Liver Problems

The functioning of the liver is a very complex one; it is also one of the most important vital organs in the body. And along with other organs such as the heart which pumps blood and the kidneys which regulate and eliminate metabolic toxins, the liver is a very complex organic biochemical laboratory-regulating glucose levels, the detoxification of toxins and many other vital biochemical actions within the human body.

All the substances that can be used by the body are synthesized inside this vital organ by the transformation of essential nutrients absorbed from the foods we digest-it has other important functions, such as the breakdown of alcohol in the body. Some of the essential substances manufactured in the liver include an array of enzymes all of which are important in various metabolic processes within the body, substances that are involved in the blood-clotting mechanisms, and immune system substances such as the vitamins and proteins involved in the proper functioning of the immune system.

Moreover, as has been mentioned, the liver is a very important organ for detoxification and is responsible for the detoxification and breakdown of a large number of harmful metabolic by-products, all types of hormones and all poisons and toxins, after processing in the liver, these are eliminated as waste through other organs such as the gall-bladder and the kidneys.

The presence of liver problems can be inferred by the appearance of some typical symptoms such as the production of very pale and greasy stools, jaundice is always a result of liver dysfunction, in addition physical discomfort or pain just below the tight rib cage also suggests liver problems or the presence of disorders.

Liver problems are also in addition, almost always accompanied by some type of stomach or digestive complain, these symptoms manifest themselves in the form of sudden appetite loss, the appearance of problems like nausea, abdominal bloating or vomiting of bitter tasting bile suddenly. The effects of excess bile in the bloodstream can sometimes cause the skin all over the body to itch terribly.

The physical symptoms induced by a fatty and sluggishly performing liver are very mild in general and the digestive symptoms often go unrecognized by the affected individual.

Moreover the development of a either a liver or a gall-bladder problem is suggested when a person has a difficulty in digesting fatty foods or fried items. The detoxification process in the liver may not be happening quickly enough if the person has hormonal balance problems signaled by events such as PMS and morning sickness during the term of pregnancy-some very severe complications can arise if the detoxification process in the liver falters.

Liver cirrhosis which is one of the serious conditions in the liver may not have many obvious symptoms-which are very unfortunate for the vast majority of patients as this complication has very serious implications for the patients unlucky enough to be affected by it. Due to the absence of symptoms, the condition may pass unnoticed before until it's becomes very severe or its causes a fatality.

Under most circumstances and situations if the liver is given time to recuperate, it has the incredible capacity to recover and heal itself and this rejuvenating property is a special characteristic of the liver. Thus even when the liver is severely damaged, it will produce only moderate symptoms and it will continue to function adequately at half its capacity-maintaining all essential functions and metabolic processes.

A lot of toxins from the environment and a lot of toxic byproducts overload the average liver these days, as food habits and the foods used have changed. The liver is burdened with virtually all the various junk foods, many of the pesticides found in food, the artificial hormones and medications we consume today create-in the modern age, the liver may well be the hardest working organ in the human body.

Artificial substances which are very hard on the digestive tract are found in most of the packaged and processed foods that we consume. The liver can be affected by the things that a person consumes, thus a lot of deposition of fatty substances results due to the repeated consumption of alcohol in alcoholics, and the same results are seen in those eating a lot of food which is rich in the saturated fats and the simple sugars while being poor in fiber; these foods impair the optimal performance of the liver and cause fatty tissue deposits-which further hinders normal liver functioning. Some of these foods are items such as white flour products, white rice and all varieties of pasta.

The essential fatty acids found abundantly in foods like the cold-pressed oils such as flax seed oil should not be confused with saturated fats-these essential fatty acids are very important to many vital body processes, which includes the release of bile within the digestive system.

The liver manufactures bile and an inadequate bile flow to the gall-bladder (which stores bile) due to problems in the gall bladder itself can seriously affect the liver. A complicated set of symptoms so typical of liver problems can also result during hepatitis, which is an inflammation in the liver brought on by an infection or due to the ingestion of some types of poisonous substances and metabolic substances.

Dietary habits and foods consumed also play a large role in the formation of gallstones within the body. The liver and the gall bladder are also very severely affected by the presence of stress and persistent feelings of anger. The liver is also taxed by poor eating habits, including consuming food too hastily and burdening the stomach through overeating-the timing of daily meals is important as irregular eating timings will also add to the burden faced by the liver.

The liver is also affected if the person weights more than a few extra pounds over what is ideal-thus obese individuals often have very poorly functioning livers. People from all kinds of work and all age groups can be affected by liver disease; in general, liver problems are not the sole preserve of a particular age group.

Supplements and herbs

The detoxification in the liver is aided by various supplements taken during an incidence of liver dysfunction. The removal of fatty substances can be carried out through the use of supplements known as lipotropic factors, which prevent the fatty substances from accumulating and being deposited within the liver of the affected individual-these can be taken to serve a prophylactic action.

A combination of lipotropic factors consisting of the compounds like the chemical phosphatidylcholine, the compound inositol and the amino acid methionine is often used to treat or prevent the deposition of fatty substances in the liver. The use of the compounds choline and inositol which are really forms of the B vitamins accompanied by the amino acid methionine, is suggested as a supplementary dose-these three compounds are required for the metabolism of lecithin inside the normal human body.

The liver is protected from fatty substance deposition by lecithin, and the compound is moreover required to breakdown the ingested fatty substances from the diet.

Compounds like the folic acid and the vitamin B12 in addition to the other B complex vitamins also serve a supportive function where the daily internal role of the liver is concerned. If the energy levels of the person have gone down due to impairment in the liver , then the regular supplementary injections of the B complex vitamins will have a very dramatic effect in some patients.

Till such times as the liver mends and recovers on its own, supplementary injections of the B complex vitamins can be self injected by the majority of patients-these injections can be carried out on a regular basis, preferably daily through out the duration of the problem.

Damaged tissues are cleansed and rebuild by the chlorophyll present abundantly in so many types of green food supplements, which can be taken on a regular basis. Substances such as the spirulina and the wheatgrass or barley grass also make excellent supplements for patients affected by liver problems. For individuals with a weaker physical constitution the milder detoxification power of the spirulina will be much more effective in dealing with all the problems within the body.

The majority of liver disorders can also be effectively dealt with using compounds such as the coenzyme Q10 and the essential amino acid cysteine on a regular and long term basis.

Many types of herbs and herbal remedies can effectively stimulate the liver and help in the regeneration of the damaged liver tissue-these bolster liver function and assist in its ability to manufacture bile used by the body in the digestion of fats and other fat based compounds. They also increase nutrient supply into the bloodstream, aid in the prevention of problems like constipation, and purify and cleanse the blood-aiding in the detoxification of blood within the body.

The name "king of the glands" given to the liver is therefore very apt and rightly so as it is involved in almost all the metabolic processing of different substances within the body. Moreover, the liver is the largest organ found in the human body, and at any one time contains approximately about one-quarter of all the blood circulating within the human body.

Liver problems can be treated through regular drinks of a cup of herbal sage tea. Prepare this herbal tea by boil the sage leaves for three minutes in a cup of water, let the tea cool, carefully strain it and then sip the tea slowly about three times every day. To promote the flow of bile in the liver and to stimulate the functioning of the liver, regularly drink a cup of herbal dandelion tea thrice every day for a week on a regular basis.

For about three weeks, regularly drink one cup of herbal milk thistle tea or the sage tea thrice each day during the occurrence of liver disorders. The antioxidant properties of the milk thistle herb will prevent free-radical damage occurring in the liver and this will also aid in tissue regeneration and repair the effects of tissue damage.

Use a quart of boiling water to prepare an infusion using about 8 tbsp. of the hayseed herb per quart, alternately you can use twenty drops of a hayseed herbal extract for every qt. of hot water, let the herb steep in the boiling water for ten minutes and then strain the solution. Use this infusion as a topical treatment by dipping a cotton towel in the infusion and apply it on the abdominal region.

Carefully wring the towel first to get rid of the excess infusion and then place the hot towel on the area of the upper stomach above the liver-this is an excellent topical measure. After this treatment, use a dry shawl as a wrap around the abdominal region.


All the given homeopathic remedies can be given at potencies of 6 or 12c one or thrice every day as a treatment for acute problems such as hepatitis.

Chronic liver problems can be treated using a single dose of any of the remedies at 30c every day for a treatment period lasting several weeks, in addition, to this dosage chronic cases can also be treated using a starting dosage of 6x or 6c taken thrice every day during a treatment period lasting several weeks, this dosage can be repeated in a cyclic manner using different dosages first at 12c and then at a dosage strength of 30c for the same time period.


Bryonia is to be used as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of individuals affected by liver problems in which the symptoms may include soreness in the abdominal region, and the presence of a heaviness and swelling in the liver on a very persistent basis. Physical symptoms present in the affected individual include a lot of stitching pains and a burning sensation along the abdominal region.

This remedy can be used to treat individuals affected by jaundice and other related liver disorders like hepatitis. Additional physical symptoms include the presence of an immense feeling of extreme nausea, vomiting of bile etc. Physical symptoms such as the presence of a bitter taste in the mouth and a white coated tongue are also evident.

The person is also affected with a persistent sensation of thirst along with constant dryness in the mouth. Physical symptoms in the individual can also include the presence of a heavy feeling in the abdominal region at most times of the day and night. The other symptoms that can signal liver problems are the production of very large amounts of hard stools when excreting.

Psychological symptoms include constant irritability. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen if the person is even slightly moved or if he or she is forced to move, the slightest touch can irritate the individual, he or she also dislikes pressure on the skin, respiring hard and breathing deep also aggravates the condition, the person also dislikes all motions that involve sudden jarring movements, the condition of the patients is also worse when he or she is waking in the morning, even eating the daily meal can worsen the condition.

The condition of the patient can significantly improve if she or he lies down on the right side of the body, if the person rests and stays quiet the symptoms seem to abate, using a hot compress and staying out in the cool and open air can also improve the condition of the patient. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Bryonia as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the liver problems.


Chelidonium is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients with liver problems who suffer from symptoms such as the presence of an intense pain under the right shoulder blade at all times. Physical symptoms also include the presence of a dull or stitching pain in the abdominal region over the liver. The remedy can also be used to treat related liver problems such as jaundice.

Physical symptoms also include the radiation of the pain from the abdominal region over the liver to the areas on along the back and spinal region. Other physical symptoms include the persistent presence of a bitter taste in the mouth. Physical symptoms by which the condition can be easily identified include the development of a flabby tongue with the clear imprint of the patient's teeth. Physical symptoms include the presence of conditions such as diarrhea and constipation on an alternate basis.

The condition can also be identities by the type of stools produced by the person, the patient's gives out yellow or clay-colored stools. Physical symptoms such as a persistent dull pain in forehead are also sometimes seen in a few patients. Psychological symptoms evident in the patient can include persistent depression and other nervous disorders.

The individual is also affected by a great and persistent lethargy, including tiredness; he or she cannot concentrate properly at night. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when he or she is lying on the right side of the body-this part of the body experiences much more pain than the other side of the body, the patients condition also worsens after midnight, even the slightest of touches will aggravate the condition of the patient.

The condition of the patient can greatly improve when he or she is eating, if some external pressure is placed on the skin, the patient also feels better after consuming hot drinks and warm milk. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Chelidonium as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the liver problems.


Lycopodium is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of all individuals suffering from liver problems including disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver, the presence of a persistent chronic jaundice and all other forms of hepatitis and related conditions such as jaundice. Physical symptoms include the presence of extreme and cutting painful sensations running from the right to the left side of the body.

The individual's abdominal region and the area above the liver become extremely sensitive to touching and even slight pressure may cause pain. Physical symptoms also include the feelings of hunger and hunger pangs but eating does not easily fill the patient and hunger keeps coming back. Other physical symptoms such as abdominal distension, rumbling in the stomach and constant passing of gas along with colicky pains are also experienced by most patients.

The affected individual has a great desire for hot food whenever he or she is hungry. Psychological symptoms experienced by the patient include extreme depression and a great lack of confidence though he or she may be very arrogant and domineering at all times of the day and night. The affected individual also suffers from a very poor memory and fails to remember things.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when he or she wakes up in the morning and the condition of the patient is also aggravated around 4-8 p.m. in the evenings, the right side of the body suffers from more symptoms compared to the left side of the body, the condition is also aggravated by an excess of warmth and wearing tight clothes, daily habits such as eating can also aggravate the condition.

The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Lycopodium as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the liver problems.

Nux vomica

Nux vomica is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by liver problems such as an enlarged liver due to the congestion or because of some inflammation in the liver. Physical symptoms apparent in the patient can include a persistent sensation of heaviness and fullness in the abdominal region, including soreness and dragging sensations in the stomach.

These symptoms can also come about because of the physiological effects of certain medications and substances such as alcohol and the caffeine in coffee, a poor diet affecting the liver can also produce such symptoms in an individual. Other physical symptoms seen in the patients include the presence of a bitter or foul taste in the mouth after midnight.

Constant nauseous feelings are also very evident in most patients, all of whom will have a difficulty vomiting. Passing stools is difficult as constipation occurs with very low urges for excretion. Physical symptoms can also include the presence of disorders like hemorrhoids and a persistent chill in the body. The patients may also suffer from some form of insomnia.

Physical symptoms also include persistent muscle spasms traveling up and down the body. Psychological symptoms are manifested in peculiar ways and the patient is always critical of things, he or she is also driven, very impatient and almost always angry about his or her surroundings. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen right after midnight and during the early mornings, an exposure to the open air and putting pressure on the skin by wearing tight fitting clothes or touching can all aggravate the symptoms.

The condition of the patient can greatly improve when some heat is applied as a topical treatment, either by covering the patient with blankets or using hot compresses. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Nux vomica as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the liver problems.

Additional things you may do

Rub both palms together several times every day while seated in a relaxed position, both palms must be rubbed firmly together, particularly along the balls on the thumbs. To increase the activity levels in the liver and to stimulate the functioning of the liver let somebody or a masseur scratch along your back and let him or her massage the area along spine in a vigorous manner-this massage will stimulate the liver.

Usual dosage

Wheatgrass, spirulina or barley grass, one tbsp.

Vitamin B complex, 100 mg.

B 12 or folic acid, 1 mg of each or by injection.

Lipotropic factors.

L-cysteine, 50 mg.

Coenzyme Q10, 100 mg.

Other beneficial herbs


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