
The occurrence of a stroke is similar to a heart attack in many respects, in that it is also a serious disorder in the arterial system. The occurrence of a stroke can be lethal if it occurs abruptly or violently, it may require many months for a person to regain body functions.

The appearance of symptoms such as spells of dizziness, constant headaches and spells of fainting are the first signs of possible severe stroke. In addition, some people may experience visual disturbances and other problems with their vision, such signs often come along with other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

An almost permanent paralysis of the body along one side is almost always the result when consciousness is lost during a stroke. An arm and a leg are almost always paralyzed and along the face, the mouth and one eyelid will droop on one side-this situation is typically experienced by all victims of strokes.

Patients affected by a stroke in addition, often find it very difficult or even impossible to speak or vocalize. The treatment given during the first few hours and the first few days following the appearance of a serious stroke are the most critical periods for the person's chances of full recovery. Frustration with the constant physical fatigue and exhaustion can be very great for the patients during the many months spent recovering from the disorder.

The more serious effects of a stroke are the presence of memory problems, mental confusion and the sudden changes to personality, thankfully such personality changes do not necessarily follow the occurrence of every stroke attack. Individual characteristics greatly determine the recovery times and the physical symptoms of stroke-stronger patients survive a stroke much better.

The presence of persistent apathy, the appearance of sudden mood swings and sudden flares of anger are quite common during the recovery stages, with time, these symptoms tend to dissipate and lessen greatly as the person deals better with his or her frustrations. There are milder forms of strokes which can often affect a person without the occurrence of a complete loss of consciousness-a common development in severe stroke.

Many of the physical abilities lost following the occurrence of a serious stroke, can be regained given sufficient recovery time, but on the whole the progress towards full functional articulation will be painstakingly slow when a person has to re-learn to speak, to walk or to write.

People are more likely to be affected by strokes once that are over fifty years of age, the susceptibility to suffering a stroke also tends to increase as a person ages. While strokes tend to be disease of old age, the occurrence of stroke is not limited to any age group and it can occur to anyone if the risk factors are present.

Strokes are not bereft of warning signs, and symptoms usually warn of a threatened strokes-this is despite the fact that the occurrence of most strokes tends to be very sudden. The conditions classified as transient ischemic attacks are similar to stokes and can be classed as small and reversible strokes suffered by the body.

The symptoms and mental confusion they induce in the patient are similar to those seen during a stroke, patients tend to have great difficulty in speaking, and they are also affected by spells of dizziness or become affected by accompanying visual problems, these symptoms often dissipate or disappear in a matter of minutes without treatment.

In other patients, symptoms induced can include the presence of profound muscle weakness, and final numbness or paralysis in the body. Patients can also be affected by what are known as drop attacks, in this case the knees of the person buckle and gives way without any warning, the person often falls down as a result.

The more serious development of a complete stroke can often be prevented by the appearance of such symptoms and signs especially when they are recognized and the treatment is given to the person. They unfortunately go largely ignored by the patient, this is because tend to be short and are very confusing to relate to a possibility of stroke.

The development of some impairment in the circulation of the blood to the brain is the main causative factor for the majority of strokes, such an impairment in the circulation to the brain can lead to the general destruction of large amounts of brain tissue from the lack of adequate oxygen-brain cells are very susceptible to the loss of oxygen in the body.

The impairment of circulation to the brain usually arises are a result of a blood clot or thrombus in the veins or arteries, such disorders in turn develop as a result of disorders such as arteriosclerosis in the person. Impairment of circulation has many risk factors similar to a large part to those that induce arteriosclerosis and all kinds of heart disease, these factors include the consumption of a diet poor in nutrients, the complete lack of physical exercise, factors such as obesity and habits like smoking.

The most important risk factor for the possible occurrence of a stroke is the intake of a proper and nutritious diet by the person. Arteries are clogged over time when diets contain large amounts of saturated fats derived from foods like red meats and the processed oils. North American diets tend to be very poor in fiber and this absence of an essential nutrient in the diet is a very common problem across the population.

One reason for this lack of fiber in the diet is that the majority of marketed foods are refined and their natural fiber content is reduced. Foods lacking in fiber include the products made using white flour, polished rice and pasta. In contrast, the fiber content of wholesome, unrefined, raw foods is much richer and such foods also tend to be rich in essential dietary enzymes and many different nutrients vital to health.

The chances for the occurrence of stokes on the whole can be reduced by regular diets that induced the person to eat a lot of fresh fruits and raw vegetables on a daily basis. The health of the arteries also suffers from the intake of too much salt and the use of alcohol on a daily basis.

Strokes are more likely to hit women who use birth control pills compared to those who do not contraception, the risk for other types of blood clots forming in the body is also greater for women on the pill. The susceptibility to stroke is greater in a person affected by more of these risk factors-this is especially true if the risk factors persist over a long period of time.

The rupturing of a blood vessel in the brain is the rarer cause of some strokes in people and at times the presence of an embolism due to a damaged heart can also induce a sudden stroke. The presence of genetic or inherent physical weaknesses in the tissues of a vessel is the usual cause for a ruptured blood vessel in the brain and these situations often come about when the person is undertaking extreme physical exertions and such incidents are also common when feeling excessive stress or emotional disturbances because of other mental problems.

Supplements and herbs

Supplements of the vitamin E and the herbal remedies made from the garlic herb are extremely helpful in preventing the formation of blood clots from and these supplemental remedies also improve the rate of circulation in the body.

The development of clots in the blood is also prevented by supplements of the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is found in high quantities in the herbal oil of the evening primrose herb. This compound brings about a reduction in the stickiness of blood-clotting agents within the blood plasma. The compound lecithin is another excellent supplement, it functions as a blood clot inhibitor, and aids in the transportation of unhealthy fats from the bloodstream.

The integrity and strength of the blood vessels can be improved and promoted by supplementing with the vitamin C along with the plant bases natural substances known as bioflavonoids-supplements of this natural compound are highly recommended for daily use by all patients suffering from strokes. The formation of blood clots is also promoted by the occurrence of physical breaks in the blood vessels especially during the natural repair and restoration of the tissues occurring in the human body all the time.

The prevention of strokes can be achieved through regular supplementation of these herbs in addition to the continual use of a healthy diet-such a combination will keep the heart strong and maintain elasticity in the arteries.

Patients who are recovering from a stroke can drink herbal teas made from herbs such as the cayenne, the goldenseal and the rose hip regularly, these herbs will aid in increasing the circulation within he body and help in strengthening the blood vessels so that clots do not form easily in the body.

The elasticity of the connective tissues can be maintained by regular supplement so the silica rich herb called the horsetail, the use of this herb helps keep the elastic pliable and elastic throughout the recovery process and can be an excellent preventive supplement. The horsetail also improves the resistance and impermeability of the arterial tissues to the presence of harmful lipids, and actively helps in the prevention of such deposits within the arteries.

Dosage of this herb can be a single cup of the horsetail tea or a single tbsp. of the herbal horsetail juice taken thrice every day of the treatment period. The herbal tea made from the ginkgo biloba herb aids in increasing the flow of blood to the brain and should be taken on a regular basis.

Dosage of this herbal tea can be two cups every day. The cardiac tissues are benefited by herbal ginger supplements, this herb acts as a cardiac tonic, it is known to decrease the levels of cholesterol and this helps in improving impaired or poor circulation in the body of the affected person.

The remedy made from the ginger also helps in the prevention of blood from clotting at an excessive rate in response to injury. During treatment, patients can drink the herbal ginger tea throughout the day as a continuous herbal supplement.

Additional things you may do

While you are recuperating from a stroke, make sure that you take part in learning new relaxation techniques and that you practice these regularly. It is also important to take part in some physical activity, preferably low intensity exercises such as slow walk and relaxing swimming sessions.

Usual dosage

Evening primrose oil, 2 x 500 mg capsules thrice a day.

Garlic, three capsules thrice a day.

Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, 1,000 mg.

Vitamin E, 200 IU for 7 days, then increase the dose to 600 IU.

Lecithin, three tbsp. thrice a day.

Other beneficial herbs


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