Introduced - 1988
The flowers of this miniature rose have a radiant apricot hue and it derived its name from the famous hybridizer of superior quality miniatures, the late Dee Bennett. The flowers of 'Dee Bennett' are double, each measuring about 1 inches across.
These blooms have excellent substance that makes them last for a long time both in the garden as well as in a vase. The foliage is dark green and clothes the mounded plants that grow up to a height of anything between 14 inches and 18 inches.
Introduced - 1978
The buds of 'Dreamglo' are long and pointed. They unfurl into double blooms each comprising 50 white petals blended as well as tipped with red. The flowers of this miniature rose are borne singly – one flower on each stem, and they appear copiously in the midseason and have a good repeat.
The flowers have a high-centred form, which is typical of hybrid tea roses. Each flower measures about 1 ½ inches across and has a light fragrance. While the flowers last for a long time in the garden as well as in vase, the plants produce small, dark green and glossy leaves. This rose has vigorous growth and is compact.
The plants have an upright habit and are a wonderful selection for growing in front of garden beds and borders. In addition, this miniature rose is resistant to diseases.
Introduced - 1986
'Gourmet Popcorn' rose bears semi-double flowers having pure white hue and golden centers, similar to the kernels of buttered popcorn. The flowers of this miniature rose are borne in large clusters all through most of its growing season.
The plants are compact and excellent for growing as a border or in the form of a landscape shrub. The foliage is dark green and exceptionally resistant to diseases.
Moreover, 'Gourmet Popcorn' rose is extremely cold hardy and able to overwinter with no artificial protection. The small stature of this miniature rose enables it to conceal itself under the natural insulation of a snowy blanket during the winter months.
Introduced - 1971
The blossoms of 'Green Ice' are shapely and green, which contributes an eye-catching accent to your flower garden. The buds of this miniature rose are pointed and they unfurl into fully double, high-centered, white flowers that are miniature impersonations of the classic hybrid tea rose form.
The flowers open as icy white; slowly the color becomes darker and changes to a lovely soft green. The foliage of this rose is also lovely – very delicate as well as glossy. This shrub has a lax growing habit which enables you to train the plant grow along a fence or low wall.
However, it can also be grown in a hanging basket to enjoy its excellent display of flowers. In fact, 'Green Ice' rose fits perfectly into any rock garden and also can be grown in the form of an remarkable edging plant. If you wish to get a bolder statement, it is advisable that you mass plant several 'Green Ice' plants together.
Introduced - 1978
The flowers of 'Holy Toledo' are double, somewhat fragrant and each is composed of 28 petals and measures anything between 1 ½ inches and 2 inches in diameter. The exceptional color of the flowers of this miniature rose, which varies from deep apricot to orange with a yellow tinge at their base, is one of the excellent attributes of 'Holy Toledo' roses.
The plants are bushy, have a vigorous growth and grow up to a height of 18 inches to 24 inches. The leaves are dark green, glossy and resistant to diseases. However, it is unfortunate that this miniature rose is quite tender in places where the winters are cold.
Introduced - 1982
'Hombre' is a micro-mini rose and its high-centered flowers have a pale apricot-pink hue. The petals have a pale pink hue on their underside. The individual flowers measure about 1 inch across and is composed of as many as 40 petals. Initially, the flowers have a flat form.
The plants are compact and grow up to a height of anything between 12 inches and 24 inches. The small leaves have a medium green color and are glossy.
Introduced - 1976
Like the 'Hombre', 'Humdinger' is also a micro-mini rose and, hence, it is an excellent selection for growing as a container plant. The flowers are very double and each measures about 1 inch in diameter. The individual flower of 'Humdinger' rose is composed of as many as 50 petals and the flowers repeat well all through the growing season.
The flowers are high-centered and have an orange-red hue. The plants are, however, short, growing up to a height of just 8 inches to 10 inches. The leaves are dark green and glossy.
Introduced - 1986
'Hurdy Gurdy' rose bears small, double dark red blossoms with white stripes. The individual flowers are composed of about 26 to 40 petals having light fragrance. The leaves are also glossy, small and have a medium green color.
This miniature rose has an upright habit and is an excellent selection for growing as an edging. This rose is effective when you plant it in front of a rose bed or integrate it into a perennial border. In addition, 'Hurdy Gurdy' rose can also be grown as container plants or in the form of patio planting.
If you deadhead the withered blooms, it will encourage the plants to repeat its blooms all through the summer. This rose is capable of enduring heat and is, at the same time, resistant to disease.
Introduced - 1989
The flowers of 'Irresistible' rose have a perfect form. The high-centered, double flowers of this miniature rose are white having a light pink center. They are borne on long slender stems. The flowers may appear singly or even in clusters. The individual flowers are composed of 40 petals and they emit a modest, spicy fragrance.
The flowers give way to hips whose color may vary from green to yellowish brown, while the leaves have a medium green color and are glossy. The plants of 'Irresistible' rose have an upright habit and they are generally larger compared to other miniature roses.
This rose is perfect for growing in garden beds and borders. In addition, the plants are also a good choice for growing in containers. This miniature rose produces copious long-stemmed blooms similar to those of hybrid tea rose and this attribute makes this rose an excellent source of cut flowers. The flowers of 'Irresistible' rose are also perfect for exhibiting.
Introduced - 1984
The apricot hued flowers of 'Jean Kenneally' are double and have the form of hybrid tea roses. The flowers many be borne singly or appear in cluster and they repeat all through the summer months into the fall. The flowers of this miniature rose have a light fragrance and they are well suited for use as cut flowers.
Compared to other miniature roses, 'Jean Kenneally' is tall as well as robust and it perfectly fits into a container. Moreover, you may grow this rose in the form of a compact shrub in the landscape at liberty. This miniature rose can also be grown as an outstandingly attractive low flowering hedge.
At the same time, several 'Jean Kenneally' plants may be planted together to enable it to be prominent in any mixed planting of flowers and shrubs. Similar to most other miniature roses, 'Jean Kenneally' is also perfect for growing as an edging.
Introduced - 1975
Many consider 'Jeanne Lajoie' to be the most excellent climbing miniature rose. Apart from its vigorous growth and excellent health, this miniature rose is outstanding for the copious flowers it bears. While the flowers are small individually, they cover the bushy plant during the peak of its blooming season provided you grow them in a cluster.
This rose continues to rebloom all through its growing season. The flowers of this rose have a distinct fragrance - a characteristic that is generally absent in miniature roses.
You may grow this rose as an attractive low hedge that blooms for a long period or even train the plants to grow on a fence or trellis in the form of a climber. If you allow the plants to sprawl, 'Jeanne Lajoie' plants will make one of the most beautiful ground covers.
Introduced - 1985
'Jennifer' rose bears pale pink flowers and the underside of the petals is white. Each flower measures about 1 ½ inches and is composed of 35 petals. The flowers of this miniature rose have the form of hybrid tea roses and are heavily fragrant.
The plants are bushy and spreading and grow up to a height of anything between 18 inches and 24 inches. The foliage is dark green and glossy and it covers the entire plant.