The single flowered daylilies are amongst the most gorgeous looking daylilies that you may certainly include in your garden with a view to enhance its attractiveness. When you take a closer look at the single daylilies, you will notice that the blooms of this type of flowers have distinctive attributes, which make these daylilies really easier to tell apart compared to the other varieties of daylilies. At the outset, as the name of this type of daylilies - single flowered daylily, implies, the plants produce a solitary flower. When you inspect the flowers more closely, you will notice that each flower has three sepals along with three petals. Apart from all that have been discussed above, you will also notice that single flowered daylilies have six stamens and only one pistil. Moreover, you will observe that each pistil has three carpals. If you find all these aspects in any daylily flower, you can be sure that it is a single flowered daylily. This type of daylilies can be found producing flowers with various truly attractive hues and you can choose your favourite ones from them. Precisely speaking, growing single flowered daylilies in your garden can certainly make the environment much bright.
Single flowered daylilies, also referred to as single daylilies, which come in numerous hues are certainly the most popular form, surpassing others in their beauty. These flowers have a lovely simplicity, which many gardeners as well as aficionados find composed and peaceful. Of course, there are several people who have a preference for the minis, doubles, spiders or even the complex pattern daylilies, the self-hued single flowered daylilies have always been a favourite for most.
The blooms of daylily come in dissimilar flower forms, including double bloom, polymerous blooms, spider blooms, double spider blooms as well as miniature blooms, for instance the Stella De Oro daylily. In case you prefer more classic style flowers or the heirloom type flowers, you ought to opt for the single flowered daylilies. Apart from their color, daylilies also come in a variety of shapes as well as sizes, which are fashioned as circular, flat, informal, star shaped, triangular, trumpet type flowers and even recurved.
Having said that single flowered daylilies are amongst the most attractive, it also needs to be mentioned that hybridizers have not been content to just leave this type of pleasingly simple flowers alone. Over the years, there have been several hybridizing accomplishments and new features have augmented the beauty of the single flowered daylilies. Initially, these triangular flowers had three narrow petals, but gradually hybridizers have made the petals wider forming increasingly round-shaped flowers. With the increase in the width of the single flowered daylilies, ruffling started emerging and today many daylilies have a round as well as ruffled form.
This type of initial ruffling gradually lead to an ever growing variety of ruffles, ranging from the soft looping ruffles to densely crimped margins on the petals of a number of most recently developed hybrids. In fact, some of the latest daylily hybrids are ruffled to such an extent that most part of the petal is used up in ruffling that goes as far as into the flower's throat region. In addition, in due course, ruffling has also given rise to various different types of decorative petal margins, including horns and hooks, heavy gold edging and shark's teeth.
Hybridizers have also worked on the original range of daylily colors, which included orange, yellow and rusty red, to develop newer blooms virtually having all the colors. Hybridizing activities undertaken during the 1980s and 1990s, breeders clarified as well as intensified the reds, while purifying the pinks to produce an ever growing range of hues ranging from baby-ribbon-rose to dark rose. Hybridizers have also created a wide range of purples and lavenders, which vary from dark royal purple to pale bluish lavender. However, they are yet to develop a genuine blue daylily. Nevertheless, hybridizers have violet eye zones ranging from powder blue to deep navy blue.
Hybridizers have also developed white daylilies from yellow and pale pink to crosses of pure ivory white. They have gradually developed the black daylily from purple and deep red lines. In addition to increasing the range of colors, hybridizers have also successfully augmented flower substance enabling the flowers to endure weather conditions better and tolerate more sun.
In addition to their beauty and wide variety of colors and forms, the single daylilies are also very easy to grow. In fact, these plants require very little after care. What you need to do is simply ensure that similar to all other plants, you should position your favourite daylilies in a healthy environment and provide the plants with appropriate sunlight and adequate nutrition. In addition, you need to grow them in the best quality of soil with a view to help the daylilies to absorb the supplied nutrients better. At the same time, it is also necessary to provide them with suitable and good quality fertilizers. Before applying the fertilizer, it is essential that you consider the materials that are used in them. Ensure that you do not provide the plants with the wrong type of fertilizer, as they will only harm the daylilies. It is advisable that if possible, you should always use natural or organic fertilizers for single daylilies; as such fertilizers are not only safe for use, but also very effective. In addition, use of organic fertilizers can surely facilitate the production of the best daylily flowers.
A number of single daylilies have an extended blooming season. These perennial plants produce fragrant flowers and sometime rebloom six weeks after their first flowering. These daylilies have been suitably named rebloomers. For instance, the Texas blue eyes bloom for a long period. In addition, Orange sherbet is one heirloom daylily variety that seems to be blooming forever. It is advisable that you grow some of these daylily varieties, because they not only have an extended blooming season, but are also very robust plants.
Similar to any other plant, daylilies producing single flowers need appropriate care. Therefore, it is essential that you address their requirements appropriately and in the best possible way.