Hypotension or the lowering of the blood pressure within the body can cause a lot of discomfort to the sufferer, though the disorder itself is rarely serious and is not considered a debilitating condition. In fact, the majority of individuals affected with a low blood pressure can expect to live longer lives, as the blood vessels within the body is not burdened by the high pressures felt in individuals who are normal or in than those suffering from a high blood pressure during a related condition known as hypertension.
Some of the most common symptoms seen in individuals suffering from a low blood pressure include very low or reduced physical endurance levels, symptoms such as spells of dizziness and sudden fainting spells along with physical fatigue or weakness. Compared to the average person, individuals suffering from a low blood pressure tend to need more sleep and rest for longer periods of time as energy levels within the body can dip very rapidly during the course of a day.
Perspiration can come about quite easily even when undertaking very light physical or mental work. The tendency to suffer from chills results due to the poor circulation and cold feet and hands are also very commonly experienced by the affected individual. Another physical symptom that is very commonly observed is the great sensitivity to extremes in weather and sudden changes in the temperature of the environment.
The blood pressure may suddenly fall when getting up quickly in others even though it is a normal blood pressure at other times; this form of hypotension produces episodes of visual blackouts, heart palpitations and spells of dizziness lasting seconds at the most. Hypotension or a low blood pressure can be said to affect anyone whose systolic blood pressure is lower than 105 for men and if it falls to 100 for women, such individuals are said to suffer from a low blood pressure, the systolic blood pressure is the first reading made on the machine.
The most susceptible demographic group can be said to be women who are on the leaner side, in other words low blood pressure or hypotension affects more slender women than other groups of individuals and in addition there is evidence that the condition is hereditary. The physiological reasons for the lowering of the blood pressure is caused by lax blood vessel walls which do not or cannot respond properly to nervous stimulation leading to a slackening of the muscular walls.
After a long bout of illness, there may be impairment in the adrenal glands, if these glands are affected by the illness, they may not produce enough stress hormones and in such cases hypotension in the individual is a result of the adrenal glands. In individuals already vulnerable to the condition, any period of physical inactivity, long periods of low blood-sugar levels and hunger signals, the presence of stress and other emotional upsets and standing still for long periods, particularly when exposed to heat can all act as factors triggering the lowering of the blood pressure.
Blood pressure also drops precipitously due to the presence of conditions such as anemia, particularly when it is because of blood loss, dehydration in the individual because of extensive bouts of vomiting and diarrhea or the use of diuretics can also lead to the rapid fall in the blood pressure triggering hypotension.
Lowering of the blood pressure can also be caused by other conditions such as an under active thyroid and the mismanagement of diabetes within the body. Physical symptoms of a lowered blood pressure can also arise because of the presence of other conditions such as many types of heart or cardiac conditions, the presence of kidney disease and any period of prolonged bed rest due to severe illness.
The appearance of any symptoms of hypotension in individuals already on medication to treat high blood pressure should result in a re-evaluation of the dosages used. It is normal for athletes to have symptom free lowering of the blood pressure.
A poor nutrient assimilation in the body and an insufficient dietary regimen can aggravate the severity of a lowered blood pressure in affected individuals. A poor diet can be supported by proper supplementation of vital and essential minerals and other nutrients. The most important of these supplements are the vitamins B, C and E, all of which must be present in the diet in sufficient amounts.
Though all the vitamins in a supplement of the major B complex vitamin can lead to an increase in the stamina and energy levels, some of the B vitamins, particularly the pantothenic acid is the regarded as more important in supporting the functioning of the adrenal gland-thus supplements of this vitamin is a must in all individuals affected by hypotension.
The strength of the walls of the blood vessels is maintained by supplements of the vitamin C and this should always be taken along with the plant based natural compounds known as the bioflavonoids, both of these supplements also improve the body's resistance to infection from various pathogens and viruses.
The supply of oxygen within the cellular machinery is improved and bolstered by supplements of the vitamin E, and all patients suffering from a lowering of the blood pressure must be supplemented this vitamin in proper and regular doses. Individuals affected by a lowering of the blood pressure also often experience a sluggish functioning of the thyroid glands, the green food supplement of the seaweed kelp is a supplemental food very rich in minerals and it effectively improves the functioning of the sluggish thyroid gland.
The herbal supplements of bee pollen can positive effect all endocrine glands within the body, and it also aids in the stimulation of overall strength and increases the energy levels within the body of the affected individual.
The following herbs and herbal remedies can be used as supplements in stimulating the circulation and certain important glands, the given herbal juices will aid in alleviating the symptoms related to a lowered blood pressure in an individual. Dosage of any of these herbal remedies can be a tbsp. of the herbal juice thrice every day during the treatment period.
Herbal remedies such as the hyssop have a very positive effect on the functioning of all the endocrine glands, they help stimulate the overall strength and boost the energy levels in all affected individuals. Blood pressure is raised by the action of the hyssop when enhanced with supplements of the seaweed kelp; these two supplements also stimulate the glands within the body and alleviate the other physical symptoms associated with hypotension.
Another herbal remedy is to drink the juice of the rosemary leaves which has been steeped in some aged red wine, dosage of this herbal juice can be a tbsp. every day to function as a heart tonic. The lowered blood pressure is also increased by supplements of the Siberian ginseng, the root of the goldenseal herb, the root of the ginger, spirulina and the miracle herb ginkgo biloba, all of these herbs also stimulate the circulatory system at the same time and ease symptoms associated with the condition.
The heart is fortified by supplements of the hawthorn berries and the garlic; these herbs also regulate blood pressure in individuals affected by the lowering of blood pressure.
Circulation is also stimulated by alternative techniques such as hydrotherapy, these techniques include taken daily, alternating showers using hot and cold water, and other forms of these techniques include sessions of water stepping and dew walking on a grassy lawn. The importance of regular physical exercise cannot be overemphasized in all patients affected by the condition.
To improve health and to promote physical well being, regularly walk, hike or cycle and swim outdoors as often as you can-these activities will improve the ability of the body to resist disease and other infections. Circulation in the skin can be stimulated by regular morning sessions of dry-brushing and massaging.
Before rising out of bed in the mornings start exercises such as moving and flexing the toes, and activities such as pulling the knees up and down to the body. Jumping suddenly out of bed in the morning can result in sudden dizzy spells; therefore get up slowly in the morning after a full night of sleep.
Circulation can be negatively affected by clothing that is made from all kinds of artificial fibers and synthetic clothes make sure that any clothing you use is made from natural fibers such as cotton, artificial clothing interferes with the body's natural electric field-this can disturb the circulation within the body.
Kelp, one tbsp.
Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, 1,000 mg 2 - 3 times a day.
Vitamin B complex, 100 mg.
Vitamin E, 400 IU.