Introduced - 1963
'Papa Meilland' produces pointed buds that unfurl into high-centered blooms, each measuring anything between 4 inches and 6 inches and composed of 35 petals.
The flowers of this rose variety have a rich color - velvety crimson. In addition, 'Papa Meilland' is amongst the most fragrant roses. The leaves have a dull medium green color and leathery texture. The plants grow up to a height of anything between 4 feet and 5 feet.
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Introduced - 1978
'Paradise' rose produces long and pointed buds that unfurl into silvery lavender flowers whose petals have ruby red edges. The flowers are double and have a beautiful formation. The petals curl back to fashion a bull's eye center.
Each flower of this hybrid tea rose measures 3 ½ inches to 4 i/1 inches in diameter and is composed of 25 to 30 petals. 'Paradise' rose has a fruity scent. The leaves are dark green and glossy.
The plants have an upright habit and are branched, growing up to a medium height. You may grow this rose in garden beds or borders, where they will continue to bloom incessantly.
The blooms of 'Paradise' rose are an excellent source of cut flowers. The plants are hardy, but susceptible to mildew.
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Introduced - 1963
It is interesting to note that several gardeners believe that 'Pascali' was the first ever white rose. Moreover, in 1991, this hybrid tea rose was voted as the most favourite rose of the world of any color.
It is true that 'Pascali' rose makes a remarkable addition to any mixed border comprising shrubs and flowers and, at the same time, it is an excellent source of cut flowers that last for a long time. The green-tinged buds of 'Pascali' are typical of the classical hybrid tea roses.
These buds unfurl into pure white flowers having a light scent. The plants continue to bloom more or less all through their growing season. Compared to any other hybrid tea rose, the ability of 'Pascali' to resist diseases as well as pests is outstanding.
However, similar to other roses in its class, this hybrid tea rose is also rather prone to black spot. Ideally, you should grow this rose in a location that is airy and receives full sun.
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Introduced - 1945
The story regarding 'Peace' rose can be call a pure melodramatic. This hybrid tea rose was bred in France in the year prior to the World War II and escaped from the European nation in the form of unnamed cuttings in the very last American diplomatic bag that left France before the Nazis conquered it.
'Peace' has been accepted as a winner. An American nursery propagated this rose and released it in the market in 1945. Since this rose returned with peace to France, which was liberated at that time, it has been named 'Peace'. In a while, 'Peace' rose was a decorative item on all the tables of the United Nation's organizational meetings.
It is really incredible that this rose has been able to match the entire promotional hullabaloo. The flowers of 'Peace' are double, large and light yellow having rose-pink edges.
The plants are healthy, vigorous growers and hardy all through majority of hybrid tea roses. 'Peace' has, however, shown some vulnerability to black spot, especially when grown in the Southeast.
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Introduced - 1989
'Perfect Moment' bears inimitable, showy yellow-based blooms whose edges are red and they are prominent in the rose bed. The flowers of this rose variety are high-centered and have a light fragrance.
Each flower measures about 4 inches to 4 ½ inches and is composed of 35 petals. The plants grow up to a height of 4 ½ feet and their foliage is dark green. Moreover, the foliage possesses the ability to strongly resist rose diseases.
Introduced - 1959
Similar to its parent 'Peace', 'Pink Peace' rose also bears very double flowers, which when fully open measure about 6 inches in diameter and is composed of 50 to 60 petals each.
However, different from its parent, the color of 'Pink Peace' flowers vary from solid-coloured medium to dark pink and they are heavily fragrant. The shape of the flowers varies too – from cupped to rounded and decorative.
The plants grow up to a height of 4 ½ feet to 5 ½ feet, while the leaves are dull, medium green and have a leathery texture. The plants' ability to resist diseases is above average and they are winter hardy too.
Introduced - 1982
'Polarstern' rose produces huge, creamy white buds that have a yellow tinge at their bases and they unfurl into high-centred, perfectly formed blooms, each measuring 3 inches to 4 inches and composed of 35 petals.
The leaves of this rose have a medium green hue and are swathed with a greyish wax-like coating that practically ensures that they are able to resist diseases. The plants are bushy and grow up to a height of 5 feet to 6 feet. In addition, the plants are excellently winter hardy.
Introduced - 1971
The flowers of 'Portrait' are double, fragrant and have a lovely blend of ivory shading while the color is light to dark pink near the edges.
Each flower of this hybrid tea rose measures 3 inches to 4 inches across, while the leaves are dark green and shiny and nearly cover the plants, which grow up to a height of anything between 5 feet and 6 feet.
The plants of this rose variety are extremely winter hardy. 'Portrait' is another instance of successful creation by an amateur rose breeder.
Introduced - 1974
'Precious Platinum' rose bears clear average red blooms that last for a long time and, hence, are very effective for use as cut flowers. The plants repeat their blooms very rapidly.
Each flower of 'Precious Platinum' rose measures anything between 3 inches and 4 inches in diameter and is composed of as many as 35 to 40 petals having a light fragrance.
The plants are somewhat spreading and the canes produce reasonable thorns. The plants grow up to a height of 4 feet and they are also somewhat winter hardy.
The leaves of this rose are dark green, glossy and have a leathery texture. The ability of the plants to resist disease is above average.
Introduced - 1981
'Princesse de Monaco' has been named such to honour Grace Kelly. It is known by this name throughout Europe. The petals of 'Princesse de Monaco' rose are cream hued, while the edges have shades of pink to cerise.
Each flower of this hybrid tea rose variety measures 4 inches to 6 inches across and is composed of about 35 petals. The flowers are high-centered and their distinctive characteristic is the symmetrical swirl of the petals.
The blooms are of exhibition quality. The flowers have a delicious fragrance, while the foliage is dark green, large and glossy. The plants are bushy and grow up to a height of 3 feet to 4 feet.
Introduced - 1978
The blooms of 'Pristine' are like gardenia having a light fragrance and delicate ivory hue with a flimsy pink flush. The buds of this rose are long and spiralled and they unfurl into high-centered, double flowers each measuring 4 inches to 6 inches across and composed of anything between 25 and 35 large petals.
Generally, the flowers are borne singly on stems, but they may also appear in clusters. 'Pristine' rose blooms in midseason and repeats sparingly. The leaves of this rose are also large, glossy and have an attractive hue - reddish green.
The delicately coloured flowers notwithstanding, the plants of 'Pristine' rose are exceptionally vigorous and require more space as well as very rigorous pruning compared to any other hybrid tea rose.
This rose is well suited for growing in a garden bed or border. If you wish to use the 'Pristine' rose as cut flowers, you need to harvest them when they are just about to open, as doing this will help to enhance the vase life of the flowers. The plants are not only tender but also exceptionally resistant to disease.
Introduced - 1908
Rose lovers who admire hybrid tea roses and are looking for hardier roses in this class, usually the older roses that have been inbred less are supposed to be the best selections. For instance, 'Radiance is ideal for this purpose and will fulfil your requirements.
This rose dates back to the beginning of the century and can be found thriving well in neglected or abandoned gardens, old cemetery planting and also in the Southeast.
Once, this rose has established its roots properly, it is capable of enduring poor as well as dry soils and despite the unfavourable conditions, it will come up with a generous crop of double, large, soft-pink hued flowers.
The appearance of 'Radiance' blooms is rather old-fashioned that makes this rose an excellent selection for people who are restoring old gardens. The plants are actually well-formed shrubs whose flowers have the fragrance of an old-fashioned damask rose.