Candida albicans is the organism which is responsible for the vast majority of all yeast infections affecting the human body. This organism is normally present as a distinct species in the human body, and is found in all humans as very minute and harmless populations. The sudden population explosion of the yeast can occur under certain conditions, in such cases the yeast multiplies very rapidly leading to the development of many uncomfortable physical symptoms in the person.
Candida albicans is similar to most fungi, in that it prefers and thrives in warm and moist areas, habitats on the human body can be areas such as the vagina and other orifices. Yeast infection can also result from infection by other species of the genera Candida-symptoms may be similar to those seen during infection by Candida albicans.
The uncontrolled growth of yeast in the vaginal region is contributed by any factor which results in the disruption of the normal balance of yeast and bacteria populations or which causes a disturbance in the level of pH-the acid-base balance inside the vagina.
Such causative factors can bring on the ideal conditions for the explosive growth of yeast within the vagina. In general, the normal biochemical environment within the vagina can easily be skewed by some very simple factors such as the donning of very tight jeans or the use of nylon underwear over a very long period of time.
The occurrence of sudden changes in the hormonal levels during pregnancy can increase the risk of yeast infections, the risk of such infections are also increased if the women make repeated use of birth control pills or spermicides over a long period of time. The risk of yeast infections is also much more likely to occur in women affected by diabetes.
An immune system which has been weakened due to illness, or the presence of stress, or a lack of sleep can also result in higher risk for yeast infection. In addition, immune systems which are severely compromised by the presence of an HIV infection or the long term use of chemotherapy also increase the risk of yeast infections.
Yeast infections usually affect individuals who have been taking antibiotics, like the chemical compounds ampicillin or tetracycline for a long time. The reason being that the presence of such compounds within the body results in the destruction not only of the targeted bacteria which is causing the actual illness, but it also destroys all the "friendly" bacteria in the intestines which normally limit the populations of the yeast within the body.
All of the supplements and herbs given here can be used in treating yeast infections. Women must try to wear only cotton underpants and must try to avoid using a panty hose to minimize the risk of yeast infections from developing in the body. The reason is that the restrictive nature of a panty hose will not permit the vaginal area of the person to breathe-in other words, it will not allow proper aeration of the area.
This factor will result in further irritation and inflammation in the area infected by the yeast population. This need for aeration of the vaginal areas is one of the reasons that all manufacturers of women's underwear are required under law to make garments that have sewn cotton crotches.
There is an ignorant approach to the female anatomy which is unfortunately displayed by many of these manufacturers-they fail to understand the female body in a proper way and miss its peculiar need for proper hygiene. The cotton required to cover the flea's crotch is often present in the garment in insufficient length or amount-clothing and garment design is thus an important factor in the chances of yeast infection.
Women who suffer from any sort of yeast infection must temporarily abstain from sexual intercourse which involves the vaginal region. The performance of any sexual activity involving the affected vaginal area can increase the level of irritation of the already inflamed tissues and this will force the explosion and upward push of the infecting organisms up into the uterus via the fallopian tubes.
In addition, the presence of semen in the vagina will change the pH level of the vaginal cavity, this can increase the desirability of the area for yeast growth and in general is much more conducive to the continual existence of the yeast population causing the infection.
The risk of passing yeast infections from one partner to the other during sexual intercourse is very easy and likely to occur when genital fluids are exchanged. The sexual partner of the person who is affected by and is fighting off a yeast infection, must also follow the same treatment program for the yeast infection as well-this will prevent the recurrence of the infection.
The nature of a relationship between lovers or spouses can be under immense stress due to the absence of sex during the treatment for long-term yeast infection. The presence of this restriction on any sexual activity can contribute significantly to ups and downs in the relationship between two people.
Even thought this may be the case, and even when very strict adherence may not be possible, it is very important for the person to be extra careful during the lovemaking and to abstain from all sexual activity if possible. The best and most rapid recovery from yeast infections are made when the individual stays away from sex during the treatment.
The area surrounding the vulva in the vagina must be kept clean at all times during the treatment process. The growth of yeast and bacteria in the vaginal region is encouraged by the presence of a moist environment around the vaginal area. The use of finely powdered clay as a medicinal talc is suggested during the treatment of the yeast infection.
The vulva and the area surrounding it can be kept dry using a hair dryer after bathing. The use of this machine aside from the effective drying it induces, also feels quite nice on the skin.
During a yeast infection, eating well balanced and good natural diet can be an extremely important factor. Eating the right kinds of foods can result in simple recovery from a yeast infection affecting the body. A slightly acidic environment is the preferred growing range for body yeast. The ideal and healthy vaginal environment is much more acidic then the environment required for the growth of yeast.
To bring a balance to the normal acid-alkaline level in the vagina, the person should place emphasis on eating light and wholesome meals-which are very healing to the body and which will help in brining about restoration of the acid and alkali levels in the body. An important part of the recovery and treatment process is in consuming well planned meals-the person must consult a dietician for proper meal planning.
The majority of all meals consumed by the patient must be heavily centered on the intake large amounts of grains-which can include brown rice, the millets, and buckwheat.
The diet must also be rich in various soups like the Japanese miso, chicken broth or soup, and all sorts of vegetable broths. Diets should also include plenty of steamed vegetables-in particular, any dark green and leafy type of vegetables. The patient must avoid eating red meat during the treatment period.
The diet can also include the use of plenty of lemons and grapefruit, at the same time, she must avoid eating oranges. It is also strongly suggested that unsweetened cranberries and cranberry juice be consumed as a part of the diet. This will help in the restoration of acidity to the fluid in the vaginal area.
The daily dietary regimen must also include plenty of yogurts and the bacterial culture of the acidophilus bacterium. The existence of any allergies to dairy foods will not be a problem, as foods such as goat yogurt and non-dairy acidophilus bacterium cultures are available at health food stores.
The acidophilus cultures and the yogurt are very important components or constituents to curing yeast and yeast-related infections in the woman. The daily intake of acidophilus cultures along with the yogurt helps in replenishing the bacterial flora normally found inside a healthy vagina-this recovery of healthy bacterial populations will enable speedier recovery from yeast infections.
A careful examination of the brand name or type of acidophilus culture is called for if the woman is not receiving the desired results from the regular use of acidophilus cultures along with the diet-certain cultures may not be very effective against yeast infections.
In addition, acidophilus cultures are available in many types and strengths these days and the most beneficial culture must be utilized for each individual patient. The use of an active strain is suggested for all medicinal purposes, especially those which are intended to rid the body of a vaginal yeast infection.
In many natural food stores, such active strains of acidophilus can usually be found in the refrigerated department-they are often sold frozen. The best results are reported by individuals who utilize the L. Bifidus stain of acidophilus culture-this is the normal culture type which is naturally found in the body of most humans.
The L.Bifidus strain is to be preferred to the Lactobacilli stain-which is a form sourced mainly animals-the latter form is also the type seen in yogurt and which is present in other fermented milk or dairy products.
A tonic drink consisting made by mixing one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a single teaspoon of natural honey added to one fourth of a cup containing warm water must be taken once, with the daily meal-breakfast, lunch or dinner.
All sweets and alcoholic beverages must be studiously avoided during the treatment period; the ideal sweet foods during this treatment period can be the use of honey/vinegar water. The yeast organism actively feeds on the sugar and alcohol present in the body-avoiding foods rich in these two compounds will enable faster recovery from the infection.
The growth of the yeast and bacteria is promoted by following diets which are very high in sweets. It is easy to notice the growth of yeast by observing what happens during the baking of bread-especially when the baker wants the yeast to multiply at a rapid rate, for the bread to rise.
The baker will normally add some sugar to the warm water which is kneaded into the bread and very soon, the yeast present in the water begins to multiply at a very rapid rate, the solution may turn frothy, and will begin to give off a warm yeasty odor, which smells a little like the odors given off by the vagina during vaginal infection.
For this reason, the simple elimination of all sweets from the diet can very often result in quick and complete recovery from yeast infection in the vaginal region. Continuous and regular inclusion of large amounts of sugar and other sweet foods in the diet will conversely, encourage an existing yeast infection; such a diet will cause the yeast to multiply rapidly and prolong the infection.
All of the homeopathic remedies given here can greatly soothe the discomfort present during yeast infection. These remedies will moreover enable the body to overcome the infection without the need to use any toxic medication or drugs.
A physician must be consulted at the earliest, when the vaginal infection persist for longer than one week, if the vaginal infection results in the production of an offensive smelling discharge, or when the infection is accompanied by the appearance of a fever and an acute sensation of illness or discomfort.
The physician has to be consulted so as to verify the cause of the infection-it may involve some other organism or can be due to other physical causes, simple yeast need not be the cause for all vaginal yeast infections.
Calcarea carb. is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of yeast infection in women who suffer from physical symptoms such as a deep burning and itching sensation which often occurs during and immediately before or following menstruation.
Physical symptoms also evident in such patients include the presence of a discharge from the vagina, similar to the condition known as vaginitis; this discharge is also milky in appearance and usually acrid, very thick and yellow looking.
The other physical symptoms often felt by patients suffering from this condition are the presence of a persistent chill in the body - patients also tend to be stout, and usually have a strong craving for sweets.
Physical fatigue and easy exhaustion from any exertion is also widely seen. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Calcarea carb. as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of vaginal yeast infection.
Kali bich. is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of vaginal yeast infections in women and in all cases of vaginitis which results in the production of thick and yellow discharges from the vagina. This discharge also tends to be very tough and sticky at the same time, and it also tends to make the vulva itch and burn severely over a prolonged period of time.
The physical symptoms felt by the person have a tendency to be worse in the hours of the morning. Patients tend to feel much better when they keep warm and spend adequate time resting. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Kali bich. as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the woman affected by the vaginal yeast infection.
Natrum mur. is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of vaginal yeast infections and cases of vaginitis in all women. The remedy is to be used when the disorder produces a vaginal discharge which has the consistency of the white of eggs, the production of this discharge often results in a lot of itching and the discharge also makes the vagina feel very dry and causes extreme irritation.
The symptoms will respond well to the homeopathic use of this remedy in all cases. Psychological profiles of women requiring treatment through this remedy include a very reserved inhibited nature, with the presence of great emotional churning within. Patients also tend to develop an extremely strong craving for salt.
They also develop a tendency to react very badly to sunlight and feel a worsening in the condition when exposed to the sunlight. The presence of any of these symptoms indicates the need to use Natrum muriaticum as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the vaginitis or yeast infection in the affected woman.
Pulsatilla is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of women affected by yeast infections, where the physical symptoms produced by the disorder tend to be very changeable in time. Physical symptoms include the giving off of a creamy white or yellowish vaginal discharge; the sensations induced by this discharge can be very bland or extremely irritating to the person affected by the condition.
The other physical symptoms include the presence of extreme soreness in the vaginal region, the labia may also itch or burn extremely and persistently over a long period of time-causing a great deal of discomfort to the woman. Psychological symptoms characterizing such patients may include inexplicable feelings of fear, the woman is also very moody, patients also tend to hog attention and demand affection from people around them.
The use of this homeopathic remedy is almost always sure to treat cases of vaginitis occurring during the term of pregnancy. The presence of one or more of these physical symptoms requires the immediate use of Pulsatilla as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the yeast infection and the vaginitis.
Sepia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of women affected by yeast infections which bring about physical symptoms such as a vaginal discharge which is yellow in color and causes a lot of itchiness, the discharge may also be white in color and curd-like in consistency-this remedy is to used in all such cases.
Psychological symptoms which become apparent in all women include intense irritability and a feeling of physical wearing down. These physical symptoms are often coupled with the presence of cold sensation in the extremities of the body along with the presence of a weak or sagging feeling along the pelvic region in the body.
The production of the vaginal discharge in the women often tends to be greater in the many hours of the morning and the output of the discharge is also increased when the woman goes walking. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Sepia as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the condition.
Sulphur is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of women with yeast infections who are affected by vaginal discharges which are yellowish in coloration, and tend to have a very offensive smell. The production of this discharge also causes the appearance of a very great burning and itching sensation in the vaginal area, which can often bring the need to use this particular remedy in mind.
The physical symptoms are often worsened by warmth and tend to be aggravated when the woman bathes. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Sulphur as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the vaginal yeast infection.
The use of an herbal douche is suggested during the treatment of girls affected by vaginal yeast infections. As it is herbal douches are one of the most beneficial topical treatments to combat a yeast infection in young girls. Any of the following herbal mixtures can be used in the douche.
The preparation for a standard herbal douche can be done by mixing forty drops of herbal essences of Echinacea, forty drops of goldenseal essence, forty drops of calendula essence, along with two tablespoons of the essence of aloe vera herb-in a base consisting of one pint of pure water. The bactericidal action of the Echinacea and goldenseal herbs combined with the action of the calendula herb will helps soothe and heal the inflammation along the infected vaginal area.
The herbal aloe vera essence is very soothing to the affected vaginal tissues. It is also possible to use any of these herbs separately, however, the greatest benefits are accrued when these are combined to form a single douche .
Another herbal douche can also be prepared by mixing twenty drops of Echinacea essence pre-combined with goldenseal essence, to this can be added six drops of the tea tree oil, and a single tablespoon of calendula tincture-combine all of these in one pint of water for the douche. Any of these herbs can be used separately as before to form an herbal douche.
Another herbal douche is to use a cup of water to which has been added four tablespoons of white or apple cider vinegar-this is also an effective douche when other herbs cannot be easily obtained. Moreover, this particular douche can be used either as a standard or as a retention douche for prolonged insertion.
Prepare a water bath using one and a half cups of salt and the same amount of apple cider vinegar to make another alternative douche. The affected child can soak herself in the bath for fifteen to twenty minutes at a time, this can be done once or repeated twice every day, for a treatment period lasting two to three days till the infection begins to abate.
1 cup fine white clay,
1/2 cup cornstarch,
2 tablespoons black walnut hull powder,
2 tablespoons myrrh powder,
1 tablespoon goldenseal powder,
Optional: a drop or two of tea tree oil.
Using a wire whisk, mix all the ingredients together. Put some in a spice jar with a shaker top for easy application. The remainder can be stored in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Kept away from moisture, it will last indefinitely.
Take two "00" capsules three times daily of the following formula.
Mix the powders together thoroughly and, following the instructions for encapsulating herbs, cap the herbs into size "00" capsules.
Each day drink three cups of the following tea between meals or a half hour before eating. For a slightly better flavor and to enhance the medicinal effects, you can mix this tea half and half with unsweetened cranberry juice.
Use four to six tablespoons of herb mixture per quart of water. Add herbs to cold water and bring to a simmer over low heat. Keep pot covered. Remove from heat immediately and let steep twenty minutes. Strain. This tea will be quite bitter, so you may wish to mix it with cranberry juice.
Drink eight ounces of unsweetened cranberry juice daily. Gently douche every few days (or if the infection is severe, each day) with the following formula.
Steep the herb formula in one quart of water for one hour. Strain. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. When the mixture has sufficiently cooled (it should be warm, but not hot) place in a douche bag, and very gently, using a slow flow, douche with the mixture.
Herbal boluses are old-fashioned remedies used for persistent vaginal infections. By changing the herbal formula, you can adapt them for several different problems, including cysts, fibroids, and tumors. The following mixture has had a high success rate for yeast infections. Boluses are easy though messy to make and will take a little time. But they are well worth the trouble because they are very successful in clearing persistent infections.
To ensure that the herbs are finely powdered, run them through a nut grinder and a fine sieve. Melt the coconut oil in a saucepan over low heat. When the oil is completely melted, remove it from the heat and stir in the powdered herb mixture.
Add enough herbs to make a thick paste. When you have added enough powder so that the oil is thick yet still pliable enough to "work," add the tea tree oil. Quickly roll into boluses the size and shape of your small finger. They will look like herbal tootsie rolls.
Each evening, insert one bolus as far as possible up into the vagina. For easier insertion, you may wish to use a tampon inserter. It will probably be necessary to wear panty liners while doing this treatment. As the coconut oil melts, the bolus may drip.
These garlic suppositories are very easy to prepare, they are also easy to use and apply along the infected area, and they tend to be very effective in treating the yeast infection. For this reason, the garlic suppositories remain a favorite remedy for the treatment of yeast infections among many women around the world. To prepare these remedies, a clove of garlic can first be carefully peeled and the skin discarded.
The garlic oil causes irritation to the vagina or the oil burns the tissues of the vagina according to some women, and these caution against accidentally nicking the garlic when peeling away the skin.
This is not a problem reported by the majority of women using garlic, on the contrary such women vouch for the fact that the garlic is better if nicked or bruised slightly, in order for the disinfecting oil to ooze out. Individuals who suffer from especially sensitive internal tissues in the vaginal lining may be better off, if they are careful when peeling the garlic skin.
To prepare the garlic for insertion, carefully wrap a piece of thin gauze around the peeled garlic-this can be nicked or whole, the gauze must then be folded in half, and the ends have to be twisted so as to have a tail like look. When done, the resemblance of the gauze folded garlic should be vaguely similar to a homemade and tailed tampax.
The garlic suppository can then be carefully inserted so as to fit snugly inside the vaginal cavity of the affected person. To ease and smooth the insertion, some herbal oil can applied to one end of the garlic suppository before hand-this will enable ease in insertion. Ideally, insertion of a fresh suppository must be carried out once every three to five hours during the day and the old suppository must always be removed during this time period for best results.
The procedure can be repeated for a treatment period lasting three to five days till the entire infection abates from the vaginal area. Do not forget to remove the garlic suppository, while sounding rather strange as a warning, it is very easy to forget that there is an inserted garlic suppository in the vagina.