Portland, Introduced - 1868
The flowers of 'Jacques Cartier' have a darker pink hue and their centers are like buttons. The blooms are very full, extremely fragrant and frequently quartered. Each flower of 'Jacques Cartier' measures anything between 2 ½ inches and 3 ½ inches and they bloom throughout the summer on plants that grow up to a height of 2 ½ feet to 3 ½ feet.
The plants are closely spaced and bear pale green leaves. This is a rare variety of rose and among the few Portland roses that are available even now. A number of enthusiasts of old-rose are of the view that 'Jacques Cartier' rose is actually an older cultivar that is appropriately known as 'Marquise Boccella'.
Noisette, Introduced - 1830
It is rare to find true yellow roses among garden roses of the past century. This is primarily because nearly not a single rose species that are indigenous to Europe bears yellow flowers. As a result, when the yellow-flowered Noisette was introduced in 1830, it nearly created a stir in the then gardening circles.
However, the semi-double, flat flowers of 'Jaune Desprez' are not pure yellow. Rather they have a beautiful soft apricot hue with slight rose shadings. This rose is extremely fragrant and so you must try growing it on an arch. It will enable you to stand below the arch and let the scent surround you.
Miniature, Introduced - 1984
The blooms of 'Jean Kenneally' rose are double, hybrid tea-shaped and have an apricot hue. The flowers appear singly as well as in clusters and the blooms repeat all through the summer until the fall. The blooms have a light fragrance and they are excellent for use as cut flowers.
Compared to other miniature roses, the plants of 'Jean Kenneally' rose are not only tall, but also very robust. In addition, this rose can adapt very well when grown in a container. At the same time, you can use the plants as compact shrub in any landscape garden.
This rose can be grown as an outstandingly lovely low flowering hedge. You may also grow several other plants with this rose in order to create a stronger presence of 'Jean Kenneally' in a mixed planting of flowers and shrubs. Similar to most other miniature roses, 'Jean Kenneally' is also suitable for use as an edging plant.
Miniature, Introduced - 1975
Many gardeners consider 'Jeanne Lajoie' to be the best among all climbing miniature roses. In addition, to the vigour and excellent health of 'Jeanne Lajoie' rose is extraordinary only for the large number of flowers it produces.
While the individual flowers are small, they appear in a cluster, which actually covers the bushy plant when it is at the peak of its flowering season. Moreover, 'Jeanne Lajoie' also continues to re-bloom all through the growing season.
The flowers are distinctive due to their fragrance - a feature that is usually absent in most miniature roses. You can cultivate this rose as a lovely, long-blooming low hedge.
Alternatively, you may also train the plant to grow as a climber on a fence or up a trellis. If the plant is permitted to sprawl, 'Jeanne Lajoie' will make one of the most beautiful ground covers.
Miniature, Introduced - 1985
The flowers of 'Jennifer' rose have a subtle light pink hue, while the petals are white on the reverse. Each flower measures 1 ½ inches across and comprises as many as 35 petals. This rose is actually a hybrid tea form and potently fragrant.
The foliage pf 'Jennifer' is dark green and semi-glossy, which covers the bush well. The plants are spreading and grow up to a height of 18 inches to 24 inches.
Hybrid Rugosa, Introduced - 1974
'Jens Munk' is a hybrid rose created by Agriculture Canada. The toughness as well as recurrent flowering of 'Jens Munk' is similar to that of 'Henry Hudson', but the former bears double blooms having a clear standard pink hue.
At the center of each 'Jens Munk' rose there is a tuft of threadlike golden stamens, making the flower very attractive. Another attraction of this rose is its very potent spicy fragrance. The foliage of this hybrid rose is clean and medium green.
After transplanting, this rose quickly establishes itself and soon develops into an extensive, well-mounded shrub even when it is grown in difficult sites.
However, 'Jenus Munk' has one flaw - it is vulnerable to stem glider and also produces very few hips. In spite of these shortcomings, 'Jens Munk' is actually an excellent specimen plant. This plant can be grown as a tall and robust hedge in your garden.
Miniature, Introduced - 1988
'Jim Dandy' rose is an example of successful amateur hybridizing. The flowers of this rose have a brilliant orange-red hue, while their base is yellow. The high-centered flowers are double and measure about 1 inch across each. The plants of this cultivar grow up to a height of 18 inches to 20 inches and its foliage is medium green.
Shrub, Introduced - 1978
The color of the blooms of 'John Cabot' varies from rose pink to cherry red. The plant blossoms profusely for more than six months at a stretch in summer and subsequently, it flowers intermittently until fall.
Each double bloom of 'John Cabot' measure about 2 ½ inches across and comprise as many as 30 to 35 petals, which are arranged loosely in the form of a cup surrounding the yellow stamens. The flowers appear in clusters and they make an attractive display against the medium green foliage of the plant.
Belonging to the Explorer series of kordesii shrub, 'John Cabot' rose can be grown both in the form of a climber and a shrub. When grown in the form of a shrub, you can maintain this rose up to a height of anything between 4 feet and 5 feet, but allow it sufficient space to spread.
'John Cabot' is an extremely robust plant and has an upright habit. The canes of this plant are long and arching. If you grow this rose as a climber, it takes roughly four growing seasons to attain its maximum height of anything between 8 feet and 10 feet. Aside from being a very hardy plant, 'John Cabot' is also resistant diseases.
Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1965
Initially, Jackson and Perkins nurseryman W. Gene Boermer intended to name this rose variety after him. However, after the assassination of the late United States President John F, Kennedy, the company named the rose to honour the latter.
The buds of 'John F. Kennedy' produce green tinged buds that unfurl into white flowers. Each flower measures anything between 5 inches and 5 ½ inches across and comprise as many as 45 to 50 petals.
Among all popular white hued hybrid teas, 'John F. Kennedy' rose is most fragrant. The foliage of this rose variety is dark green, disease resistant and has a leathery texture. The plants grow up to a height of 4 feet to 5 feet.
Shrub, Introduced - 1980
'John Franklin' rose continuously produces several clusters of as many as 30 medium red hued flowers. This variety of rose bears semi-double flowers which measure 2 ½ inches in diameter each and each bloom comprises about 25 petals.
The blooms of 'John Franklin' are scented. This plant produces round leaves, while the canes have yellowish-green prickles that have a purple tint. The plant is bushy and has an upright habit and is quite easy to grow in a landscape garden.
'John Franklin' has an extended flowering season, which makes the plants valuable when grown in a garden bed or in borders. 'John Franklin' rose belongs to the Explorer series and possess the ability to endure heat as well as cold conditions with equal ease. In addition, the plant is resistant to diseases.
Climber, Introduced - 1964
'Joseph's Coat' rose bears bunches of double blossoms which create an incredible riot of colors – the same plant bears colors of different hues at the same time. 'Joseph's Coat' produces orange, pink, yellow and red flowers all together.
The red and orange hued flowers turn out to be very prominent during autumn. The buds of 'Joseph's Coat' have an urn shape and different from many other climber roses, these buds occur in new growths.
Each flower of this rose cultivar measures 3 inches and they are very scented. The leaves of this plant have a dark green hue and are glossy. The canes are thorny. 'Joseph's Coat' is a tall plant which has an upright habit.
You can train this rose to grow as a climber on a fence, pillar, or trellis. Since this rose in not very vigorous, you can also allow it to grow in the form of a freestanding, loose shrub. This rose is quite tender and, hence, it is susceptible to powdery mildew.
Miniature, Introduced - 1984
The miniature blooms of 'Julie Ann' rose are high-centered and its color varies from vermillion to orange-red. Each flower measures about 1 inch and comprises 20 petals. The flowers of this rose have a pleasant fragrance.
The leaves of 'Julie Ann' rose are small, medium green and partially glossy. The bushy plants grow up to a height of anything between 12 inches and 14 inches and resistant to diseases.
Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1972
'Just Joey' blossoms measure 4 inches to 6 inches across each and comprise 30 outstanding large petals, whose edges are interestingly frilled. The brandy colored buds of this rose is also large and stylishly pointed.
These buds unfurl into double apricot hued flowers whose color becomes paler as they mature. The flowers have a heavily fruity fragrance. The flowers as well as their scent last for a long period. The leaves of 'Just Joey' are large as well as glossy.
The stems of the plants bear several thorns. The plants of 'Just Joey' are somewhat short and spreading in nature. Their growth rate is also moderate and they are somewhat resistant to diseases. The flowers of this rose are especially excellent for use as indoor floral arrangements owing to their large size as well as their long vase life.