A new family of roses known as Noisettes were introduced into the market more or less the same time as the Bourbons and Portlands. Noisettes had their origin in America, but China too was involved as Noisettes were created by breeding the Musk rose (scientific name R. moschata).
A class of garden roses, Noisette is indigenous to the United States, as this rose grew for the first time from a seedling raised by a South Carolina rice planter named John Champneys. This happened sometime around 1811.
This new rose was known as 'Champneys' Pink Cluster' and John Champneys' neighbour Philippe Noisette was quick to grab it, Noisette sent the rose to his brother named Louis, who was a nurseryman in France. Hence, the descendants of the rose originally grown by John Champneys came to the market under French names.
This new class of roses were eventually classified as Noisette roses. It is worth mentioning here that the progenies from the maiden Noisette rose differed in stature as well as floriferousness compared to the Bourbons. Noisettes may repeat their blooms or even practically flower consistently all through the summer months.
On the other hand, roses belonging to the Noisette class are not as resistant to mildew and black spot compared to the hybrid tea roses and China roses. In fact, you need to grow Noisette roses in open and sunny spots having excellent air circulation.
The Noisette roses are vigorous growers and have long limbs. Therefore, they make excellent climbers or may also be grown as sprawling shrubs. The flowers of this class of roses have a tendency to be small in size, measuring just 1 ½ inches to 2 ½ inches (3.8 cm to 6.4 cm) across. They appear in clusters towards the end of spring and again sporadically until the fall.
Introduced - 1842
The blooms of 'Celine Forestier' rose are double and have a flattened shape. The flowers are creamy yellow with deeper peach or pink coloration. The petals of this noisette rose have a quartered pattern and they encircle a green button eye. The blooms are intensely fragrant and they appear in small clusters of three to four flowers together.
In fact, the flowers of 'Celine Forestier' are of very superior quality. The plants of this rose are virtually in bloom all through their growing season, while the foliage has a pale green color. However, the plants of 'Celine Forestier' are not very vigorous growers - unlike most noisette roses. Moreover, this rose takes some time to establish itself.
It performs extremely well when grown in the southern climates, trained in the form of a small, free-lowering climber growing on a fence or pillar or when it is planted against a warm wall. 'Celine Forestier' rose is capable of enduring the heat as well as humidity of summer.
Introduced - 1830
In the last century, it was very rare to find true yellow garden roses as no species that are indigenous to Europe bears yellow hued flowers. Hence, when the yellow hued noisette rose was introduced into the market in 1830, it actually created a sort of a stir in the gardening circle.
In fact, the flowers of 'Jaune Desprez' are double and have a flattened form, but their color is not pure yellow. Rather, this color of this rose is attractive apricot with slight shadings of rose.
Since the flowers of this rose have a very sweet fragrance, you may try growing 'Jaune Desprez' rose over an arch so that you may stand below the arch and be infused with its amazing sweet scent.
Introduced - 1830
Despite the fact that the ancestry of this 'Lamarque' is similar to that of 'Jaune Desprez', this noisette rose bears large, double flowers that are heavily fragrant. The flowers appear in clusters and have a white hue with only a whiff of pale yellow at their centers.
This noisette rose is known to bloom well into the fall and can cover any support offered to it very quickly. Moreover, this rose also has a remarkably long life. A specimen of 'Lamarque' discovered in San Antonio in Texas has been found to date back to 1890.
'Lamarque' is considered to be among the most excellent climbing roses that one can grow in the Southeast. When grown in places where winters are mild, this rose offers color almost round the year. The antique origin of this rose notwithstanding, 'Lamarque' rose certainly possesses contemporary attributes.
Introduced - 1879
The fragrant flowers of 'Madame Alfred Carriere' rose are double, while their form is similar to that of gardenia. Each flower of this rose measures anything between 3 inches and 4 inches across. The flowers have a creamy hue with blush white.
They appear in clusters on straight stems, the blooms are loosely formed, full and globular. The plants are in bloom from midseason and repeat their blooms until the fall. The leaves have a pale green color and are large, while the canes produce plenty of thorns.
Similar to most roses in its class, 'Madame Alfred Carriere' rose is also a climber and a vigorous grower. As the flowers have a nodding habit, it is excellent to view them from below; for instance they may be grown over an arch, on a wall or a pergola.
In addition, you may train this rose to grow as a shrub for growing in a garden bed or border. This noisette rose is capable of enduring partial shade and the heat and humidity of summer. The plants are moderately resistant to diseases.
Introduced - 1864
'Maréchal Niel' rose produces long and pointed buds that unfurl into double blooms having golden yellow hue. The flowers appear in profusion and repeat well. Each flower of this noisette rose measures anything between 3 inches and 4 inches across and are potently scented - the fragrance is a blend of violets and tea.
The stems of the flowers have weak necks. As a result the blooms have a propensity to droop. The plants are extremely vigorous and have a climbing habit, growing up to a height of about 10 feet. Similar to most noisette roses, 'Maréchal Niel' is extremely delicate in places where winters are cold.
Introduced - 1879
'Nastarana' rose bears semi-double white flowers that are tinged with pink. The flowers are borne in large clusters on new growth. Each flower of this noisette rose measures about 2 inches in diameter and has a pleasing fragrance similar to that of tea rose.
The plants repeat their blooms well all through the growing season. The leaves are oval-shaped, smooth and have an average green color. The plants of 'Nastarana' rose are extremely vigorous growers and they have an upright growth.
They have a preference for open spaces that receive plenty of sunlight. At the same time, they are also capable of tolerating partial shade. In addition, they can endure summer heat and humidity and poor soils, but need adequate protection during the winter months. This rose may, however, be vulnerable to black spot and mildew.
Till today, the original identity of this old noisette rose remains shrouded in a mystery. Despite being an old rose, people were unaware of its existence until Bill Welch found it growing in an old cemetery located in Natchitoches, Louisiana. The parentage of 'Natchitoches Noisette' rose is unknown till day.
This rose bears medium-sized, cup-shaped flowers having a light pink hue. The flowers appear in clusters and have the characteristics of Noisettes. Hence, 'Natchitoches Noisette' rose has a propensity to bloom all through the year. Hence, this foundling has been labelled securely.
Irrespective of the origin of this rose, 'Natchitoches Noisette' is certainly an exceptional shrub have a tidy and compact growth habit. The flowers have a light fragrance, which is very pleasant. The foliage of this rose is extraordinarily resistant to diseases.
Introduced - 1869
The blooms of 'Reve D'Or'' rose are global-shaped and pendulous having a buff yellow hue with a touch of salmon. The color of the flower fades as they mature. The stamens of this noisette rose have a dark yellow color.
The flowers are loosely double and scented. The plants of 'Reve D'Or' are in bloom in the spring and repeat their blooms sporadically all through the growing season. In some areas, the plants put up their best performance in fall. The leaves of this rose have a coppery color when they are young, but they turn into shiny, rich green as they mature.
The canes of 'Reve D'Or' rose produce very few thorns. This noisette rose is vigorous and perfect for growing in a spot in your garden that is warm and receives full sunlight. In addition, this noisette rose has a climbing tendency and, hence, it is a wonderful selection for training to grow on a pillar or a wall. This rose is capable of enduring the heat as well as humidity of summer.