Introduced - 1973
If the space in your garden for roses is restricted and you want to grow a single rose that will serves as a practical as well as beautiful landscape shrub, while supplying with flowers for your house, 'Country Dancer' rose will be the perfect cultivar for you.
This shrub rose bears semi-double, deep rose hued, fragrant flowers that bloom throughout the summer. The plant is a healthy shrub, while its leaves are glossy and have a dark green color.
The individual flowers of 'Country Dancer' rose are graceful and their visual impact makes them ideal for any floral arrangement. Moreover, when they are used as cut flowers they last for any extraordinarily long time. The compact size of this rose makes it ideal for growing in smaller gardens.
Introduced - 1982
Compared to their native Britain, English roses have a tendency to be more expansive in North America where the climates are sunnier. Hence, you may find it difficult to accommodate English roses in a small garden. However, ‘Fair Bianca’ offers an excellent solution to this problem.
In fact, ‘Fair Bianca’ roses grow as a compact and reblooming shrub even in the San Marino-based Huntington Botanical Garden where several English roses actually perform like climbers rather than shrubs.
The heirloom-type flowers of this shrub rose are fully double; cup shaped and has a small green eye at their centers. The flowers have a strong fragrance that reminds one of anise.
Introduced - 1989
At the time when 'Flower Carpet Pink' was introduced onto the market, it was widely advertised as "the environmental rose". It was said that this is a shrub rose that was capable of thriving even without any kind of shelter of sprays. Precisely speaking, 'Flower Carpet Pink' is a reliable and hardy rose especially when grown in places having cool weather.
However, when grown in the southeast, 'Flower Carpet Pink' may be susceptible to mildew and black spot. This is because this shrub rose performs best when it gets some protection in the form of the afternoon sun.
If the climate is favourable, this rose can grow into a wonderful shrub, which may be used as a low-growing hedge. You may also grow the 'Flower Carpet Pink' rose in the form of a ground cover or incorporate in a mixed border of perennials.
The deep pink flowers of this shrub rose are semi-double, each measuring about 1 ½ inches (3.8 cm) in diameter. The flowers appear in clusters of 15 to 25 blooms and the plants continue to bear flowers well into the fall. The late flowers of this rose create a wonderful display against the autumn foliage, which has a red and bronze hue.
Introduced - 1942
For several generations, the family ownership foremost producer of roses in Germany - Kordes nursery, has been striving to develop roses that acclimatize well to the harsh climate of northern Europe. 'Frühlingsmorgen' rose, developed by Kordes nursery keeping this in view, has a robust nature, but its appearance is deceptively delicate.
In fact, when translated into English, the name 'Frühlingsmorgen' denotes "spring morning". Therefore, it is not surprising that this shrub rose is among the first roses to bloom in early spring. The flowers of this rose have a simple charm that reminds one of a rose species, similar to the wild roses.
However, 'Frühlingsmorgen' rose does not rebloom. However, the plants may bear some additional flowers during the latter part of their growing season, but as a gardener you should never count this. The flowers are single, large and their color varies from rose pink to cherry pink, while the centers have a primrose yellow hue.
The petals surround a knot of vivid maroon stamens. This rose is suitable for growing as an informal flowering hedge. At the same time, it also performs well when grown as a specimen shrub.
Introduced - 1934
'Gartendirektor Otto Linne' bears ruffled flowers that appear in clusters of up to 30 blooms. The flowers are somewhat pendulous and are borne on lengthy stems. The individual flowers are double with carmine-pink hued petals, whose edges have are deeper pink color. At their base, the petals have yellow-white color.
The flowers have a moderate fragrance similar to that of carnation. The foliage is vivid apple green with a leathery texture. 'Gartendirektor Otto Linne' is a vigorous grower and has a bushy nature.
You may use this rose to develop an elegant hedge. In places where the climatic conditions are mild, you may also train this rose to grow as a climber. The ability of this shrub rose to resist diseases is excellent.
Introduced - 1984
Famous rose breeder Dr. Grifith Buck's aim was to develop a breed of shrubs that would thrive in the harsh and extreme climatic conditions of America's heartland with least care. This was indeed a very popular vision.
However, it is ironical that in the present times, the roses developed by him are mainly known to commissars. This is gradually changing as the new generation of nurserymen is introducing his roses to the general public once again.
Despite this one needs to do some hunting to find the roses that were developed by Dr. Griffith Buck, especially the 'Golden Unicorn'. The good news is that even this is changing. The flowers of 'Golden Unicorn' are large, shallow cup shaped and fragrant.
The edges of the petals are yellow with a blend. The shrub itself is exceptionally hardy and is resistant to diseases. The flowers are borne in abundance and repeatedly all through the growing season. All these attribute makes this shrub rose an excellent landscape rose, especially for northern gardens.
Introduced - 1956
Since long, 'Golden Wings' rose has been considered to be a valuable landscape shrub, especially owing to the plant's ability to resist diseases, hardiness and also its recurrent blooms. This shrub rose is among the first to bloom early in the spring.
The five-petalled, pale yellow flowers of this rose draws foraging honeybees. The individual flowers are disc shaped and measure about 2 ½ inches to 3 inches (6.5 cm to 7.5 cm) in diameter.
The blooms of 'Golden Wings' are exceptionally fragrant, while the saffron-hued stamens at their center make these flowers more interesting. The foliage of this rose is pale green and is remarkably resistant to diseases.
However, when grown in humid climates, they may be vulnerable to black spot. The shrubs are large, attractive and have an upright habit. You may also train the 'Golden Wings' rose to grow as a climber on a wall or sprawl along a split-rail fence.
Introduced - 1983
This shrub rose has been named after the renowned British rose historian and plantsman Graham Thomas'. In fact, this was the first ever true yellow English rose. The flowers of 'Graham Thomas' are double, cup shaped and have a glowing deep gold hue, while their fragrance is that of a warm tea rose.
Nurseryman David Austin hybridized once-blooming, old roses with modern, ever-blooming roses to generate his English roses. However, the frequencies at which his English roses rebloom differ from one cultivar to another.
The frequency at which 'Graham Thomas' rose reblooms is somewhere in the middle of his creations. This rose bears large flush of blooms towards the end of spring or at the onset of summer and rebloom fairly on a regular basis.
The plant is a large and gangly shrub when grown at the northern periphery of its range. When grown in places having warmer climates, this rose performs as a brilliant climber.
Introduced - 1936
'Grootendorst Supreme' is another hybrid rugosa and is a sport of another cultivar named 'F.J. Grootendorst'. Both these cultivars are identical in almost every respect. The only exception is that the flowers of 'Grootendorst Supreme' have a deeper as well as brighter crimson-red hue.
Introduced - 1961
The flowers of 'Hanseat' are single and each bloom is composed of only five petals. The flowers have a vivid rose-pink hue, while the center has a paler pink color. The petals surround a knot of bright red stamens.
The flowers are cup-shaped, each measuring about 3 inches across. The flowers appear throughout the summer. The plants of this shrub rose grow up to a height of 6 feet.