
Supplements And Herbs

Specific vitamins, for instance vitamin C, vitamin D and B-complex vitamins like B3 and B12 have an important role in treating a number of psychotic symptoms. Nevertheless, if you are having psychosis and want to use vitamins, ensure that you talk to your doctor prior to taking any supplement containing these vitamins.

A deficit of vitamin B3 is likely to augment nervousness, depression and even exhaustion in people having psychotic disorders. This may possibly be owing to the vital role performed by vitamin B3 in the functioning of specific chemicals in the brain that control our mood, concentration and attention.

Ingestion of vitamin B3 in high amounts may help in repressing a particular form of psychosis that results in aggressive feelings and obsession. In addition, vitamin B3 - also referred to as niacinamide, can cross over the blood barrier easily and have the ability to imitate the actions of anti-psychotic drugs such as Xanax and Valium.

Similarly, shortage of vitamin B12 is also likely to enhance the seriousness of the symptoms associated with psychosis and mania. In effect, vitamin B12 has an important role in producing neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin and dopamine, which control our emotions and mood.

Various people suffering from psychosis may have serotonin and dopamine blocked and this may possibly enhance depression, nervousness, cerebral disorder as well as the disturbance of the usual social activities. Consuming vitamin B12 in large amounts may perhaps aid in invigorating the hypothalamus gland in the brain to make additional amounts of these neurotransmitters and, at the same time, assist in making the emotions and mood stable.

Vitamin C (also referred to as ascorbic acid) is soluble in water and performs several dissimilar functions in the body. Being a very potent antioxidant, vitamin C is helpful in improving the symptoms associated with psychosis. It has been found that the bloodstream of people suffering from different types of psychosis usually contains elevated levels of toxic substances as well as the harmful free radicals that result in the disruption of the regular performance of the different organs of the body, counting the brain.

Vitamin C possesses the aptitude to counteract the results of the free radicals and, at the same time, helps in getting rid of the toxic substances from the patient's bloodstream, thereby aiding in improving the symptoms of psychotic problems.

Vitamin D dissolves in fat and is mostly acquired by means of exposing oneself directly to sunlight. It may also be obtained by consuming foods that are rich in vitamin D content, for instance, dairy products and cereals. Any deficiency of vitamin D is likely to exaggerate the psychotic symptoms, especially in children whose mothers also struggle with a deficiency of vitamin D.

Nevertheless, it has been found that elevated levels of vitamin D are also related to an increase in psychotic symptoms, counting distorted thoughts, nervousness and violence. Therefore, it is important to keep the levels of vitamin D balanced in your body as it is necessary for controlling the neurotransmitters released by the nerve cells in the brain as well as stabilizing the mood.

Findings of a study have discovered that the mental health of children consuming plenty of fish or fish oil in supplement form is usually better. It also substantiates the fact that consumption of fish oil thwarts the advancement of psychosis in people who are aged between 13 years and 25 years. Ingestion of fish oil in capsule form once daily and continuously for a period of three months has led to considerably reduced occurrence of psychotic episodes.

In addition, it has been found that consumption of fish oil also helped in regulating the advancement of the disease for an additional 12 months following its use. According to the researchers, ingestion of fish oil also helps to avoid the occurrence of psychosis and this is the reason taking a diet that includes sufficient amounts of fish is vital for putting off the occurrence as well as dealing with psychosis. Besides fish, flax seeds and walnuts also provide us with adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

In addition, oat straw possesses restorative attributes and is extremely nourishing for the brain as well as the nervous system. This substance is extremely fundamental and necessary for everyone, irrespective of a child or adult, who finds it difficult to concentrate.

It is interesting to note that roses as well as rose hips also nourish our brain and the nervous system. They possess calming properties and help in alleviating stress as well as enable us to enhance our focus. Roses actually promote our competence to offer as well as receive love. This flower is used to provide relief from the pains associated with an emotional heart, augment vitality and also lift spirits. Rose hips have been found to be extremely useful for children who have been identified to be suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder (also referred to as ADD).

Lavender and chamomile are two important herbs that help us to treat the symptoms associated with psychosis. While lavender possesses anti-depressant, sedative and tension relieving attributes, chamomile is gently tranquilizing, calming and particularly beneficial for children.

The herb skullcap is considered to be the best nervine of nature. It provides excellent nourishment to the brain as well as the nervous system; is tranquilizing and anti-depressant; and helps to provide relief from pain. In addition, use of skullcap also aids in improving concentration and focus. Rosemary is also a wonderful nervine and owing to its anti-depressant attributes, it helps in relieving stress. Moreover, rosemary also enhances alertness, perks up memory and acts in the form of an all-purpose tonic for the brain.

Red clover is useful for nourishing the whole body, as it supplies us with copious amounts of protein, calcium, B vitamins and all things that are necessary for nourishing the brain. Sage helps to protect us from developing Alzheimer's disease, as it slows down the disintegration of acetylcholine. This herb has been traditionally held in high esteem owing to its tonic actions on the brain.

Ginkgo biloba is one herb that promotes blood circulation to the brain, lifts the mood and improves sociability. In addition, it also enhances vitality and alertness, while providing relief from nervousness and stress. Use of garlic also invigorates the brain and its effect on the functioning of the brain is positive, thereby it increases vitality and alertness.

Angelica possesses restorative as well as rejuvenating properties and is an excellent resource of B vitamins, counting vitamin B12. It also supplies us with sufficient amounts of iron and magnesium, in addition to all other essential nutriments that are required for the healthy functioning of the brain and the nervous system.

Similar to angelica, ginseng too is restorative, revitalizing and enhances vitality. It also works in the form of a tonic for the brain. Ginseng possesses adaptogenic and anti-depressant attributes and is very effective for people who are enduring mental, emotional, spiritual and/ or physical stress. Ginseng also supports sound sleep, makes the nerves stronger, enhances clear thoughts, memory and improves concentration.

St. John's wort is a very useful herb for treating gentle or restricted depression. In addition, it also provides relief from insomnia, nervousness, and tetchiness and also alleviates pain. The lemon balm is useful natural tranquilizer as well as anti-depressant. This herb also possesses anesthetic, pain relieving properties and is known to protect against senility. Additionally, lemon balm also provides nutriments to the brain.

Motherwort is one herb that provides emotional support and stability. At the same time, this herb educates us regarding things that are essential for a robust emotional health. It is essential to recognize and also accept our sharp thorny areas, as well as those that are soft and downy. Incidentally, motherwort shows them both with pride.

If you are aware of any individual with psychosis, it is ideal that you talk to a psychiatrist. Psychosis is basically a severe health condition and it is advisable that it should not be treated on your own.

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