
A bout of extreme, incapacitating headache, which can come on quite suddenly and affect either the entire head, or more usually a single side of the head, is called a migraine.

The name migraine is derived from the Greek hemikrania, or "half the skull. The affected individual may be so affected that he or she is unable to do anything else, except concentrate on the pain.

The presence of light also aggravates the headache and the person avoids light by staying in the shadows. Warning signs usually precede an attack and a single migraine attack can persist for hours or days at a single stretch.

Why migraines occur is not known, and the underlying reasons for their occurrence nor the factors responsible for it are as yet unidentified by medical research.

The presence of spasmic contractions in the arteries that supply the blood to the brain being a probable cause for the attack of migraines is a theory currently circulating widely in scientific circles.

Some researchers further believe these spasmodic contractions of arteries to develop because of the low levels of the brain chemical serotonin. The low levels of the serotonin allegedly leading to their abnormal constriction and dilation.

As far as people who are vulnerable to migraine attacks are concerned, an attack of this disorder is usually precipitated by the presence of numerous indicators that can act as triggers for the sudden onset of migraine.

Factors such as the presence of stress, the loss or lack of sleep, climatic factors, the presence of bright light and certain foods can all lead to the appearance of migraine in the person.

Other indicators of the disorder include the presence of liver problems, the incidences of pain in the dentition, hormonal swings, which come along with the menstrual cycle and the use of birth control pills in women.

Other indicators also include the fluctuating levels in the blood sugar content of the individual, the presence of environmental chemicals, and cigarette smoke.

As a demography women are three times more likely to be afflicted with migraines compared to men, and the condition itself tends to affect people in the same family, that is it may have hereditary causes.

Supplements and herbs

These supplements which are given below can act as substitutes for the prescription medications given by the doctor, and they will prove to be very effective against all incidences of migraine in an individual.

The supplements have a preventive capacity equal to the prescription medications, however they should not replace the medications unless and until a doctor consents to this.

These supplements are recommended in their role as prophylactic or preventive substances, but if the migraine is already present, prescription medication will still be necessary in the therapeutic or restoration role.

It is advisable to carry out the long-term use of minerals like magnesium and calcium by individuals afflicted with migraines. There is a correlation between low levels of the mineral magnesium and the presence of migraines in people; both of these minerals help in the maintenance of healthy and fully functional blood vessels.

The prevention of migraines can also be carried out through additional supplementation through the use of two beneficial natural remedies. One of which is the feverfew herb, the use of this herb leads to the reduction in the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks when used over a period of months, this herb is very commonly used by a large number of migraine afflicted patients.

Because of the possible role of serotonin in migraine attacks another remedy, which can be utilized, is 5-HTP expanded to 5-hydroxytryptophan, this compound is a basic building block of serotonin and is chemically similar to the amino acid tryptophan.

This compound induces a small side effect, namely nausea however; it is equally effective in dealing with migraine attacks when compared to other prescription medications.

Two weeks is the time it takes for this side effect to completely disappear after continual use of this compound. For maximum benefits against attacks of migraine supplements of this compound must be used over a period of several months of continuous therapy.

Compared to the feverfew herb and the 5-HTP compound, the B vitamin riboflavin can also be used in supplemental form to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks and this vitamin may be more effective in this role than the other two supplements, particularly when the patient is already afflicted with an ongoing migraine.

This vitamin heightens the energy levels or reserves in the cells of the brain, especially when it is used in high doses. Treatment or supplementation can also be carried out with the vitamin C and pantothenic acid, especially in cases where the riboflavin does not seem to have any effect on the frequency or intensity of the migraine attack.

The main role of these two vitamins is in their ability to increase the production of hormones, which help the body to deal with the adverse effects of stress. Another positive role is that the production of serotonin is dependent on the levels of pantothenic acid.


Commonly used essential oils for migraine:


When taken in the early stages of an attack of migraine, the given homeopathic remedies aid in the alleviation of sickness and pain resulting from the attack.

The frequency and the intensity of migraine attacks can be reduced in the long-term trough a holistic or constitutional treatment regimen, under the guidance of an experienced homeopathic practitioner.


Belladonna is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with migraines in which the symptoms can include a migraine that begins in the back of the skull or in the region of the upper neck.

The headache and pain radiate out slowly into the regions of the forehead and temple, this form of migraine particularly affects the right side of the brain.

The discomfort of the patient is increased greatly by light and noise and jarring motions, there is a constant throbbing or pounding sensation in the head of the afflicted individual. Though slow in starting, the symptomatic headaches typically begin late in the mornings or in the afternoons.

The headaches may be intense particularly around 3 p.m. other physical symptoms of the disorder include the presence of cold hands and feet in the person, the skin of the patient is very hot and the face is reddened and flushed at most times of the day or night.

Delirium and drowsiness are other physical symptoms and the sensitivity of the person to any light is extreme, dilation of the pupils is also common in most patients.

The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Belladonna as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of migraines in the afflicted individual.


Bryonia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of migraine afflicted individuals in which the symptoms can include the presence of a "splitting" or intense headache. This pain actually begins slowly settling over a single eye, which is commonly the left eye and slowly radiates out into the rest of the head.

The individual does not like to be disturbed and does not enjoy talking to people, and tends to stay still most of the time, this is so because the headache or pain increases in intensity even from slight motions, even moving the eyes slightly can induce or increase the pain.

The other physical symptoms in such individuals tends to be the presence of feelings of nausea leading to vomiting at times, because of the presence of an oppressive and heavy sensation in the pit of the stomach.

Thirst is a very common accompaniment of the pain and a very dry mouth is typical in such individuals. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Bryonia as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the migraine afflicted individual.


Cimicifuga is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with migraines in which the symptoms of the disorder can include the presence of throbbing pains so extreme that the sufferer feels the top of the head will fly off or crack open. The presence of shooting pains in the eyes is also another typical symptoms observed in such individuals.

These type of migraines commonly afflict individuals or develop as a result of continuous study or worrying over a long period of time, in women the origin of these headaches can be linked to and often accompany the menstrual cycle. There is a painful and stiffening of the muscles of the neck, which usually accompany the headache in the individual.

During the onslaught of the migraine, the person becomes mentally dull and develops a gloomy outlook and psychological symptoms like excessive fear may come in, even when the person was talkative and energetic in normal life.

Consuming food can sometimes allay the painful sensation and the headache can be aggravated or worsened during jerky or sudden motion. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Cimicifuga as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the migraine in the afflicted individual.


Cyclamen is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with migraines in which the symptoms of the disorder can include headaches beginning with a dimming of vision and accompanied by flickering in the eyes, another physical symptoms commonly felt is dizziness.

The ear is sometimes involved in the condition and can itch or ache, the headache and the pain of the migraine generally affect the right side of the head.

The condition can be aggravated on exposure to cold air in the outdoors and the sensitivity to cold weather increases; thirst is another symptom that is always present.

In addition to this weakness and feelings of nausea are also present, consuming fatty or oily foods aggravates the nausea. Psychologically such patients tend to be very emotional and sympathetic to others around them.

They are constantly feeling remorse and feel contrite about things that imagine they have neglected or left undone. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Cyclamen as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the migraine in the affected individual.




Gelsemium is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with migraines in which the symptoms of the condition includes feelings of lethargy and weakness.

The person is also afflicted by other symptoms such as a feeling of heaviness around the regions of the face and the eyes. Vision is diminished and the eyes have a droopy look.

The muscles of the neck and the back of the head are the typical regions affected by the pain and it is here that they are most intense. Hot and cold sensations may run up and down the spinal column and trembling is another typical symptom in such individuals.

Urinating may relieve some of the pain in the head. Psychological symptoms of the disorder include problems such as dread and worry, the presence of fearful feelings.

In addition the appearance of any type of stressful event can lead to the development of a headache. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Gelsemium as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the disorder.


Ignatia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with migraines in which the patient are typically sensitive and emotional people, physical symptoms include the appearance of headaches caused by grief or triggered by emotionally upsetting experiences.

The pain of the headaches is severe in a majority of cases, as if the head were being drilled with a nail and the intensity of the headache is felt to a greater extent only on one side of the head.

Other typical symptoms that are quite typical are spasmodic contractions in the muscles of the back and the neck and the presence of twitching in the facial region of the person.

Psychological the person is given to hysteria and often sighs or yawns a lot and can sometimes be given to weeping. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Ignatia as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the migraine afflicted individual.

Kali bich.

Kali bich. is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals in which the symptoms of the disorder can include problems such as the appearance of excruciating pain.

Other physical symptoms of the disorder can include the appearance of pain in little spots, this pain also typically settles in the region over the eyebrows or affects only one of the eyes.

Other physical symptoms of the disorder can include gradually diminishing vision as soon as the headache starts and the person is very sensitive to light in general. Physical symptoms can also include feelings of dizziness and nausea, which are extremely intense in scope; vomiting alleviates the headache.

The condition of the individual greatly improves when on keeping him or her warm and staying put in bed for prolonged periods of rest and relaxation. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Kali bich. as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the migraine afflicted individual.


Lachesis it to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with migraines in which the symptoms of the disorder commonly affects the left sided of the head, other physical symptoms can include the presence of a pulsing type of pain along with a congested feeling or sensation, these symptoms can be aggravated when pressure is applied or when the patient wears tight clothing.

The external appearance of the patient's face is blotchy and flushed at all times of the day and night. In women who are afflicted with this form of migraine, the menstrual cycle signals the beginning of the worsening of the headaches and once the emissions begin the symptoms in general begin to subside.

The condition of the patient is greatly aggravated from exposure to heat and if the person sleeps at any time of the day or the night. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the use of Lachesis as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the condition.

Natrum mur.

Natrum mur. is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering from migraines in which the symptoms of the condition occur usually during the night time and are greatly aggravated by emotional states and trauma like deep and true grief, the condition is also aggravated from an over exposure to sunlight, these symptoms can also set in just before or after a woman patient has begun her menstrual cycle.

Other physical symptoms like strain in the eyes can aggravate the condition and the headache can feel as if a thousand little hammers were knocking on the brain of the individual.

The person is extremely sensitive to light exposure and just before the beginning of a headache; the lips and the facial regions can be affected by numb or tingling sensations.

After having slept the condition of the patient often improves if they lie down in the dark of a room to alleviate the symptoms that can suddenly come on. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Natrum mur. as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the migraine afflicted patient.


Sanguinaria is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with migraines in which the symptoms of the disorder can include headaches that affect the right side of the head, other physical symptoms also include the presence of tension in regions of the shoulder and the neck.

These painful symptoms radiate out into the region of the forehead and it may sometime feel to the patient that the eye may burst out of its socket. The discomfort and the painful sensations can be aggravated through jarring or violent motions, on being exposed to light, and can intensify in scope from loud and extreme noises.

The condition of the symptoms such as the headache greatly subside when the person has slept for sometime, as well as when the person has passed gas or burped and on vomiting.

Missing any meal during the day may lead to the onset of this particular form of migraine in a person; such individuals also tend to be afflicted with digestive problems and allergies.

The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Sanguinaria as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the migraine afflicted individual.


Sepia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering from migraines in which the headaches typically affects only the left side of the head, accompanying symptoms can include the presence of nausea and dizziness. The symptoms are aggravated when the person misses or skips any meals.

Women who are affected with this type of migraine display an aggravation of symptoms during their menstrual periods and at menopause. The painful sensations accompanying the headaches tend to radiate out in jerks and shocks.

The condition of the patient is greatly aggravated when he or she lies down with the painful side of the head facing downwards; being indoors also tends to aggravate the symptoms of the condition.

Psychologically such patients tend to be aloof and want to be left along, the metal state of such individuals may also include irritability and coldness and they almost always feel tired or weary.

The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Sepia in the homeopathic treatment of the migraines in the affected individual.


Silicea is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with migraines in which the symptoms of the disorder suddenly occur in women near menstruation and in general patients following any sort of heavy mental exertion. Patients tend to be affected by chills and colds particularly if they happen to be of the nervous variety.

The symptoms of the disorder, and particularly the headaches tend to affect right side of the head; these pains radiate out into the region of the forehead from their origin in the back of the head.

The condition of the individual is affected and the symptoms are greatly aggravated and worsened from exposure to drafts and if the person is exposed hatless to cold air out of doors.

Covering the head in any way can bring some respite from the symptoms and the person also improves while staying in a warm room, the individual may also feel much better when lying down in a darkened room.


Spigelia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals in which the symptoms of the disorder can include the appearance of extremely painful and excruciating headaches, along with the presence of a violent throbbing or stitching sensation affecting the region above the eyeball.

The headache generally affects the left side of the head; this pain can also affect the eyeball seemingly going through it.

The condition of the person and the intensity of the painful sensations is greatly aggravated if the person indulges in any sudden or jerking movements or motion, the pain can radiate out into the facial region, being aggravated or intensified when the person is touched, or on jarring motions.

Keeping very still seems to relax the individual and the condition of the patient shows further improvement when the head is supported and he or she stays or lies down using the right side of the head.

The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Spigelia as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the migraine affected individual.

Additional things you may do

It is essential for you as a patient to find out what sort of events or circumstances trigger or warn of a migraine attack, thus by a simple expedient of eliminating these triggers you can lessen the chances of migraine attacks.

Coping with stress is extremely important and the use of alternative techniques such as biofeedback and other relaxation techniques will help you get rid of stress and anxiety. It is very important to exercise regularly and make sure that you consume a minimum of 48 ounces of water every single day.

Avoid foods that trigger attacks

Many foods are known to trigger migraine attacks in people predisposed to them. These include, among others: chocolate, matured cheeses and other types of dairy products, wine, beer, meat, eggs, as well as some vegetables and fruits.

Of course, not all of them may trigger migraines in everyone, but it is worth observing the body's reactions after consuming them. If you notice that you have an attack after eating any of these foods, it may be a good idea to limit them or completely eliminate them from your diet.

Take care of your sleep hygiene

People suffering from frequent migraine attacks should take particular care to get adequate sleep. Sleeping too little or too long, waking up at night or lack of sleep may increase the risk of a headache attack.

For this reason, try to go to bed and wake up at a similar time every day, regardless of whether it is a day off or a working day. This will properly regulate your internal biological clock and support proper sleep.

Find a moment to relax

Chronic or sudden stress and anxiety contribute to the occurrence of migraine attacks. So try to find at least a dozen or so minutes for yourself every day to relax and regenerate. Watch an episode of your favourite series, read an absorbing book or do nothing at all - give your body a break from everyday stress.

Eat regularly

Migraine headaches are also caused by irregular eating or skipping meals. So try to eat at approximately regular times of the day. Also remember about proper hydration.

Try acupuncture

Acupuncture can be an effective way to prevent migraine recurrence. A study conducted by a team of scientists from Munich, Germany, showed that its use reduces the frequency of attacks almost as effectively as chronic treatment with beta-blockers - drugs commonly used to prevent migraines.

Usual dosage

Feverfew, 250 mg each morning.

Vitamin C, 1,000mg thrice daily. If diarrhea develops, reduce the dose.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), 400 mg each morning. Best for chronic migraines.

Calcium / Magnesium, 100 mg calcium and 400 mg magnesium two times daily. Should be taken with meals.

Pantothenic acid, 400 mg two times daily. Should be taken with food.

5-HTP, 100 mg thrice daily. If you take antidepressants, check with the doctor.

Other beneficial herbs


From Emily De Palma - Mar-09-2017
I hope to be able to help my sister who is challenged with migraines. No one should have to live with this much pain consistently. I believe they are Liver based and that the Liver when stagnant from Liver Stones or Gall Bladder Stones or sediment cause headaches of all kinds, not to mention liverish angry behaviours!

For info on doing a Liver / GB Flush, see Andreas Moritz book: The Amazing Liver & GB Flush that you can do in your home. I've done 2 so far and they are quite easy and painless to do and very inexpensive... all because he truly explains the whole process very clearly and kindly. Look up books on the Liver, (one is by Christopher Hobbs, that is great also!) Good luck to all that soon one day you will look back on the headaches as a thing of the past!
From Satish Kumar - Aug-11-2014
I was suffering from migraine since 1997. Now I am absolutely ok since four months by taking above advised medicine and feeling in heaven. I selected medicine myself according to given symptoms 1-Bryonia, 2- Kali-bich., then I went to doctor to ask dosage and method to take medicine. Initially, level and frequency of pain increased after taking medicine, but after 24 days medicine gave me magically result and I got 100% cure, but still taking medicine thrice in a week.

You are the best judge to select the medicine according to your own symptoms, as some times doctors forget to ask an important symptom but here symptoms are given and you have to decide your known symptoms from the list.
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