The deficiency of digestive juices within the stomach can result from continuously eating a poor diet and in addition, certain improper eating habits may bring about indigestion in an individual. During the course of the condition known as malabsorption syndrome, the absorption of essential nutrients in the intestines is so poor that physical signs of malnutrition can affect the individual.
Lowered energy levels combined with sudden weight loss and extreme muscle weakness occur in a combination with other digestive complaints and diarrhea at the same time-all of these symptoms may be set the individual at once. Physical symptoms also include the production of large stools-generally very big in size but very light or pale in color.
These stools may also be very smelly and are sometimes shiny or greasy in consistency. The affected individual may suffer from a great deal of discomfort because of abdominal bloating and the production of large amounts of intestinal gas.
A general deficiency of nutrients is seen in all patients with the condition, all individuals typically lack iron or vitamin B12 in their bodies and the anemia due to deficient B12 is very commonly seen among patients. Physical symptoms that can become very apparent in the affected individual include the pale quality of the skin, heart and muscular palpitations, spells of dizziness and immediate physical exhaustion even at the slightest move.
All individuals affected by the condition may show signs of it on the hair and the nails, and the skin al of these often lack vitamins and minerals and look sickly and very pale, in addition there is a tendency to bruise easily. The lack of the B vitamins within the body is signaled by development of a burning sensation in the tongue. Because of its ability to inhibit the growth of children, the condition known as malabsorption must be treated carefully and seriously.
The disease can halt normal physical development in children and produce effects that last for life-this particularly affects the musculoskeletal system of young children. The condition of rickets, as an example is induced in the body due to a lack of the vitamin D and the essential mineral calcium-therefore supplements of both must be given to children on a regular basis.
Other condition that cause digestive problems of all sorts are directly connected to the malabsorption syndrome and bring about similar symptoms in affected individuals. Nutrient absorption is hindered in children, by the condition known as gluten intolerance occurring during celiac disease, the condition called cystic fibrosis has the same symptoms and effects on other individuals as well.
The time nutrients require for proper absorption in the intestines is also hindered by all forms of chronic diarrhea, which reduce transit time by flushing food out quickly; similarly all intestinal mucous membranes disorders will also cause malabsorption because of their interference in the absorptive capacity of the intestinal walls. Such mucus membrane disease include the condition known as Crohn's disease, such poor absorption can also result from the presence of intestinal parasites and in conditions such as chronic pancreatitis.
Abdominal bloating in individuals who have a lactose intolerance, during which the stools produced generate a lot of almost explosive pressure and in which the pressures of such gases cause the bloating may also result in poor absorption. This comes around in individuals following the ingestion of milk or milk products; the condition prevents the absorption of the essential mineral calcium in the intestines.
Proper absorption of nutrients is also hindered by laxative abuse, especially if such medications are used again and again. Major symptoms of malabsorption syndrome also result from the continuous intake of a diet poor or deficient in essential nutrients, and if this is coupled with the excessive use of alcohol, some types of prescription medications such as antacids or laxatives.
As it requires the facilitation, a lot of enzymatic actions the process of digestion within the body requires and uses a lot of the body's energy stores. Where enzyme production is reduced particularly due to a sluggish pancreas, supplemental enzymes like bromelain and papain can both prove to be very helpful in all digestion that involves proteins.
If the digestion of fat compounds is poor or impaired in any way, supplements of lipase-which is an enzyme found as a constituent in many digestive aids-will greatly aid the person, this enzyme digest fats very effectively. As it is, one of the hardest class of bio-molecules to digest are the fats, this problem can however be overcome by stimulating the flow of bile using herbal bitters and some supplements of the essential fatty acids in supplemental form.
The essential fatty acid content of the oil of the evening primrose herb must be used during supplementation; the absorption of nutrients is also aided by the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) - that is the main essential fatty acid found in evening primrose oil. All sorts of stomach acids are also required in a catalytic role for digestion to occur in the stomach, and digestion is not only up to the enzymes alone. Deficiency in stomach acids can be corrected by supplements of betaine hydrochloride (betaine HCl) on a regular basis.
The dosage of this acid supplement can be reduced or removed altogether if the inclusion of the supplemental acid causes any sensation of warmth or a burning sensation within the stomach. It is also suggested that the supplements of the betaine HCL must not be used for prolonged periods of time by any patient.
All the vitamin deficiencies can be corrected by regular supplements of important vitamins on a regular basis, since it is the impaired absorption of nutrients that causes deficiencies to arise in the first place. All of these nutrients and vitamins can be taken in the form of a powder or if preferred in a capsule or in a liquid form.
The best way to use them is by taking nutrient pills as these have the highest likelihood of passing unbroken through the intestines without being broken down even when the digestive processes are poor or impaired. To boost energy levels and to induce proper digestion, all the B vitamins are very important as supplements on a regular basis.
Dissolve the vitamin B12 in a tablet form under the tongue this sublingual method of supplementation is preferred because this vitamin is often very poorly absorbed into the intestine by the normal digestive route. Continuous antibiotic use to beat back infections also leads to the deficiency of B complex vitamins as intestinal flora is destroyed.
This situation can be rectified by supplements of the friendly bacteria known as the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria, eating yogurt should be a good way to supplement this bacteria as it naturally occurs in this food source, these friendly bacteria are also available in the form of capsules. The assimilation of B complex vitamins is aided in the intestines by these bacteria, at the same time they restore the natural flora population and maintain intestinal health.
The anti inflammatory action of many of the animal-based pancreatic digestive enzymes found in food sources such as the herbal aloe vera juice, the anti inflammatory action of all kinds of plant enzymes can be used to digest proteins. The compound bromelain sourced from pineapples can also be used in this regard and at the same time, the compound also aids in protein digestion within the gastrointestinal tract.
Dosage of the plant enzymes can be five capsules taken three or more times every day before meals, add the enzyme pancreatin if such a regimen does not produce the required results immediately. Regular consumption of the juice of the aloe vera can also promote digestion along with the regular use of the pancreatic and plant digestive enzymes, regular supplements of the friendly Lactobacillus acidophilus intestinal bacteria can also improve digestion in the intestines.
The adequate protein stores required for proper tissue growth and repair can be aided by the regular consumption of supplemental free form amino acids. These boost the protein content in the body.
The body of an affected individual is also depleted of its nutrient content by many different ailments such as chronic diarrhea or the irritable bowel. This is because of continuous fluid loss, to enable the body to have a better nutrient absorption in the intestines, it is important to heal the digestive tract by proper supplemental measures. Supplements of fresh herbal juices are excellent sources from many types of vitamins and essential minerals. Regularly take a tbsp. of any of the following herbal juices thrice every day during the supplemental period.
Iron is provided by the herbal juice of the stinging nettle herb and the herb is also a good source for the essential mineral calcium. Silica content is high in the herbal juice of the horsetail herb. This mineral helps in the rebuilding of the damaged connective tissue that makes up most of the intestinal mucous membranes, thus the herb will aid in recovery and tissue repair. The herbal juices of the alfalfa contain good quantities of the vitamin K which is an important nutrient for all patients. The herbal juice of the rose hips is rich in the vitamin C, another vital nutrient for all affected individuals.
A weak nervous condition can sometimes be the real cause of malabsorption, and factors such as physical exhaustion or mental anxiety can also bring about malabsorption in the human intestines. It is very important to get sufficient sleep and spend time in long periods of rest and relaxation daily to enable the body to gain complete recovery from all underlying symptoms and disorders.
Colonic damage can be healed by hydrotherapy techniques if they are applied specifically and regularly in the treatment of damaged colon, these techniques will also greatly improve circulation within the body and help heal the affected individual.
Aloe vera juice, half a cup.
Evening primrose oil, 3,000 mg
Papain or bromelain, 1,000 mg thrice a day.
Vitamin B12, 100 mcg.
Vitamin B complex, 100 mg.
Betaine HCl, one capsule or one tsp. a day with meal.
Lactobacillus acidophilus, three capsules or one tsp.
Digestive plant enzymes, two capsules thrice a day with meal.