At times very persistent open sores can develop on the lower leg; such ulcers are known as leg ulcers. Typically leg ulcers result when an injury occurs affecting the skin on the leg, the injured skin may not heal properly or as it should, and a painful ulcer may form on the site of the injury.
The ulcer is inflamed and is itchy as well, its appearance may be red along the sides of the site, but mostly in the center it is moist and light-colored-the ulcer is also very painful and the pain may persist over a long period of time. The development of leg ulcers tend to be in the region just above the inner ankle bone on the lower part of the leg.
The demographic group which is the most susceptible to leg ulcers are women affected by varicose veins and poor circulation in the legs. These leg ulcers start out typically on the area or site of a minor injury on the leg. In appearance the skin on the leg is often already unhealthy before an ulcer develops on it, the skin on the susceptible skin appears thin, is very shiny in complexion and feels very itchy at most times.
The brittle veins which lie just under the skin can sometimes be injured by even the slightest scratch from the hands or from an implement. The substances necessary to bring healing and recovery to the site of injury are often hindered by a poor or impaired circulation which prevents the blood from carrying out its normal function of transporting materials.
Different factors such as standing too long in one place and too little exercise contribute to the appearance of circulatory disturbances and varicose veins, factors such as obesity and arteriosclerosis also promote these conditions to develop in the body. Leg ulcers cannot heal and recover in time, and without administering persistent treatment over the long term and without any change in the personal habits to support the buckling venous system, the possibility of virtual or actual recovery can never be achieved.
Cells can be strengthened and the inflammation can be dealt with using supplements of the vitamin C along with the plant based natural substances known as bioflavonoids. The skin can be healed at a faster rate and the inflammation can be effectively countered through supplementary use of the oil of the evening primrose herb-the use of this oil is suggested for all patients suffering from leg ulcers.
Many anti-inflammatory substances including the prostaglandins as well as many other metabolic compounds are synthesized in the body directly from the essential fatty acids, in particular the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) abundantly found in oil of the evening primrose herb-thus the supplementation of this herbal oil is an excellent way to boost the recovery in the bodies of people with leg ulcers.
Blood clots that suddenly develop in the bodies of people with leg ulcers are also prevented by supplements of the GLA taken on a regular basis. The prevention and treatment of sudden blood clot formation is also prevented by the supplements of vitamin E used on a regular basis.
Blood is also thinned and clots can be removed through the use if other equally helpful and effective supplements of herbs such as the garlic. The use of the supplemental form of the coenzyme Q10 can improve the oxygen supply reaching the tissues in affected individuals.
To prevent the occurrence of further medical complications and to preclude recurrences, all treatment must be directed to address the root cause of the problem-this is the first priority, symptoms may be dealt with on a case by case basis. It is also known that the leg ulcer expels or eliminates toxic material in the form of pus which the body otherwise may not be able to dispose off on its own.
One or more of the major elimination organs such as the kidneys, the liver, the digestive tract, the skin and the lungs may be involved in the appearance of a leg ulcer and the ulcer itself directly indicates the presence of a problem in any or all of these vital organs. It is best to allow the secretions from the ulcer which consists of all the metabolic toxins to drain away freely with pus until the blood has retained its normal purity.
Treatments can be undertaken to cleanse the organs such as the kidney, the liver and the colon, after this has been done, healing salves and ointments must be applied externally on the affected parts of the body.
Circulation can be improved using a quarter cup of cayenne pepper diluted in a cup of hot water-this can be consumed by the affected individual on a regular basis and preferably two times every day. The herbal teas of the ginkgo biloba and the yarrow herb can also be taken two times every day for effective internal cleansing of the body. The healing property and cleansing power of the juice of the aloe vera is also of great benefit. Patients should drink at least a tbsp. of this tea every day as an herbal treatment.
To cleanse and disinfect an ulcer in the legs, apply a few drops of the tea tree oil along the affected area of the body. Once this area has been cleansed and the wound has been cleaned, a salve made from the calendula herb can be applied directly on the affected area, then apply some Swedish bitter compresses directly on the area.
The inflamed area of the skin can also be healed by rubbing ten drops of the Swedish bitters using a cotton ball-this direct topical treatment is very effective in bringing some healing onto the area. Clothing that is worn can be covered using a dry cotton cloth and a plastic sheet to protect it from the pus and other exudates from the ulcer. The compress used can be renewed about once hourly or at four hour intervals.
You must try to revive the circulatory system and help the body eliminate the toxic and stagnant blood in and around the ulcer on the leg, at least once, every day elevate your legs by lying with your back on the floor, place your legs on a bed or on a chair and stay this way for ten to fifteen minutes at a time.
Regular bowel action is aided by regular exercises and this is also excellent for aiding the circulatory system to recover in time. Standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time must be avoided at all costs. Any apparel that hinders the circulation of blood in the legs and along the lower extremities must be avoided, this includes tight pants and panties, garters and other tight clothing.
Whenever possible, try to walk barefoot for as long as possible and perhaps on a daily basis, sandy beaches should be preferred. This daily walk will exercise the muscles in the calves and will help keep the legs and the feet strong. When sitting down for any length of time, try to avoid crossing the legs as this may cut off circulation of blood in the legs.
Blood clots must be diffused using a low frequency and low intensity intermittent impulses to prevent the formation of an embolism. Disinfection and healing in the affected area of the leg can be achieved by the use of non-pasteurized honey which must be applied directly on to the ulcer. Cover the ulcer with cotton gauze after spreading a spoonful of honey over it; leave the cotton gauze on the ulcer overnight.
You must successfully eliminate and deal with all causes of emotional stress as this can worsen the situation and aggravate the symptoms. Emotional factors such as persistent feelings of bitterness stagnates the blood, and the presence of pathogens such as bacteria can lead to decomposition of their cell products in the veins. Maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise is a must.
Evening primrose oil, 2 x 500 mg capsules thrice a day.
Garlic, two capsules thrice daily.
Vitamin E, 400 IU.
Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, 3,000 mg.
Coenzyme Q10, 100 mg.