Introduced -1976
The cup shaped flowers of 'Malaguena' rose are double, each measuring about 4 inches in diameter and composed of 28 petals. The color of the blooms varies from pale geranium pink to medium geranium pinks and the flowers are somewhat fragrant.
The inner petals often have spots like freckles. The plants bloom profusely at the onset of the growing season and later repeat blooms sporadically during the remaining season. The foliage of this shrub rose is large, dark green and has a leathery texture.
The foliage almost covers the entire plant, which is upright, bushy and grows up to a height of anything between 3 feet and 4 feet. The plants are hardy too.
Introduced - 1983
'Mary Rose' is a tidy shrub that bears sprays of double rosette-shaped, rich pink flowers in sprays. The individual flowers of this rose measure 4 inches to 5 inches across and have a potent damask fragrance.
They repeat blooms moderately. The plants grow up to a height of anything between 4 feet and 6 feet.
Introduced - 1975
The color of the flowers of 'Maytime' rose varies from carmine-rose to soft coral, with a yellow base. This shrub rose bears single flowers that have a shallow cup shape and are fragrant.
The individual flowers measure 3 ½ inches to 4 inches in diameter and are composed of only 6 to 10 petals. The flowers are long-lasting and the plants are in bloom throughout the summer.
The plants are exceptionally hardy and grow up to a height of 3 feet to 4 feet. The foliage is dark bronzy-green with a leathery texture.
Introduced - 1988
Compared to most Morden roses, this shrub rose is somewhat freer as far as its flowering is concerned. This rose produces sprays of flattened, double flowers, each measuring about 2 inches to 3 inches (5 cm to 7 cm) across all through the summer, Its name notwithstanding, the color of the blooms is somewhat like the revival from a blush.
When the flowers of 'Morden Blush' unfurl, they have a pale peach-pink hue and subsequently the color fades to ivory. The foliage of this rose has a matte green color and is generally a healthy shrub.
However, when grown in humid eastern summers, this rose may be somewhat vulnerable to black spot. This is a low-growing, compact shrub.
The hardiness as well as recurrent blossoms of 'Morden Blush' has earned this rose a place in smaller gardens, especially in places where the climatic conditions are cold. On the other hand, this rose is also well accepted in larger gardens located in warmer regions.
Introduced - 1977
This shrub rose outshines itself in the beginning of summer blossoming heavily and subsequently settles down to bloom more moderately during the remaining part of summer well into the fall.
The flowers appear in clusters of five to 10 very double, large flowers, each measuring about 3 inches (7.5 cm) across on an average. As the name of this rose implies, the flowers of 'Morden Ruby' have a ruby red hue, but they have very little fragrance.
'Morden Ruby' is an impressive shrub having a spreading habit even when grown in adverse climatic conditions. All things considered, this rose is an exceptional shrub that is ideal for growing as a landscape specimen. You may also grow it as a flowering shrub, if the site is cold and exposed.
Introduced - 1973
The pale pink flowers of 'Music Maker' rose are double and have a high centered form. The individual flowers measure 3 inches to 4 inches wide and are scented. This shrub rose blooms in clusters of six to eight and they rebloom well.
The foliage is light green, glossy with a leathery texture. In addition, the foliage is free from diseases. The plants are hardy and grow up to a height of 2 feet to 3 feet.
Introduced - 1927
'Nevada' rose is a member of hybrid moyesii sub-class of shrub roses and it produces apricot or pink buds that unfurl into creamy white blooms, each measuring anything between 4 inches and 5 inches across.
Often the flowers of this rose have a splash of red and they are borne on short stems. Each flower has a knot of prominent, striking, golden hued stamens at its center. The plants are vigorous and grow up to a height of 5 feet to 7 feet and they repeat their blooms well.
Introduced - 1990
This shrub rose is also referred to as “Auslo' and it bears fully double, cup shaped flowers, each measuring anything between 4 inches and 5 inches in width. The color of the blooms of 'Othello' rose varies from rich crimson to burgundy and the flowers are heavily scented, similar to that of old roses.
The color of the blooms fades to mauve to purple as they fade. 'Othello' has a moderate rebloom. The shrub is a vigorous grower and has a spreading habit, growing up to a height of 5 feet to 6 feet. While the plants are thorny, the foliage is exceptionally resistant to diseases.
Introduced - 1912
'Paulii Rosea' bears single blooms having a clear pink hue, while the petals have a silky texture. In addition, the petals of this shrub rose a pleated and deeply notches and have a white color at their base. These petals encircle a tuft of vivid yellow stamens.
The blossoms of 'Paulii Rosea' have a very light fragrance and they appear only in summer and do not repeat. The foliage of 'Paulii Rosea' has a medium green color, while the new wood has a lime color. This shrub rose is low growing and has a sprawling habit.
The plants seldom grow beyond the height of 3 feet, but they may spread to anything between 10 feet and 12 feet. This rose is very effective when grown as a ground cover, especially on slopes receiving full sunlight.
Alternatively, you may also train the plants to grow as climbers on trellises and fences. This rose has a preference for an open site receiving full sunlight and rich soils. However, it is vulnerable to mildew.
Introduced - 1989
The flowers of 'Pearl Meidiland' rose are semi-double, luminous and have a delicate pink hue. The individual flowers measure anything between 2 inches and 3 inches across and the plants are in bloom throughout the summer.
The plants of this shrub rose are vigorous growers and have a spreading habit. They grow up to a height of about 2 feet and spread up to 6 feet wide. The foliage has a deep green color.
Introduced - 1923
'Pink Grootendorst' rose belongs to the hybrid rugosa sub-class of shrub roses and is a sport of another cultivar called 'F. J. Grootendorst'. Both these cultivars are similar in all aspects except that the blossoms of 'Pink Grootendorst' rose have a clean medium pink hue, which fades to dusty pink as the flowers mature.
Introduced - 1985
'Pink Meidiland' is another cultivar of the Meidiland roses. The flowers are single and have a deep pink hue. The individual flowers measure anything between 3 inches and 4 inches wide and have white eyes at their centers. The leaves of this shrub rose have a medium green color, are small and glossy.
Introduced - 1975
'Prairie Flower' rose bears cardinal red blooms with white centers. The individual flowers are composed of seven petals and they unfurl into flat blooms, each measuring anything between 2 inches and 3 inches in diameter.
The flowers of this shrub rose have a light fragrance and they may be borne singly (one flower on each stem) or in clusters throughout the summer. The foliage is dark green and has a leathery texture.
The plants have a bushy habit and grow up to a height of 4 feet. In fact, 'Prairie Flower' is among the 11 roses whose name begins with "Prairie" and all of them were bred by Professor Griffith Buck of the Iowa State University. The plants of this rose are exceptionally winter hardy.
Introduced - 1987
The flowers of 'Ralph's Creeper' are small and have a vivid red hue with an eye at the center whose color varies from white to yellow. The 2-inch flowers appear in clusters and have conspicuous stamens. The plants repeat their blooms throughout the summer.
They are best suited for growing as a ground cover. The plants of 'Ralph's Creeper' grows up to a height of 1 ½ feet and may extend to 6 feet or even more. The foliage of this shrub rose is small and shiny and its fragrance reminds one of apple blossoms.