat using a solution of concentrated whey once every hour or if this is not possible at least thrice every day so as to rid the throat of germs and harmful pathogens. The antiseptic property of the liquid whey can greatly aid in the elimination of germs and other pathogens.

Laryngitis can be soothed and healed using steam inhalations on a regular basis. If the air within your room is too dry, use a humidifier in the bedroom to increase the moisture content in the room - this is very good for dryness in the throat.

Usual dosage

Grapefruit seed extract, three capsules thrice a day.

Vitamin A, 25,000 IU. Should be avoided during pregnancy.

Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, 1,000 mg every few hours to bowel tolerance.

Zinc lozenges, with 3 mg of copper, 25 mg, every few hours.

Acidophilus combination supplement, three capsules or one tsp.

Other beneficial herbs


From R.K. Tiwari - Mar-09-2011
I wish to add that boiling the pulp of "Amaltas" in milk , (after adding some water in it) and doing gargle with this warm milk is very effective, even in the cases of almost complete loss of voice due to hoarseness.
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