Visual Disturbances

When the lens in the human eye fails to adjust or account for objects which are far away from the person, it is diagnosed as myopia or near-sightedness. The usual way for the diagnosis of such a condition in someone is because they keep complaining of recurring headaches; other symptoms that can come on during this stage can be persistent redness in the eyes and a pain, which results from eye strain as the person ties to focus his sight.

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In another condition known as hypermetropia or far-sightedness objects close to the person become blurred and undefined, this can come accompanied by headaches and eye strain. This condition almost always accompanies aging in a person, however, the condition can and thus occur in kids.

The usual way a diagnosis of far-sightedness is made when the person finds his or her eyes tiring easily when doing some ordinary action like reading a book or during activities like sewing, which are dependant on good sight. Macular deterioration in the eyes can also cause blurring of vision and difficulties with focusing on details like reading or needlework.

Other forms of visual impairment can include the milder conditions like the presence of floater in the eyes, small black spots appear and float or dance across the visual field in the eyes. As a person ages these incidences increase, however, these floaters are a common and normal occurrence in the human eye and is experienced by many people.

Neurological problems can be the underlying reasons for visual problems in some individuals. Since the brain is the main organ which interprets all visual signals and understands external cues, any problem with its visual centre can skew vision in many different ways.

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The positive and negative aspects of the brain is that it is very adaptable to small changes in vision and problems with the eyes, it simply adapts itself and compensates for problems in the eyes, filling out details and even entire pictures if there are problems with sight, for this reason some slow acting deterioration of sight that occurs for example during diabetes can go unnoticed for long periods of time, thus leading to loss of sight due to diabetic retinopathy.

Visual compensation also occurs during conditions such as blurry vision and lazy eye, which often develop as one eye wanders and affects a single eye at a time. This compensation is however not for ever, in time the brain simply shuts out or ignores the image from the affected eye, and chooses to use only the healthy eye, at which point the person will become aware of the problem.

Some eye visual defects require prompt treatment, one serious ailment is detachment of the retina, and this can lead to blindness and permanent visual impairment if effective medical procedures are not taken in proper time. This condition can be discovered through the appearance of a veil like shadow across the vision field and the sudden appearance of black spots.

Sometimes sudden light flashes can also be symptoms; these suggest a retinal detachment in the eye. In certain conditions like glaucoma, vision of bright objects is accompanied by halos or rainbows when the vision of the individual also dims slowly, until blindness results if the condition is not treated in time.

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Similarly medical treatments must be done in the case of cataracts which are slow in developing, and take over a few weeks or months in formation; the result is a slow clouding of the lens within the eye leading to eventual blindness, which is irreversible.

Vision is affected adversely by many factors and these can include the extreme eye strain through reading for long periods and watching TV or working too long at a computer, the consumption of an unhealthy diet, other factors such as an inadequate period spent sleeping or at rest.

Visual problems can also arise if working condition have insufficient lighting, and if a person works too long at exceptionally close and visually demanding range, in particular where the work done is very exacting and goes on without any resting of the eyes or takes place without the person looking away repeatedly nor resting the eyes for any length of time.

Dimming of vision can also occur when the person uses sunglasses without UV (ultraviolet) protection; this can also result in the formation of cataracts in the eyes. The presence of conditions such as a arteriosclerosis and hypertension enhance the risk of eye problems to a great extent even though it is quite normal for the central point in the eye, called the macula to weaken with time.

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The supply of nutrients to the eyes can be affected by a poor blood circulation in the body; this is because the oxygen supply to the eyes is restricted to a great extent. The lack of zinc and vitamin A results in night blindness. Assimilated toxins in the eyes are responsible for the presence of floaters, or spots that go dancing across the visual field.

Dimming of vision is another consequence - heavy smoking - besides its effect on many other processes in the body, this is so especially with pipe tobacco. The use of alcohol and certain medications and the presence of other toxins in the body, as well as the botulism responsible for food poisoning can also lead to visual problems and the consequent blurring of vision. The presence of a tumor of the brain and other neurological problems and conditions such as MS (multiple sclerosis) also affect vision in a variety of adverse ways.

Physiological changes to the muscles governing the lens within the eyes is the leading cause for near-sightedness during childhood and during the teenage years, it is also related to a hereditary tendency for an overly long eyeball. When the eyeballs of the person are too short, the result is farsightedness.

The same problem is encountered in old age but it is then due to a different factor namely, it is due to a deteriorating of the muscles which control close-range sight, this form of visual activity places more strain on the muscles of the eye than activities involving far-range sight. The weakening of the lens inside the eye due to strain on the eyes is the result in both types of visual problems.

Supplements and herbs

While it also plays a role in many types of eye problems, the chief effect of inadequate levels of vitamin A in the body is the well known disorder known as night blindness, the vitamin is necessary for proper vision in the dark; it is commonly called retinol for its effect on the retina.

If the desired relief is not coming forth even after a long period of supplementation using the vitamin A, the mineral zinc and the B vitamins should be combined along with the normal doses of vitamin A. Vitamin A assimilation within the human body is carried out under the regulation of the mineral zinc.

Proper visual acuity requires the presence of most of the B vitamins in sufficient levels within the body; this is with particular reference to the B2. Supplementation with the B vitamins can help in the treatment of color differentiation problems, in the removal of floating spots within the eyes, and in the alleviation of blurring and halos that appear around lights.

Supplements of the vitamin E, the plant based natural substances called bioflavonoids, in particular rutin, and other vitamins like the vitamin C not only strengthen the eyes but also help preclude the development of cataracts and prevent the destruction of the cellular structure lining the eyelids.

Along with a proper dietary regimen many herbal remedies can be used to alleviate the adverse effects arising from all forms of visual disturbances.

The toxic material in the eyes that causes the floaters to appear can be rid through the use of alternate hot and cold eyebright infusion compresses in a gentle massage over the eyes; this stimulates blood circulation within the eyes and helps in the alleviation of the visual problem.

A daily dose of the herbal tea made from eyebright can also help alleviate the condition; the dosage per day should be about three cups of the tea for optimal effects. Toxins accumulated within the body can also be eliminated through the use of the juice of the dandelion during treatment of the eye problem.

The roots and the top parts of the plant are the areas of the plant from which the best and most effective juice can be obtained; during treatment use the juices from this parts of the herb. Dosage should be about a single tbsp. of the juice on a daily basis and alternate this treatment for a treatment period totaling six weeks with one week of usage alternating one week without the drinking the juice.

Other helpful juices can be herbal teas made from herbs like the fennel, those made using the chamomile and those made from the Essiac; all of these herbal teas can effectively help combat the visual problems associated with all sorts of eye problems and disorders.

Additional things you may do

Problems such as lazy eye, a weakened vision and even near-sightedness can be greatly improved through the regular and routine eye exercises carried out daily. To keep the eyes functioning normally, it is important to have regular breaks and timed intervals involving periods of restful darkness or shut eyelids.

To rest the eyes, place the heel of the palms on the cheek bones and with both hands cover both eyes with cupped hands for some time. Relax from time to time during visual activity by closing the eyes. The back of the neck should be straight and the spine should also be erect when you are working at anything.

Massage the eyes using your palms for at least fifteen minutes each day. Close your eyes and while holding your thumbs below the cheek bone with light pressure, gently press the center of your cheeks while doing this. At the same time breathe deeply for a minute to give you a holistic eye exercise.

Usual dosage

Vitamin A, 25,000 IU. Should be avoided during pregnancy.

Vitamin B complex, 50 mg to times a day.

Vitamin C, 5,000 mg (up to bowel tolerance).

Vitamin E 400 IU a day.

6 mg copper with zinc, 30 mg a day

Magnesium, 500-1,000 mg a day. This mineral may be more effective when injected. High doses taken orally may produce diarrhea.

Rutin, 20 mg or more several times a day.

Phosphatidylcholine, 1,200-7,200 mg a day.

Green food supplement, one to three tee spoon a day.

Amblyopia dimness of sight: Vitamin B1

Blurred vision: Potassium and vitamin A.

Bitot's spots: Vitamin A

Macular degeneration: Taurine and vitamin E, or zinc absorption, zinc and pancreatin for digestion.

Night blindness: Bilberry, zinc, vitamin A, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine.

Nearsightedness: Vitamins B2, C, D, E, pantothenic acid, and calcium.

Other beneficial herbs


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