Roses In Alphabetical Order
'C' part 2

'Cecile Brünner' Roses

Polyantha, Introduced - 1881

'Cecile Brünner' bears small, coral pink and exquisite buds that makes this rose the typical boutonniere flower. The blooms appear in clusters and open into a sort of hybrid tea flowers that measure only 1 cm to 2 cm (2.5 cm to 5.1 cm) across. The flowers have a light fragrance, but it is characteristically spicy. The stems of the plant are brownish purple and smooth.

The 'Cecile Brünner' has very few thorns, but they are sharp as well as hooked. The foliage has a smooth dark green hue. You can identify this rose the moment its rose begin to open. 'Cecile Brünner' roses have a pink hue are similar to the ones you have seen in the old-fashioned valentines. In fact, the sprays of "sweetheart roses" of 'Cecile Brünner' are considered to be the definitive romantic gesture even today.

Aside from the compactness of the shrub, these plants also have a climbing form, which can grow up to a height of 20 feet (6 meters) when cultivated in places having mild climatic conditions. Both the forms of this rose flourish in the Southeast as well as Southwest. They are also able to thrive well in partial shade and poor soils.

'Celestial' Roses

Alba, Introduced - 1848

'Celestial' bears large blooms that have a sweet fragrance. The flowers appear in clusters and is semi-double having light blush pink hued petals with golden stamens. Each rose measures 3 ½ inches across. As the subtle petals unfurl, the rose looks especially attractive. The flowers bloom only once in summer. There is no re-blooming during the remaining growing season.

The foliage of 'Celestial' has a soft blue-grey hue which creates a beautiful contrast to the blooms. This is a robustly growing rose that needs a reasonably large room in the garden. Generally, the plants are as wide as they are tall, which makes this shrub rose a remarkable specimen as their flowers and foliage tones complement each other.

'Celestial' rose can endure shade and only need moderate pruning. It is worth noting here that you should never prune these plants heavily.

'Celina' Roses

Moss, Introduced - 1855

Similar to other roses that are classified as in this group, the sepals of the plant cover the buds of 'Celina' which has a moss-like growth having a firlike fragrance. The buds of 'Celina' open to large, semi-double flowers that appear in a number of shades - purple, pink, mauve, lavender and crimson. When the blooms are fully open, their golden stamens become visible.

The canes of this plant bear abundant long and strong thorns. This variety of rose is ideal for growing in garden beds and along borders. This is because 'Celina' rose is not only tidy, but also grows up to a medium height. Although the rose is extremely hardy, it has a propensity to get mildew later in their growing season.

'Celine Forestier' Roses

Noisette, Introduced - 1842

The blooms of 'Celine Forestier' are very double, flattened and have a creamy yellow hue combined with pink or darker peach tones. The petals of this rose form a quartered pattern, which encircles a green button eye. The blooms are intensely fragrant and they generally appear in small clusters of anything between three and four. The flowers are of very superior quality.

This plant flowers throughout the growing season. The foliage of 'Celine Forestier' has a light green hue. 'Celine Forestier' is not a robust rose, and is also not large compared to most noisette roses. Moreover, this rose takes some time to become established. In fact, this variety of rose performs excellently when grown in places having southern climatic conditions.

You may grow this rose against a warm wall. Alternatively, you may also train the plants to grow in the form of a free-flowing, small climber on a fence or pillar. It is worth mentioning that 'Celine Forestier' possesses the ability to endure the summer heat as well as humidity.

'Celsiana' Roses

Damask, Introduced - prior to 1750

This antique rose is said to have its origin in The Netherlands and was later introduced into France, which was then considered as the rose capital of world. A Persian nurseryman named Monsieur Cels is credited with introducing 'Celsiana' into France in the mid-18th century. Irrespective of the background, this damask is always an exceptionally elegant rose bearing semi-double, pale pink hued flowers having ruffled, silky petals.

This rose has attractive golden stamens and a pleasing damask aroma. The flowers create a very pleasing contrast with the cool, greyish-green foliage of the plant. Similar to all other damasks, 'Celsiana' is a tall shrub having bending canes. This rose is among the damasks that perform excellently when grown in the upper regions of the Southeast.

This rose grows well when you provide them with adequate encouragement in the form of good soil and an airy and sunny location. These will help the plants to remain healthy all through the summer in the upper parts of Southeast.

'Center Gold' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1981

Originally, the 'Center Gold' was introduced as a fund raiser for the American Rose Society's headquarters – the American Rose Center. This rose has highly double, deep yellow petals and is high-centered. Each flower measures 1 inch across and comprises as many as 60 petals. The fragrance of 'Center Gold' is spicy.

Occasionally, this rose also bears white flowers. The flowers of 'Centre Gold' appear in single large sprays or one on a stem. The plants grow up to a height of anything between 14 inches and 18 inches. The leaves of 'Center Gold' are glossy and textured.

'Centerpiece' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1985

The flowers of 'Centerpiece' are velvety, high-centered and measure about 1 inch to 1 ¼ inches. Each flower of this rose has as many as 35 petals and it has a light fragrance. The flowers have exceptional substance which makes them last long both in the garden as well as cut flowers. The color of the blooms of 'Centerpiece' varies from deep to medium red.

The leaves of this plant are small, dark green, partially glossy and resistant to diseases. 'Centerpiece' rose plants grow up to a height of anything between 12 inches and 16 inches.

'Centifolia Variegata' Roses


Similar to nearly all centifolia roses, this particular variety also has a somewhat rangy, open habit. It is best to grow 'Centifolia Variegata' in the form of a pillar rose or train the plant along a low wall or a horizontal fence. The blooms of 'Centifolia Variegata' are large and heavily fragrant. The flowers open with creamy white petals having pink hued stripes.

As the flowers age, the pink color fades to white having lilac stripes. 'Centifolia Variegata' can endure the heat as well as humidity that prevail during the summer in the South-eastern.

'Century Two' Roses

Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1971

The elongated and pointed buds of 'Century Two' open into double cupped, medium pink, somewhat scented blooms each of which measures 5 inches in diameter. The plants are bushy and grow straight. 'Century Two' rose plants grow up to a height of anything between 4 feet and 5 feet and have leathery foliage. These plants are winter hardy and are also susceptible to mildew to some extent.

'Champlain' Roses

Shrub, Introduced - 1982

Aside from being exceptionally hardy, the 'Chaplain' rose is also a remarkable shrub that produces numerous clusters of rich velvety flowers. This rose blooms constantly throughout the growing season. The flowering begins at the onset of summer and continues till the first frost of fall.

The petals of 'Champlain' rose form a double cup with a bunch of golden stamens in the center. This rose is hardy and resistant to diseases. However, the 'Champlain' rose would also be a winner without these attributes. However, this flower too has a fault, if it can actually be called a fault. The shrub's growth is extremely slow and so it new growth. In other words, this rose is not a remarkably vigorous grower.

'Charles de Mills' Roses


The 'Charles de Mills' bears, cup-shaped, rounded, quartered blooms that are about 4 ½ inches across. The petals of this rose bear a close resemblance to crepe paper. The 'Charles de Mills' blooms are potently fragrant and are deep red with purple nuances. On the reverse side, the petals have a silvery hue. These flowers appear on bushy plants that grow up to a height of 4 feet to 5 feet only once in a year. The canes of this plant practically do not have any thorn.

'Charlotte Armstrong' Roses

Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1940

'Charlotte Armstrong' has been named among the original rose-growing families in the United States. The blooms of this rose are pretty on their own right. This rose variety is valued because it is the parent of several present day hybrid tea roses. The color of the flowers of 'Charlotte Armstrong' varies from dark pink to pale red.

Each flower comprises 35 petals and measures anything between 3 ½ inches and 4 ½ inches in diameter. The flowers possess a light tea aroma and their shape is lax as well as informal. The plants of 'Charlotte Armstrong' usually grow up to a height of about 5 feet to 6 feet. They produce deep green leaves, which have a leathery texture.

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