A peculiar disease called mumps causes the inflammation of the salivary glands in the region of the ear; this disorder called the mumps is a viral infection common during childhood and is also known medically as parotitis because the parotid glands happen to be the most likely place of infection. Symptoms such as a fever, a heavy headache, the loss of appetite, malaise and aching muscles are how an attack of mumps typically starts off in the body.
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This phase is followed by the development of a painful sensation in the region of the ears and in the areas underneath the jaw begins roughly twenty four hours after the appearance of initial symptoms. The salivary glands become tender and swell up over the next one to three days because of inflammation. It normally takes between three to four days for the swelling to subside; this swollen look is the typical physical symptom of mumps.
Physical contact with infected and pathogen carrying saliva is the real cause of this illness and also the typical way in which it is transmitted from one person to another. Similar in epidemiology to measles and chickenpox, it is still less contagious than these two diseases. Before signs of infection appear a child is infected with the virus, can go two to three-and-a-half weeks in a normal way after initial infection. The infective period of a child with mumps is about six days before the appearance of symptoms and up to nine days after the glands have swelled and inflammation has set in on the affected area.
Children between the ages of five and fifteen are the age group in which mumps typically strikes. Mumps is benign in that it does not usually cause complications to develop and acts out in a self-limiting manner and runs its course without creating additional disorders for the affected child. There is a potential problem arising in boys affected by mumps, this complication is that the virus may attack the testicular tissues of the boy. Pain and swelling are the only symptoms in the majority of cases, but unfortunately for some; it can cause infertility in the future; this is especially so when a teenager or a young adult contracts the disease.
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See age-appropriate dosages of herbal remedies
Headaches can be relieved through the use of a tincture of arnica or peppermint oil as a topical measure for rubbing onto the head. The tincture of arnica can be rubbed into the temple or forehead area, the oil of the peppermint can also be rubbed directly into the temple area. Do not use these tinctures on areas of broken skin and maintain extra precautions in keeping the tinctures away from your children's eyes when rubbing it in.
For your attention: allow an interval of at least an hour between the use of a homeopathic remedy and the use of peppermint oil as a supplemental treatment. This must be maintained because the strong smell of the peppermint may interfere with the action of the homeopathic remedy and render it ineffective. Restlessness in children can be curbed by the use of a cup of chamomile tea, taken two times each day or as and when needed.
A combination herbal formula made from the Echinacea and goldenseal can effectively help fight viruses and boost the immune system functioning of the individual. This herbal combination formula also soothes irritated mucous membranes. Children can be given dosages of a single dose, thrice each day, for a total treatment period of one week or till the fever is resolved and the swelling in the salivary glands goes down.
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The immune system functioning can also be boosted through the use of shiitake mushrooms as an herbal and food supplement. These mushrooms are available in a capsule form and can be used in this way by children. Dosage of the mushroom for children over the age of twelve years is a single capsule, taken thrice daily, for up to ten days in total. The swollen salivary glands can also be topically treated through the use of castor oil packs to be rubbed as a soothing topical measure.
To prepare these packs, heat some castor oil to a warm and soothing temperature; careful, this must not be too hot, soak clean cotton cloths in this oil, and topically apply these packs onto the swollen salivary glands every day as a topical measure.
Commonly used essential oils for mumps:
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All the homeopathic remedies give below can be used three or more times each day of the treatment period, this can be done till the symptoms such as the swelling and the pain abate, at such a stage the dosage can be reduced to a more appropriate dosage level.
Carbo veg. is to be used during the homeopathic treatment of children affected with the mumps in which there is a sudden and symptomatic swelling of the parotid and other salivary glands. This swelling extends to the angle of jaw and the entire face has a puffed up appearance. This remedy can also be used in the treatment of the mumps that occurs following a cold or an eruption on the skin.
Children can be caused severe discomfort by a runny nose that ends abruptly with the start of swelling in the glands. This form of mumps also often migrates to the region of the breasts in adolescent girls or to the testes in young boys particularly if the infection occurs after the individual is exposed to severe cold or is chilled in the body.
Physical symptoms can include the presence of shooting pains in the ears. The person is also affected by a rattle like cough. The child often suffers extreme physical and mental exhaustion. The individual's hands become icy cold and the patient often breaks out in a cold sweat. The child is affected with low vitality and many of the remedies used may not seem to be working.
The condition of the child can often worsen on being exposed to warmth and after eating fatty food items. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Carbo veg. as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the mumps in the affected child.
Mercurius is to be used during the homeopathic treatment of children affected with the mumps in which there is a lot of sensitivity in the swollen parotid gland, the swelling is also present in the sublingual and the lymphatic glands. The physical symptoms can include the presence of stinging pains in the affected area.
The person is also often affected by the presence of a pussy discharge in the swollen area of the face. The person is also prone to produce a lot of saliva, and the smell of the breath is often offensive and the individual may also have bleeding gums. The muscles of the jaw tend to be affected by a spasmodic movements, the jaw bone often aches. The lips of the person often become salty and tend to dry up. The child can also be affected by strep throat.
There is also inflammation in the testes of young boys affected by the condition. The person is often given to a lot of perspiration. Psychological symptoms in the child can include the lack of confidence and a hurried manner; the child can often be suspicious of everyone and everything around him or her. The condition of the child can often worsen during the night, the body is affected more on the right side, hot and cold whether can bother the child and intensify symptoms, and the symptoms also worsen in drafts.
The swelling in the parotids feel a lot better on exposure to cold air. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Mercurius as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the mumps in the child.
Phytolacca is to be used during the homeopathic treatment of children afflicted by the mumps in which the parotid glands are swollen along with the other salivary glands. There is an aching sensation in the jaw bone of the affected child. The child may also experience a tension in the parotids and a peculiar pressure around the inflamed regions of the face.
Other physical signs present can include the swelling in the lymph glands and in the lymphatic nodes all over the body. The other physical symptoms are that the patient's tongue becomes coated in a thick yellow coat at the back of the mouth; the tongue is also affected by dryness. The throat of the individual is dark red in color and has a burning sensation all over the area.
The child or affected person will tend to have a total disregard for personal appearance and is extremely shabby. The child is also often restless and full of energy. The child can also be depressed and apathetic at most times of the day and the night. The condition of the child can worsen during the nighttime, and on being exposed to a damp and cold environment, or when swallowing, and after drinking hot drinks.
The symptoms can abate in intensity on consuming cold liquids. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the use of Phytolacca as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the child or person afflicted with the mumps.
Pulsatilla is to be used during the homeopathic treatment of mumps in children that can spread to the testes or the breasts and which lead to a lot of swelling. The symptoms of the mumps can include flushes of heat in the body of the child or the affected person. The person is also affected by swelling and pain that fluctuates in intensity and area of effect.
The right side of the body tends to be affected more than the left. The child is also affected by fever and chills that run along the body and experiences very little thirst. The symptoms may also include the production of thick and bland yellow-green nasal discharges at all times of the day and the night.
The children who are affected this way tend to be light complexioned. The child is also mostly mild, and affectionate, often desiring the company of others. The child may appear forsaken and sad. The condition of the child can worsen towards the evenings, and on being exposed to the warmth, and consumption of rich foods.
The condition of the patient improves greatly with exposure to fresh and cool air and on drinking cold drinks. The presence of one or more of these symptoms calls for the use of Pulsatilla as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the mumps.
Rhus tox. is to be used during the homeopathic treatment of children suffering from the mumps in which the parotids and the maxillary glands become very painful, swell up and are hardened. This swelling also occurs along the neck and is caused by the swelling in the lymph glands and the lymphatic system all over the body.
When the child swallows a sticking and painful sensation can come along the neck which causes a lot of discomfort to him or her. The left side of the body tends to be affected more than the right side. Other symptoms include the presence of inflammation in the affected area with the formation of pus.
The tongue is often coated in a white color and has red edges all along the margin. The saliva of the child also has a lot of bloody in it. This form of mumps can often spread to the testes or the ovary. The psychological symptoms include restlessness and nervous. The child is often thirsty.
The child often desires cold milk. The condition of the child often worsens when exposed to the cool and damp air, the symptoms can also worsen during the night, and when taking rest. The condition of the child often improves when some heat is applied on the body of the child.