Introduced - 1894
Similar to most species roses, 'Rosa Moyesii' also bears single blooms whose color varies from pale pink to deep rose and even deep blood red. The flowers are small, each measuring about 1 ½ inches to 2 ½ inches in diameter and appear either singly or in pairs.
The flowers of this rose also bloom only once in a year and soon after the flowering season is over, the plants produce oblong shaped hips. Each of these hips are anything between 2 inches and 2 ½ inches in length and have a deep orange-red hue.
The arching plants of 'Rosa Moyesii' grow up to a height of about 10 feet and they produce fine foliage resembling ferns. While this species rose was discovered way back in 1894, it is said to have an ancient origin.
Introduced - prior to 1810
'Rosa Multiflora' is generally cultivated in the form of an under stock, but sometimes it is also grown for the plant's dense and hedge like growth. In fact, the growth of this species rose is so uncontrolled that some areas have already outlawed planting this rose.
The flowers of this rose are diminutive, each measuring just ¾ inch wide and they bloom only once in a year. The flowers appear in pyramid-shaped clusters.
Introduced - prior to 1683
This species rose is also called the 'Alpine Rose'. 'Rosa Pendulina' bears single, pink hued flowers, each measuring about 2 inches across. The flowers appear either singly or in small clusters only once in a year.
Later, the flowers make way for oblong or oval shaped red hips having an elongated neck. The plants of 'Rosa Pendulina' grow up to a height of about 3 feet.
Introduced - prior to 1814
'Rosa Roxburghii' is also referred to as the 'Chestnut Rose' and it produces grey branches that shed their bark. The flower buds are prickly and resemble a chestnut burr. These buds unfurl into flat, double flowers having medium lilac pink hue.
Each flower of this species rose measures anything between 2 inches and 2 ½ inches in diameter, while the hips that appear after the flowers have withered measure about 1 inch to 1 ½ inches in width. The plants of 'Rosa Roxburghii' grow up to a height of about 6 feet and they are in bloom all through the summer months.
Introduced - 1870
'Rosa Rugosa Alba' is basically a color sport of R. rugosa and this species rose variety bears large, white, single flowers that blossom all through the summer months. Generally, the flowers of this rose appear in clusters and the individual flower measures anything between 2 ½ inches and 4 inches in diameter. The flowers possess a potent fragrance similar to that of clove.
The flowers make way to large orange-red hued beautiful hips that are prominent against the foliage. The color of the foliage of 'Rosa Rugosa Alba' changes from vivid green to yellow in the fall. It is worth mentioning here that another rugosa sport, known as R. rugosa rubra, bears magenta-purple blooms and red hips.
'Rosa Rugosa Alba' is a vigorous grower and has a spreading habit. It may grow beyond its space unless checked. This species is effective when grown in shrub borders, in the form of a hedge and also as a specimen shrub. It is quiet easy to cultivate 'Rosa Rugosa Alba' and it is capable of thriving even in sandy soil.
Hence, this rose is a wonderful selection for growing in seaside gardens. In addition, this species rose variety is exceptionally hardy and, at the same time, capable of resisting diseases as well as insects.
Introduced - prior to 1600
The common name of this species rose variety 'Scotch Rose' is ample indication of the fact that it has its origin in Scotland. In fact, this rose was discovered from the wild on sandy banks. This rose is in bloom between mid to late spring and bears single, white flowers, each measuring about 2 ½ inches (6.5 cm) across.
Generally, 'Scotch Rose' (Rosa spinosissima) is an exceptionally tough plant that suckers readily especially when it is grown on its own roots. The plants of 'Scotch Rose' have a dense, coppice like growth along with needle-like sharp bristles, making them an exceptional substance for growing as a low-maintenance barrier hedge or a tall, casual ground cover.
Rosa spinosissima (Scotch Rose) has been crossed with other roses to breed several hybrid roses. The most excellent among the hybrid roses bred from 'Scotch Rose' possess the toughness of its parent, but have a more orderly growth. The hips of 'Scotch Rose' are typical, small and have a maroon-black hue.
Introduced - 1807
'Shining Rose' also known as 'Rosa nitida' has been very successful in gardens where the climatic conditions are cold. This rose puts up wonderful displays in three seasons - first in the beginning of summer when it bears scented and radiant pink flowers.
Subsequently, this species rose blooms in fall when the color of the shiny, slender leaves (from which this rose gets its name) changes to beautiful scarlet hue. Finally, the plant produces vivid red hued hips and reddish brown thorns that may a wonderful winter display.
Similar to most roses in its class, R. nitida cannot said to be an impressive shrub, instead it has a quiet charm. The plants sucker easily and develop into a coppice of slim, reddish stems.
As R. nitida has a spreading habit, it forms an outstanding as well as self-sufficient ground cover on the outskirts of any garden. The plants of this rose are capable of flourishing in partial shade as well as in poor soils.
Introduced - 1891
'Sierra Nevada Rose' (Rosa woodsii) is grown over a vast range in central as well as western North America. Over the years, this rose has also evolved many local variations. One local variation of 'Sierra Nevada Rose' called fendleri is very often seen in gardens.
This variation is somewhat taller compared to its relatives and it shape too is slender than others. The leaves of this species rose variety have a greyish green color. The fragrant flowers of this rose are borne in the beginning of summer and they have a lilac-pink hue, while the stamens have a cream color.
The flowers make way to round, glossy, orange-red hued hips that stick to the canes till much later in winter. This rose is a wonderful shrub for cultivating in places having arid climatic conditions and cold winters.
Introduced - 1824
There are very few roses that are capable of enduring poorly drained soil, but 'Swamp Rose' can thrive even in such soil. In fact, this particular attribute of 'Swamp Rose' makes it a valuable plant for gardeners who are on the look for a shrub that can thrive in a low-lying damp spot.
However, this species rose variety is not confined to wet locations as it is capable of flourishing even in normal garden soils having a proper drainage. Actually, 'Swamp Rose' is an asset to any landscape owing to its elegant and semi-weeping form.
The canes of this rose are almost without thorns and they bear bright pink, fragrant, double flowers in the midst of willow-like leaves. It is recommended that more gardeners should cultivate this rose, which is easy to grow beautiful shrub, to enhance the beauty of their streams and ponds.
Introduced - prior to 1807
Notwithstanding its name 'Virginia Rose', this species rose variety can be found growing in wild very far towards the north as well as south of this state. Its natural range extends from Newfoundland to Alabama in the south and Missouri in the west.
Irrespective of the place where this rose grows, it offers color round the year - in spring the foliage of this rose is bronzy; it bears pale cerise-pink hued flowers having light hued centers in midsummer; and vivid red hued hips and leaves whose color changes to shades of yellow, red and orange in fall.
This is not all, as the color of the arching canes of this rose changes to red in the midst of winter. 'Virginia Rose' rose is a tough and hardy shrub that certainly deserves a place somewhere in the garden. However, this rose is particularly effective in slopes or naturalized areas in places where very few roses would offer a magnificent display of colors in all the four seasons.
Introduced - 1890
All aspects of this species rose variety are amazing. It is a rule with roses that their petals are borne in multiples of five. However, the small white flowers of 'Wingthorn Rose' have just four petals. In any case, most gardeners consider the flowers of this rose to be insignificant.
This is the reason why they mostly cultivate this rose for its impressive thorns which may be as wide as 1 inch (2.5 cm) at their base. The thorns on the young canes are translucent and scarlet-colored. If you wish to display this 'Wingthorn Rose' at its best, you should cut back the canes hard in spring as this would promote plentiful of new growth.
If the plants are pruned less severely, they may also be used in the form of a dreadful barrier hedge. The foliage of this rose is fern-like and this makes the shrub more attractive. The effect of the jewel-like thorns can be outstanding if the plants are set in backlight of the sun.
Introduced - 1824
The plants of 'Yellow Lady Banks Rose' are in bloom from the beginning of spring to the end of the season, subject to the prevailing climatic conditions in the place where they are grown. This rose is a rambler that produces sprays of double, clear yellow flowers, each measuring about 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter.
While this rose is not hardy if grown in places where the temperature during winter fall below 10°F (-12°C), the ability of the thornless canes to resist diseases and flower freely makes 'Yellow Lady Banks Rose' a popular rose in places having milder climatic conditions.
If grown in places having colder climatic conditions, this species rose can prove to be a wonderful container plant provided you move the plant to a sheltered spot during the winter months.
This species rose also has a white variety known as Rosa banksiae banksiae (which is sometimes listed as R. banksiae alpha-plena). The white variety bears more flowers and they have a fragrance similar to that of violet.