Sinusitis - part 2


The use of the following homeopathic remedies is suggested in the treatment of acute sinusitis, the remedies must be taken for several days of continuous treatment at potency of 6c, 12c or 30c several times a day as supplements to other medications.

For the treatment of the lingering or chronic form of sinusitis, any of the remedies suggested can be taken by the patient for a treatment period lasting one to two weeks at a stretch. The remedy must then be allowed to work for a while on its own to bring about healing in the patient.

The cycle of supplemental use of these homeopathic remedies can be repeated according to the type of response that the remedy induces in the patient. The progression of the chronic form to an acute form of sinusitis is quite a probable occurrence especially during the course of the treatment regimen - this progressive worsening of the condition can often come about along with a very significant and considerable drainage of mucus and old pus from the nasal passages of the patient.

It is important not to interfere with this healing process and to let the situation run itself. A lasting cure and treatment can be gained if the homeopathic supplementation is carried out under the proper guidance of an experienced homeopath - such a treatment will also be much more holistic in its results as far as the health of the patient is concerned.

Hepar sulph.

Hepar sulph. is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering from sinusitis in which symptoms include the discharge of very thick and yellow-green foul smelling mucus with an odor similar to old cheese. Physical symptoms induced in the patient can often include sudden bouts of sneezing on exposure to drafts of cold air. The patient also suffers from continuous blockage in the nasal cavity when exposed to cold air out of doors.

The other physical symptoms include tenderness and sensitivity in the sinuses and the bones especially to touch and motion. The condition is also characterized by continuous nosebleeds which occur over a long period of time. The nose of the person often turn very red and can become extremely inflamed, the nasal passages are also sometimes very swollen and are characterized by the presence of burning pains all along the surface.

The person may also suffer an acute loss of smell as one of the physical symptoms. The person may also suffer aches which occur at the root of the nostrils. The other physical symptoms include the presence of splinter like pains in the nasal passages. The psychological symptoms induced by the condition include persistent irritability; the person may also suffer from chills that run up and down the length of the body.

The condition of the individual often greatly worsens on being exposed to cold environments, to sudden drafts, to very dry wind and to changes or fluctuations in pressure. The condition of the patient improves when he or she is kept warm, and when he or she is wrapped up in warm clothes. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Hepar sulph. as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of sinusitis.


Hydrastis is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering from sinusitis in which the symptoms induced may include the exudation of large amounts of very watery and acrid nasal discharges, these discharges often tend to turn really thick, are extremely offensive and are yellow or bloody in coloration. Physical symptoms include the presence of a burning, smarting or raw sensation in the nasal and sinus passages. The nasal opening also tends to be encrusted by mucus which dries up outside the orifice of the nose.

The person is almost always blowing his or her nose to rid them of accumulated mucus. The individual also suffers from the presence of a severe frontal sinus headache and in addition may be affected by post nasal dripping. The person suffers from very free nasal discharges when out in the open air out of doors, the escape of mucus from the nose often results in some relief from the headaches, the nose also often gets congested and filled with mucus whenever the person stays or shuts himself or herself inside a warm room.

The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when he or she is inhaling air during normal breathing, symptoms also tend to be severe when exposed to cold air, to dry winds, and at night, the discharges seem to be heavier on the left nostril. The condition of the patient can improve with the application of pressure on the sinuses. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Hydrastis as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the sinusitis.

Kali bich.

Kali bich. is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by sinusitis in which the symptoms may include the presence of an intense and bursting pain or the sensation of a very great pressure along the sinuses and the nose. The sensations are greatest at the root of the nose or in the cheeks and they can cause the patient a lot of discomfort.

The physical symptoms also include the exudation of very thick and yellow-green colored, stringy looking mucus given out almost continuously. The other physical symptoms seen in such patients can include the presence of a post nasal drip, the patient may also continuously hawk up large gobs of mucus into the mouth, and these are often so sticky that the patient may have difficulty expelling them from the mouth.

Physical symptoms suffered by the patients also include the continuous stuffed up feeling in the nose, some patients complain of a sudden loss of smell, the voice of such patients can often have a very nasal tone, the patient may also be affected by constant hoarseness in the throat and the voice will be affected in such cases. The patient also tends to have very thick scabs along the nose; these often cause rawness when they are pulled off from the surface.

This remedy is for use with the forms of sinusitis which are accompanied by the presence of colds or coughs. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when he or she is exposed to the cold air out of doors, to any damp places, and the symptoms of the condition tend to worsen in the mornings, especially around two to three a.m., the symptoms also worsen if the patient drinks beer.

The condition of patients generally improves when they stay warm, and when some pressure is applied along the affected area of the face. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Kali bich. as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of sinusitis.


Mercurius is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering from sinusitis and especially of discomfort in the frontal sinuses on the face. The physical symptoms seen in this form of the condition can include the exudation of thick mucus from the nasal passages, in some cases the nose is very runny and exudes a yellow-green, and foul smelling discharge regularly.

The person is affected by extremely bad odors in the nasal region. Such patients tend to have very foul breaths and the tongue of such patients tends to be gray coated and may be affected by a metallic taste at all times. The person also suffers from rawness in the nostrils presence at all times and casing a great deal of discomfort, this rawness in the nostrils may lead to the formation of ulcers along the nasal passages.

The cheeks of the patient are also often swollen up and look puffed up. The person also suffers from abrupt bouts of sneezing and tends to have frequent nosebleeds which recur. Patients are prone to having frequent colds, and such colds typically progress to sinusitis. Psychological symptoms apparent in the individual include hurried and suspicious behavior; the person also tends to be affected by a weakening of the memory.

The condition of the patient tends to greatly worsen during the night, and symptoms also worsen during very hot and or very cold weather, any damp or cloudy weather worsens the symptoms, the person also does not tolerate drafts, and dislikes being touch. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Mercurius as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of sinusitis.


Pulsatilla is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by sinusitis, who may suffer from constant dull and heavy pains which lie along the frontal and maxillary sinuses. Physical symptoms also include the sensation of a stuffed nose and a sudden loss of smell as symptoms progress or worsen.

Physical symptoms also include the exudation of a very thick and yellow colored, discharge which does not cause irritation at end of a period of being affected by cold. The other physical symptoms include the presence of redness in the eyes, and teary looking eyes at all times. Such patients tend to be very moody and changeable. Psychological symptoms evident in such individuals include a clingy or dependent behavior, and patients tend to be very passive individuals in their social interactions.

The patient may desire constant companionship, and feels a need for sympathy from others around. Physical symptoms also include drainage from the nasal cavities when the person lies down, this draining of the nose will be stopped when the person rises up. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when he or she goes from a room with cold air in to a warm room or indoors, symptoms also worsen if the person consumes very rich and oil foods, and the symptoms generally worsen towards the evenings.

The condition of the patient can improve when he or she is exposed to the fresh air out of doors. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Pulsatilla as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of sinusitis.


Silicea is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering from sinusitis which arises as a result of frequent and recurring colds or in those cases of sinusitis triggered by seasonal allergic reactions such as hay fever or perhaps because of a very low or depressed immunity in the body, the remedy can also be extensively used in the treatment of individuals with the chronic form of sinus infections.

The physical symptoms experienced by such patients tend to be the alternately drying and blocking sensation felt in the nasal passages; in some individuals symptoms of the condition may assume the production of profuse amounts of mucus. The mucus in all cases tends to be very thick, tends to have a yellow color, and is pus like in appearance.

The person also tends to be affected by crusts of mucus forming in the nose; such patients may be affected by pimples, and are prone to developing ulcers and fistulas in the nasal region. The other physical symptoms can include the presence of persistent gnawing pains and swelling in the glands of the body. The person may also have a tendency to suffer from very violent bouts of sneezing. He or she may also be affected by chills running up and down the body.

The sour smelling sweats are another characteristic feature of such patients. Psychological symptoms in such individuals include the total lack of self confidence, though stubbornness seems to be also apparent at the same time. The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when he or she is exposed to cold and damp weather; symptoms also worsen if the head region is exposed to drafts.

The condition of the patient can improve when he or she is in a warm place, or when he or she is wrapped up in warm clothing and blankets. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Silicea as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of sinusitis.

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