Mole (also called nevus) is a colored horizontal or flat mark on the skin that is typically comprised of cells producing melanin, which imparts them their color (pale to deep brown or black) as well as a blue-colored cast in the dermis. In fact, fatter moles also enclose nerve elements as well as connective tissues.
A lot of times, moles initiate in infancy, typically in the form of horizontal blemishes between the dermis and epidermis, which are very prone to turn out to be malignant. Majority of the moles enter on the dermis and become somewhat elevated. Moles may experience changes in children, but in most cases they are benign.
While moles may experience malignant melanoma, but in most cases it is never before the victims attain puberty. In the case of pregnant women, moles may become engorged and even fresh moles may occur. It may be noted that at times moles may even fade away as people age.
As mentioned earlier, moles may have different shapes - elevated, oval, flat or rounded. Moles may emerge individually or in groups on any portion of the body. Usually, moles have a brown color. However, their color may vary from pink-colored flesh characters to deep blue or even black.
Typically, moles do not cause any harm, however, at times, moles may develop into cancer. Therefore, it is important to keep a watch on moles as well as other colored patches on the skin. In effect, medical practitioners use this as a tool to diagnose skin cancer, particularly malignant melanoma. However, it may be noted that all melanomas are not formed from moles existing from before.
The fact is that several moles occur in or close to another mole or other dark marks that exists on the surface of the skin from before. In comparison to others, a number of moles give rise to a risk factor in view of the fact that they often grow into melanoma - large moles that are in born, also known as giant hairy nevi or congenital nevi; moles that are acquired hereditarily and are comparative larger than the normal ones as well as a profusion of moles, which are bigger in size compared to a pencil eraser.
Typically, a mole exists for approximately 50 years before it starts fading away. While a number of moles fade away entirely, there are others that never lessen in any way. In addition, a number of moles grow stalks, which elevate them higher than the surface of the skin. This type of mole ultimately gets detached from the skin and falls off.
Moles are of various types. Inborn moles or moles that exist since birth are known as congenital nevi.
In addition, there are other types of moles too. One type of moles is known as junctional moles that are typically brown in color and may possibly be smooth or somewhat elevated. Another type of moles is known as compound moles that are somewhat elevated from the surface of the skin and their color may vary from tan to deep brown and have melanocytes (cells that produce pigments) in the upper (epidermis) as well as the lower (dermis) layers of the skin.
The color of these dermal moles may vary from the complexion of the skin to brown. They are also raised and are very familiar on the upper portion of the body and are likely to have hairs.
Another variety of moles, known as sebaceous moles, is created by highly vigorous oil glands and has a yellowish hue with a coarse surface. In addition, there are blue moles that are somewhat elevated, and coloured by tinctures deep inside the skin. Blue moles commonly occur on the head, neck as well as arms of women.
Generally, majority of the moles people develop are not cancerous (benign), however, unusual moles, such as dysplastic nevi, may grow into malignant melanoma - a possibly deadly type of skin cancer. Such atypical moles are generally congenital and run in the victim's family. Most such moles are larger in size compared to a pencil eraser, and their shape as well as pigmentation is unequal.
Compared to any other mole, congenital nevi (moles that occur at birth) are more likely to turn cancerous, particularly if they measure over 8 inches across. After an individual attains the age of 50, occurrence of a type of mole known as lentigo maligna or melanotic freckle of Hutchinson, is very common on the face. This mole initially appears as an even spot having two or additional shades of tan and gradually, turns out to be bigger and darker. One of every three of this type of mole turns into a type of skin cancer called lentigo maligna melanoma.
There is hardly anyone who does not have a minimum of few moles on their body. These moles usually occur when a person is in his/ her 20s and initially look like freckles. Normally, the color and form of a mole do not alter, but they may become larger in size and darker in color owing to the modifications in the hormone levels that take place during puberty and pregnancy.
It is also possible that people enduring these phases may have new moles on their body. It has been found that approximately one to three per cent of every baby has one or additional moles during their birth. Moreover, it is important to note that roughly only one in every one million moles is actually cancerous.
While the reason for developing moles is yet to be ascertained, that atypical moles caused by exposure to sunlight, often seems to wreck families. In the early part of 2000s, scientists discovered two genes called CDK4 and CDKN2A, which are known to deal with humans' vulnerability to melanoma.
Meanwhile, researchers are working to find out more such genes that are responsible for susceptibility to melanoma. Nevertheless, majority of the experts are of the view that on their own, such vulnerability genes are not enough to justify that moles turn cancerous, but several factors, including a combination of environmental issues and other inborn attributes, have an influence on their becoming cancerous.
In fact, very few moles need medical care. Precisely speaking, moles that have symptoms like itching, bleeding and appear to be exceptional or transform in any manner should be essentially examined by a qualified dermatologist, a doctor who is proficient in treating skin conditions.
Any physician presuming skin cancer will generally eliminate the entire or some part of the mole for microscopic assessment. This procedure is generally undertaken at the doctor's clinic or office and is very simple, rather trouble-free and does not consume over a few minutes to perform. In addition, the good thing is that it does not leave any blemish.
In addition, the doctor or dermatologist may also make use of a dermatoscope to check the mole prior to removing it. In effect, the dermatoscope is an instrument that is employed to differentiate between benign (non-cancerous) moles and melanomas, and its appearance has resemblance to that of an ophthalmoscope. Before using the dermatoscope, oil is applied to the mole with a view to make the external layers of the skin become transparent.
Studies undertaken using an arrangement of color Doppler and high-frequency ultrasound too have proved to provide a high level of accuracy in differentiating between benign and melanomas moles. In the event of a laboratory examination confirming that the form of a mole is cancerous, the dermatologist will immediately get rid of the entire mole. It is important to understand that merely cutting of a part of a malignant mole will not result in the spread of the cancer.
If you desire to get rid of any mole for cosmetic reasons or look more beautiful, it will entail making the area numb with anaesthetic and, subsequently, using scissors or a scalpel to get rid of the part that is raised above the surface of the skin. As a result, the patient has an even mole with the color identical to the original development. In effect, if you have the portion of the mole underneath or above the skin surface removed, it is likely that the surgery would leave behind a blemish that is more perceptible compared to the original mole.
You may use a razor or scissors to temporarily get rid of the hair on a mole. However, if you desire to remove the hair lastingly, you will need to undergo electrolysis or remove the entire mole surgically.
As mentioned before, moles are hardly ever cancerous and once when they are got rid of, it is unlikely that they will appear again. In case you find that a mole is recurring even after its removal, you need to consult a dermatologist at the earliest.
There are a number of ways by which you can prevent moles from occurring, for instance, restricting exposure to the sun or wearing a sunscreen will help in this regard. Any individual having a mole should make it a routine to get it examined regularly on a monthly basis and also visit a dermatologist in case the size, color, shape or texture of the mole changes. You should also visit a dermatologist if you find new moles occurring.
A number of herbs and supplements are useful in preventing the development of moles as well as treating them. For instance, you may take a small section of garlic and put it on top of the mole. However, before placing the garlic piece, scrap its flat side so that its juice can penetrate the mole. Leave the garlic piece at place for the entire day and night. You will find that the mole will vanish in just two to three days.
Alternately, you may also immerse a small piece of cotton or gauze in apple cider vinegar and apply the substance to the mole. You need to keep the cotton or gauze in place using a tape or band-aid. Change the cotton soaked in apple cider vinegar every day till the mole has disappeared. Additionally, you may also apply coconut oil to a mole and continue the process till the mole drops off.
The natural home remedies to treat moles mentioned above are meant for those moles that are inconvenient for the person having them, but usually are not that severe that they need to be removed by a dermatologist or any other physician.
Nevertheless, if you have a mole that changes its shape, color or appearance making it look atypical, you should see a health professional before trying any type of natural treatment or home remedy to treat it. In such cases, getting rid of moles may also remove any indications of possible problems and put off any healthcare professional from examining the presence of the mole.
You may take a part of a raw or ripened banana peel, mash it slightly and apply the pulp portion to the mole and attach it to the place using a band-aid. You should remove this peel only while bathing. Apply this natural remedy for several months, as it is an extremely useful home cure for moles.
In order to treat old moles, you may try chewing some cashews and put it on the moles. This natural home remedy will help to get rid of moles in just three to four weeks. Alternately, cut a stem of a dandelion and massage the juice obtained from it onto the moles twice or thrice every day till they vanish, which might take about two to three weeks. Onion is another effective herb for treating moles or warts. Slice a raw onion, add salt to it and cover the mole with it overnight. You need to apply the onion juice to the moles at least twice or thrice every day till they vanish.
Alternately, you may extract the juice of cauliflower and apply it to moles every day till they disappear. You may also apply one drop of the extract from grapefruit seeds to the warts and cover the place using a band-aid, twice to thrice every day. In effect, grapefruit seed extract is an extremely useful home therapy for moles and it helps to get rid of moles in three to four weeks.
Raw potato or fresh pineapple is another excellent natural home therapy for moles. You may massage a small piece of pineapple or radish or the peelings of raw potato twice or thrice every day on the moles till they fall off. You may also apply the milky juice given off by the leaves and stems of figs to moles. In addition, you may place the contents enclosed by one 100 I.U. of natural vitamin E capsule on a band-aid and cover your mole with it. This will help the moles to drop off soon.
There are numerous other natural home remedies for treating moles, for example steep a little portion of cotton in aloe gel and cover your mole with it using a tape. Keep adding some more gel at intervals of three hours and change the cotton every day. When you continue this for a few days, the mole will begin to become paler and disappear within some weeks.
Alternately, you may also apply the extract of grape seeds to the moles and cover the moles with band-aids. This procedure needs to be repeated twice every day. You will notice that the color of the mole will change to white and it will fade away in roughly a week's time.
Applying the juice of milkweed to the mole is yet another very useful natural home therapy for this condition. Besides, an herbal tea prepared from Echinacea (purple coneflower), red clover or burdock root may also possibly facilitate in putting off the occurrence of moles.
Besides undergoing allopathic treatment and using natural substances as home remedy to get rid of moles or warts, there are several other things you can do for this purpose. For instance, you may make a paste of baking soda and castor oil, steep some gauze in this paste and apply it to the mole. Keep the gauze fixed on the mole using a tape and leave it for the night.
Nevertheless, the genuine cure as well as prevention for moles is to consume sufficient amounts of foods enclosing potassium or ingesting apple cider vinegar, which also contains potassium.
Chafe a little amount of iodine on the mole during the night for two to three days. This is a useful therapy for getting rid of moles. Alternately, you may also take some amount of dried and powdered pods and leaves of drumstick and mix them with fresh apple and lime juice and apply the paste to moles.
This past is also effective for treating dark spots and blackheads. In addition, it is considered to be among the most excellent home therapies for moles. You may also prepared a paste of baked, powdered pomegranate peel and fresh lime juice and apply it to moles, acne, whiteheads, blackheads and boils to get rid of them.
Grate potatoes and use it in the form of a poultice to heal skin blemishes, boils, pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. Grated potatoes are also an effective natural home remedy for treating moles. You may also apply vitamin E to the mole, mash one clove of raw garlic and put it over the mole and cover it using any adhesive bandage. Use a white chalk to rub the mole every day, as it will help it to drop off sooner.
To treat moles, take some amount of semi-ripe green black walnuts and make a small number of openings on their external shell. Rub the juice exuded from the incisions on the moles. When you apply the juice on the mole, you may experience a rather hurtful sensation or the area may become brown. However, the sensation and the change in color of the skin are just momentary. This is, in fact, an extremely useful natural therapy for moles and they will fade away in some days time.
Just applying the purest form of honey to your mole twice daily - once in the morning and again at night, for a few days is effective in getting rid of moles soon. Again, this is among the most excellent natural home therapies for moles.
Another way by which you may get rid of moles is dissolving an aspirin by adding a little drop of water to it and applying the paste to the moles. Subsequently, allow the paste to remain over the mole by using a band-aid. This process needs to be repeated two times every day.