A widespread skin complaint seborrheic dermatitis in adults is also known as dandruff, while in infants it is called cradle cap. This skin ailment commences with a redness that generates scrape of reddish and yellow flaking skin. While, generally seborrhea dermatitis does not cause any irritation or itching, the skin peels very easily.
This problem seems to worsen during the winter months. In cases that are very acute, a yellowish rash emerges the length of the hairline. At times, this condition occurs together with an infection of the eyelid, which is known as blepharitis - wherein yellow-hued crusts develop at the bottom of the eye lashes.
It may be mentioned here that often seborrhea is mistaken to be different similar appearing skin problems, such as psoriasis and eczema. In fact, seborrhea may occur along with other skin complaints. In case the patient enduring seborrhea experiences acute itching, he or she is likely to be affected by another Candida fungal infection.
Although this condition mostly develops on the scalp, there are also exceptions and it may not be just restricted to the scalp. For instance, seborrhea may reach the face, particularly between the eye brows as well as in the region of the nose, and make the skin turn out to be additionally reddish and scaly compared to the usual conditions. In a number of instances, seborrhea also affects the chest as well as the skin creases close to the genital region.
Similar to the majority of skin disorders, seborrheic dermatitis does not develop only because of a solitary reason. In fact, skin disorders, such as seborrhea, are usually the outer appearances of inner discrepancies as well as poisoning by pathogenic toxins (toxemia). Tension, dearth of nutrients, emotional issues, poor levels of pancreatic enzyme, food allergies, bowel infections, abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system, for instance, low levels of stomach acid or any acute imbalance of the intestinal flora may all be associated with the inflammation of the scalp.
People taking diets that have a deficiency of healthy foods, high nutrient as well as natural enzyme content are usually at the risk of developing seborrhea. In fact, people whose diet does not contain enough of B vitamins plus the necessary fatty acids are more likely to develop this skin condition, as these two are vital for the health of the skin. While it is possible to control this health condition by means of taking nutritious foods and maintaining a good health, the tendency of developing seborrhea actually does not leave.
As in several other ailments, herbs and supplements are of great use in treating seborrhea. In all possibility, this skin ailment will not develop provided the necessary requirements of B vitamins by the body are fulfilled. In this case most important B vitamins include folic acid, B6, B12 and biotin. Since the body absorbs vitamin B 12 very slowly, people taking this nutrient should simultaneously use sublingual tablets.
It may be noted here that essential fatty acids are needed to treat seborrhea. Essential fatty acids, particularly the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is present in the oil of the herb evening primrose as well as flax seed oil, are actually the essential elements for the different anti-inflammatory agents of the body, in addition to being nourishments for the skin. In case your skin is extremely dry, you need to include vitamin A and vitamin E in your diet, since these two vitamins assist in sustaining the health of our skin.
Normally, one needs to adopt an excellent bowel cleansing course if he or she desires to get rid of seborrhoeic dermatitis. Such a program may comprise using aloe vera juice, buckthorn, senna or cascara sagrada. In order to invigorate the scalp as well as augment blood circulation, disinfect as well as loosen the scalp, you may rub the scalp using any one of the two herbal blends mentioned below.
You may apply aloe vera, tea tree oil, calendula cream and silica gel externally to the areas affected by seborrhoeic dermatitis as this will provide relief to the inflamed skin. It may be noted that tea tree oil has an astringent or dehydrating impact when it is applied straight to the skin. This natural oil also helps to restore the health of harmed skin, in addition to putting off infections. In addition, tea tree oil is an active element in a number of commercially available shampoo products especially meant to get rid of dandruff. Besides, tea tree oil is also used in liquid extracts as well as creams.
Alternately, using a combination of goldenseal, chaparral or red-clover tea also facilitates in getting to the bottom of the problem. To prepare this formulation, add one teaspoon of these herbs to one cup (250 ml) of simmering water; allow them to steep for some time and subsequently strain the liquid and allow it to cool. When cool, massage this solution on the scalp.
Make a blend of half a teaspoon of calamus oil, lavender oil and burdock root oil each together with two teaspoon of gentian tincture. Put some rosemary spirit to make the blend up to one-fourth of a cup and shake the herbs properly prior to massaging it onto the scalp. In order to prepare the rosemary spirit, take rosemary herbs in the measure of half a cup and top it with vodka.
Place the cup containing the blend in a sunlit location for a period of approximately four to six weeks and shake it many times during this period. It may be noted that the herb rosemary possesses astringent as well as antiseptic properties. Immerse one tablespoonful of rosemary herb in half a cup (125 ml) of common shampoo for about two weeks prior to using it.
In addition to the above mentioned herbs, if you rub stinging nettle, gentian tincture, calamus oil, St. John's wort oil, onion juice, rosemary oil, lavender oil, burdock root oil directly to the inflamed scalp, it will help to provide relief from the symptoms of seborrhoeic dermatitis. In addition, add one teaspoon of herbs to one cup (250 ml) of boiling water, allow it to steep for about 30 minutes and then filter the liquid.
Add two tablespoonful of vinegar to the solution and rub it onto the scalp. In addition, soap bark also possesses cleansing as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Blend one cup of decoction of the herbs mentioned above with half a cup of soft soap and employ it in the form of a shampoo.
Tissue salts, for instance Kalium muriaticum, Natrium muriaticum and Kalium sulphate also facilitate in sustaining the health of the skin as well as support the skin, which is adequately hydrated.
Besides using conventional medications, taking supplements and making use of herbal remedies, you may do a number of other things to cure seborrhoeic dermatitis. For instance, you may apply vitamin E oil externally to the area affected by the condition or open a capsule of vitamin E and apply it onto the area. In addition, rinse your hair using a shampoo that is medicated and especially meant for fighting dandruff as per the prescribed program. In case you do not get the desired result from using the shampoo, use another one having a dissimilar active component.
Alternately, you may also make use of a non-prescription cream that helps to combat fungal infections. Application of over-the-counter cream ketoconazole may prove to be effective in getting rid of the infection. In addition apply a lotion or cream that is anti-itch directly to the affected area.
Even taking a brief regimen of the over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream enclosing a minimum of one per cent hydrocortisone has the aptitude to provide short-term relief from the problem, especially the itching caused by seborrhea. At the same time, ensure that you do not use any astringent or harsh soaps or detergents. Also ensure that you wash the soap totally off your scalp and body.
People suffering from seborrhoeic dermatitis should always wear cotton clothes that have a smooth texture. In fact, this will facilitate in allowing the air circulation around their skin and put off irritations. In addition, male patients are advised that they ought to shave off their moustache or beard. In effect, seborrhoeic dermatitis may deteriorate when they develop under a moustache or beards. In case you are experiencing a similar case, shaving your moustache and beard will help to alleviate the symptoms of this bothersome condition.
If you are suffering from seborrhoeic dermatitis, always be careful so that you do not scratch at whatever time it itches. Always bear in mind that scraping may augment the itching and irritation, thereby making you further prickly as well as enhance the risk of developing the fungal infection.
Applying mineral oil to the dense plaques on the scalp caused by seborrhoeic dermatitis is likely to make the affected areas softer, particularly in small children. After you have rubbed the scalp with a mineral oil, you may gently brush off the plaques. While this mode of treatment is not effective in preventing the return of dermatitis, it is basically a harmless as well as an effectual approach of getting rid of almost all of the itching skin scales as well as plaques on the skin.
A number of circumstantial healing methods for seborrhoeic dermatitis, counting the use of comfrey and ginger, also depend on rubbing the scalp with oil solutions to offer the utmost treatment effect.
Nevertheless, augmented consumption of nutrients, for instance, garlic, soybeans and oats, may also prove to be effective for having hale and hearty skin, nails and hair. Remember, dietary sources are important in healing seborrhoeic dermatitis.
The standard doses of specific herbs and supplements that are helpful in treating seborrheic dermatitis are listed below.
Vitamin B complex, this essential supplement should be taken in dosage of 50 mg, thrice every day.
Vitamin B12, this supplement should be taken in sublingual form in dosage of 100 mcg daily.
Vitamin A, should be taken in dosage of 25,000 IU. Pregnant women as well as those planning to get pregnant should keep away from this supplement.
Vitamin E, should be taken with mixed tocopherols, in dosage of 400 IU every day.
Flax seed oil, it is effective in treating seborrheic dermatitis and should be taken in dosage of one tablespoon every day.
Primrose oil, two capsules enclosing the oil extracted from the herb evening primrose should be taken in dosage of 500 mg each thrice every day to heal this condition.
Colloidal silver, it may be applied externally in dosage of one-fourth teaspoon every day to the areas affected by seborrheic dermatitis.