Many children are often affected by a severe and very contagious viral infection during childhood called measles. This viral infection can bring about many symptomatic signs of the viral infection including fever, the presence of malaise, the presence of a cough, a runny nose in the child, and other conditions like conjunctivitis which may come on as a secondary infection in the child.
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The typical symptom of measles is the appearance of a rash on the fourth day after initial infection, though the symptoms themselves tend to worsen gradually over a period of time. The itchy rash is a raised, splotchy, reddish-brown or purplish-red colored area of skin, which form all over the body of the infected child.
The rashes appear on the skin of the child and persist for about five to seven days in total, beginning on the face and the neck and slowly spreading down to the trunk region, eventually reaching the extremities and the feet. A symptom is the appearance of red spots with a bluish-white center called Koplik's spots on the inside of the mouth, twelve hours before the development of the first rash on the body; these Koplik's spots signal the eventual arrival of the rash.
What usually occurs after an initial infection of measles is that the measles virus incubates for nine to fourteen days before symptoms begin to appear in the skin. Once the disease is firmly established in the child's body, then the child is considered contagious for at least seven days following the physical symptoms. Ten days is the usual time it takes for the disease to run its course within the child's body.
The patient will feel a lot better once the temperature of the body lowers and the symptomatic rashes begin fade to a brownish color that slowly disappear and the affected area of the skin sloughs off on its own. The contagious period has been crossed by the affected child once this event occurs.
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Because of its potential to cause some very complicated illnesses especially following the infection itself, the disease is considered a very serious condition in children; this consideration of severity is not dependant on the symptoms but on their likely ability to bring on other severe condition in the child.
A very common complication which can be brought about by measles in a child is the appearance of ear infections. Many other serious and potentially lethal complications are also possible following an infection of measles; an example is pneumonia and encephalitis which can result because of an inflammation in the lining of the brain.
You must turn to a doctor immediately if certain signs become apparent in a child affected with measles, examples are - the body temperature of the child suddenly skyrockets, the child has a sudden seizure, or the presence of any noticeable changes in the level of consciousness or mental functioning. Such symptoms are a sign of incipient encephalitis, a potentially lethal condition.
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See age-appropriate dosages of herbal remedies
Restless children can be calmed using a herbal preparation of chamomile tea, give a single dose of the tea two times every day. Infection can also be eliminated using a combination formula of the Echinacea and goldenseal herbs, these herbs support the functioning of the immune system, they are also helpful in soothing the skin and the inflamed mucous membranes which cause discomfort.
Another powerful attribute of the Echinacea is its powerful antiviral property. Until the fever has completely abated, children can be given a single dose, every two hours as treatment. After which a continuation supplementation can be done with a single dose of the herb, taken thrice daily, for a treatment period lasting one week in total.
For your attention: because Echinacea loses its effectiveness if used continuously on a daily basis for more than ten days in one dosage regimen, time the doses in such a way that the child benefits from long term treatment but also that the herb does not lose its power during that time.
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Some of the beneficial effects of an herbal tea are its ability to reduce fever, its property of brining down a child's temperature, its power to decrease chills and its ability to induce perspiration in the body.
To prepare such a fever reducing herbal tea, use a combination of equal parts of one or all of the following herbs, the leaves of the lemon balm herb, the flowers of the chamomile herb, the leaves of the peppermint herb, the root of the licorice and the elder flower can all be used in the herbal tea. To improve the flavor and the taste for older child, add a little honey; this also sweetens the mixture.
Dosage of this herbal tea for children can be a single dose of the tea, taken four times every day, for a total treatment period of two or three days. Instead of the tea being used directly on the baby, a nursing mother can drink one adult dose, four times a day as indirect treatment. The baby will gain all the beneficial effects of the herbal mixture from drinking breast milk. Ideally, this tea should be as hot as possible when ingested.
For your attention: children less than one year of age should not be given herbal tea mixed with or sweetened using honey. A life threatening condition known as infant botulism has often been caused in children who consumed honey. The use of homeopathic remedies in the treatment of the child if concurrent with the use of peppermint in the herbal tea must be interrupted by an interval of at least an hour between the use of the one substance and the other.
This is suggested because the strong smell of the mint can result in a reduction in the effectiveness of the homeopathic remedy if used concurrently. Fever in children can be effectively treated by the consumption of ginger tea. Those children who get cold in especially in the hands and the feet tend to be the ones most benefited by the use of this particular supplement as a treatment against chills. After giving this tea to the child, cover him or her with light blankets to induce perspiration and to reduce the chills.
Children can be given a single dose of the herbal tea four times during the day, one day of supplementation is usually sufficient to ward off the chill. Use fruit juice to take away the pungent smell from the herbal tea if the child finds the pungency too string for his or her taste. The immune stimulating properties of the shiitake mushrooms can also be used to great effect as a supplement. These mushrooms can be taken in the form of a capsule or they may be eaten fresh.
Children above twelve years of age can be given a single capsule, thrice daily, or as and when necessary until the infection disappears. To lessen the itching in the child's body, use cool oatmeal baths as a topical treatment. To prepare the bath, take a handful of oatmeal wrapped in a washcloth and let it slowly soak into the bath water. The wrapped oatmeal filled washcloth can also be rubbed directly onto the child's body to bring extra relief.
Commonly used essential oils for measles:
The following homeopathic remedies can be used at dosage strengths of 6, 12 or 30 potency (x or c) once every 2 or 3 hours, this dosage can then be brought down slowly as the condition improves to dosage thrice a day, as recovery continues a single dose per day will be sufficient to bring complete healing.
Aconitum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of children starting at the earliest signs of measles. This form of measles often has an abrupt appearance and is often accompanied by high fever in the child. The other symptoms that the child can have include restlessness and moaning because of the discomfort caused by the disorder.
The other physical symptoms in the child can also include twitching and jerking the limbs repeatedly, the child can also be given to grinding teeth at night, and nose bleeds are common in occurrence. The child is often restless and fearful and has other psychological symptoms which accompany these signs. The eyes are often very light sensitive and become reddened.
The tongue is often red in color, and the child often suffers from a painful hoarseness in the throat accompanied by a dry barking cough. The body is covered in a very fine and bright red rash typical of this form of measles. The child often suffers from extreme thirst and craves cold water day and night.
The condition of the child can often greatly worsen on exposure to dry and cold air and cool drafts, the symptoms also increase in intensity with noise, if the child is frightened, and during the nighttime. The condition of the child can greatly improve when he or she is resting and is exposed to the open air out of doors. The presence of one ore more of these symptoms calls for the use of Aconitum as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the measles affecting the child.
Belladonna is to be used in the homeopathic remedy of children afflicted by measles in which the infection comes along with sudden fever, and an intensely hot fever, the rise in body temperature is reflected in the profuse sweating that comes in the child's body. The child is also often afflicted with a sore throat as an additional symptom.
The child can also be affected with violent and persistent cough. The skin of the child is affected with a burning and hot sensation and the presence of numerous dull-red spots over the entire body, these are numerous particularly in the face and the area of the chest, and these spots often vanish and reappear suddenly without any predictability. Other symptoms in such children can include delirium and fright, behavior is often wild, and the child may grind his or her teeth in the nighttime.
The child is also often affected with a throbbing headache, the eyes are often reddened and the pupils are almost always dilated, the child also has a bright and flushed face. The body may have certain pulsations. The condition of the child can often worsen from too much heat, the symptoms are worse on the right side of the body, the symptoms are intensified by light and by noise, by jarring motions, and by touch, and the child finds it hard to endure cold drafts.
The condition of the child can improve when he or she has adequate rest and relaxation in a quiet environment. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Belladonna as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the measles afflicted child.
Euphrasia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of children with measles in the early stages of the infection and in whom there is a great deal of sensitivity to bright light, the other physical symptoms in such as child can be conjunctivitis. The physical symptom includes the production of profuse acrid tears that dry out on the face and leave a teary trail.
There is a production of a sticky gummy substance in the eyes that can often seal it shut. The child also suffers from a pressing, painful and throbbing headache. There is a lot of discharge from the nasal region with a burning and smarting sensation that comes along with it. The typical measles type eruptions are gradual in appearance on the skin.
The child's bones often ache painfully. The child is also often afflicted with a croupy cough during the day and this cough is reduced in intensity at night when the child sleeps. The condition of the child often worsens in the mornings, on exposure to direct sunlight, and wind, the symptoms also intensify in the evenings.
The condition of the child improves when the child blinks and or when he or she wipes of the substance from the eyes regularly. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Euphrasia as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the child afflicted with measles.
Gelsemium is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of children with a gradual onset form of measles. Typical symptoms include an extreme lethargy, and dullness, the child also experiences chills that run through the body. The child can often feel light headed and dizzy most of the time. The child's muscles are heavy with weakness and ache all over.
The child has very little thirst and is affected by a mild fever in the body. The nasal discharge is thin and watery often causing a great deal of irritation. The child is also given to sneezing at all times of the day and night. The child can also be often afflicted with a dry and teasing cough at all times of the day and night.
The rash formed during the later stages of the measles has distinct bumps and these can be felt along the skin. These spots or bumps have no sensation and are not affected when touched. The condition of the child can often worsen when anticipating things or in the moment of excitement, the symptoms can also be worsened by humidity.
The symptoms of the child improve when the child urinates profusely. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Gelsemium as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the child afflicted with measles.
Pulsatilla is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of children afflicted with measles in which the rashes have a dark color, they also tend to make dusky blotches all over the body, the sensation associated with these rashes are itching, biting and tingling sensations at all times of the day and night.
The symptoms that afflict the child are very changeable in the manner of there locations and in the type of sensations that come on. The remedy can also be used for treating all the middle and later stages of a measles infection in a child. The child is also often afflicted with conjunctivitis.
The child typically experiences very little thirst. The child also has a discharge of very thick and yellow nasal fluids from the nose. The psychological profiles of such children are that they are a very mild and weepy and may demand a great deal of sympathy from others. Some of the side effects following the infection of measles can include conditions such as otitis, some deafness, conditions like diarrhea, the child may also have a cough and suffer from weakness in the body, and the child may also be prone to bedwetting.
The symptoms in the child can greatly worsen when the child is in a warm room, the symptoms also intensify in the evening and from consuming too much fats. The symptoms of the child can improve with an exposure to cool and fresh air taken out of doors. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Pulsatilla as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of child afflicted with measles.
Sulphur is to be used during the homeopathic treatment of children with measles in which the rashes are gradually formed and rather slow in forming on the skin, these rashes can also be purplish when they finally appear on the skin. The skin is very itchy from the rashes. The coloration of the child's skin often assumes a harsh complexion.
The child is also afflicted with a coarse rash that is harsh and rough to the touch. Other symptoms in such children are the presence of chills that run all over the body, the child may have a fever with a burning heat. The remedy can also be used to treat symptoms that arise in the child through the effects of suppressing an incidence of the measles with medications and lotions, with vaccines or with aspirin.
And also in the treatment of ear infections, the presence of chronic coughs, any sign of deafness, conditions like diarrhea, a hoarseness in the throat, and even mental disorders that can arise as an after effect of an initial infection of measles. The condition of the child is often worsened due to staying in a warm room, at around 11 a.m., and following a bath. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the use of Sulphur as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the child affected with measles.