Roses In Alphabetical Order

'Earth Song' Roses

Grandiflora, Introduced - 1975

The famous hybridizer late Dr. Griffith Buck is reputed for creating roses that are especially cold hardiness as well as resistant to diseases. He achieved a noteworthy success with the creation of ‘Earth Song’ rose.

In fact, ‘Earth Rose’ has successfully over wintered more than a decade at the United States’ Minnesota Landscape Arboretum - a place where the temperatures regularly plunge below -30ºF (about -34ºC). The severe cold in that place has repeatedly killed back the canes of ‘Earth Song’.

However, since grandifloras bloom best in new growth, every time its canes are killed back due to cold, ‘Earth Song’ recovers from this kind of natural pruning to bloom again satisfactorily. The plants are in bloom by the onset of summer every year.

The blooms of ‘Earth Song’ unfurls into typical high-centered hybrid tea buds and subsequently spread their petals slowly to form large, cup-sized, rich red hued flowers. Each ‘Earth Song’ flower measures anything between 4 inches (10 cm) and 4 ½ inches (11.5 cm). The foliage of ‘Earth Song’ too is attractive; it is dark green and shiny.

'Electron' Roses

Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1970

In Europe, ‘Electron’ rose is known as ‘Mullard Jubilee. This rose has derived its name from an electronics company. The blooms of ‘Electron’ rose have a deep, rich, radiant electric pink hue and they are also heavily scented. The flowers have a circular form and each bloom comprises anything between 30 and 35 petals.

When fully open, the flowers measure about 5 inches in diameter. ‘Electron’ repeats blooms quickly throughout the summer. The foliage of this plant comprised medium green leaves with a leathery texture. The canes of ‘Electron’ have too many thorns.

The plants are compact and grow up to a height of about 2 ½ feet to 3 ½ feet. This aspect makes the plants an excellent selection for growing in front of a bed in the garden. In addition, ‘Electros’ rose is very hardy, especially able to endure harsh winter conditions.

'Elina' Roses

Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1985

‘Elina’ rose is also called ‘Peaudouce’ and it bears large double flowers, whose color varies from delicate pastel yellow to ivory. These flowers have a attractive form and they appear incessantly all through the growing season.

Each flower of ‘Elina’ rose comprises as many as 35 petals having light fragrance. This plant produces large, dark green and shiny leaves that make the foliage appear dramatic for the blooms.

The plants of ‘Elina’ grow vigorously and have a habit of being upright. The flowers appear in profusion on elongated, upright stems, which makes this rose excellent for use as cut flowers. While ‘Elina’ is hardy and somewhat resistant to black spot, the plants are rather vulnerable to mildew.

'Erfurt' Roses

Hybrid Musk, Introduced - 1939

The buds of this rose variety are long, rosy red as well as pointed. They unfurl into semi-double, deep cerise-pink hued flowers having white centers. The stamens of ‘Erfurt’ rose have a golden yellow hue. These flowers give off a pleasant musky scent. This rose has a long flowering season - once the plants being to produce blooms, it continues incessantly until frost.

The foliage of ‘Erfurt’ is wrinkled and wrinkled having a coppery green pitch, which adds to the attractiveness of the vividly colored flowers. The stems of this plant have a brown hue and contain several hooked thorns. ‘Erfurt’ rose plants are bushy and grow vigorously. The canes of this rose are arching and they may spread up to 6 feet outward.

The flowers of ‘Erfurt’ rose are not only long-lasting, but also bloom non-stop throughout the growing season. These coupled with the plant’s eye-catching foliage make the ‘Erfurt’ rose an exceptional garden shrub excellent for growing in garden beds or as borders. Similar to other hybrid musk roses, ‘Erfurt’ is also capable of resisting diseases and can also endure poor soil and some shade.

'Escapade' Roses

Floribunda, Introduced - 1967

This rose bears simple pink hued blooms having a white eye at their center. The ‘Escapade’ rose is very similar to the blooms of ‘Betty Prior’, but its flowers are relatively fuller, comprise more petals and also have a explicit scent. In addition, this rose is a very dependable re-bloomer and also an excellent source of cut flowers.

The plants are robust, hardy as well as healthy. The foliage of ‘Escapade’ is light green, glossy and clean. This rose can be described as having an elegant spreading profile. In fact, ‘Escapade’ will work as a wonderful landscape shrub in your garden.

Alternatively, it can also serve as a foundation planting or even a low hedge. Moreover, ‘Escapade’ possesses the ability to easily blend into a mixed border comprising flowers and various shrubs. In addition, the rose itself is a wonderful material for any flowering hedge.

'Etain' Roses

Rambler, Introduced - 1953

The ‘Etain’ rose is a rambler, whose flowers are somewhat scented and salmon-pink hued. These are double flowers that appear in large clusters. The leaves of this plant have a reddish brown hue and are shiny. They are nearly evergreen when grown in milder climatic conditions.

This is a very vigorous plant that grows up to a height of anything between 10 feet and 12 feet. Owing to its robust growth, the plant quickly covers fences or slopes where it is grown. ‘Etain’ is among the very few ramblers that re-blooms and it grows most proficiently when it is planted in a spot having light shade.

'Europeana' Roses

Floribunda, Introduced - 1963

If you have a preference for red roses, which are true reds, you cannot ignore this floribunda - the ‘Europeana. The blooms of this rose are very large, each flower measuring up to 3 inches (7.6 cm) across when fully open. ‘Europeana’ rose has a clear crimson color, which is the perfect rose to cut and present it to someone special.

The best attribute of this rose is that the blooms appear in natural bouquets - actually large clusters that are decorated with bronze-green, glossy foliage. In fact, you will hardly find any other rose as ‘Europeana’ rose, considering it’s close to truly ever blooming rose. If you plant this rose as a group in formal beds in your garden, which is done very often, this shrub may turn out to be irresistible when they are in full bloom.

You can achieve a more stylish effect if you set the plants out independently in the form of a foundation planting, such as a container plant or an accent in a flower border. On the other hand, if your style is making bold statements, plant them in an informal hedge comprising only ‘Europeana’ roses. However, ‘Europeana’ has its downsides too.

This rose is somewhat susceptible to fungal diseases. Hence, you ought to be sure that you plant this rose in an open and sunny spot. In addition, plant them a little away from each other so that there is enough space for air circulation, which will help to disperse the disease spores keeping your roses safe.

'Excelsa' Roses

Rambler, Introduced - 1909

Occasionally, ‘Excelsa’ is also referred to as ‘Red Dorothy Perkins’ rose. This rose is a rambler which bears double, medium, cup-shaped flowers that measure about 2 inches across. ‘Excelsa’ rose appears in large and intense clusters. The foliage of this rose is glossy and rich green hued. The leaves of this rose cover the plants, which grow up to 12 feet to 18 feet. These plants bear flowers only once in their growing season.


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