Roses In Alphabetical Order
'L' part 2

'Leander' Roses

Shrub, Introduced - 1982

A David Austin rose, 'Leander' produces bewildering abundance of deep apricot hued blooms in spring as well as in the beginning of summer. The small, very double flowers of 'Leander' appear in clusters and they have a fruity scent.

While this rose generally does not bloom repeatedly, some flowers may appear on the plant during the end of the growing season. The leaves of 'Leander' rose plants are partially glossy and are medium green hued as well as medium sized.

The habit of 'Leander' rose plants is full and they grow as wide as they are tall. This, in fact, makes the plant an excellent garden shrub. Among all the English roses, 'Leander' is most resistant to diseases.

'Leda' Roses

Damask, Introduced - 1827

The blooms of 'Leda' rose, also known as 'Painted Damask', are double as well as extremely scented. Each flower of this rose measures anything between 2 ½ inches and 4 inches in diameter. The buds of 'Leda' have a reddish brown hue and they unfurl to expose petals whose color varies from milky white to blush pink.

The petals have crimson marking along their edges and they reflux to develop into a ball-shaped flower. In fact, a sport of 'Leda' rose is also available in pink. The leaves of both varieties of 'Leda' rose have a grey-green color, and are downy as well as round. 'Leda' is a rounded and compact shrub having a neat habit.

These attributes of the rose makes it effective for growing in garden beds and borders. This is a hardy plant and it has a preference for cooler climatic conditions. On the other hand, it suffers when grown in places where summers are extremely hot.

'Linda Campbell' Roses

Hybrid Rugosa, Introduced - 1990

'Linda Campbell' rose was created by cross breeding a hybrid rugosa with a miniature rose. Luckily, this compact shrub inherited the qualities of its hybrid rugosa parent and hence is not only resistant to diseases, but also cold hardy.

On the other hand, 'Linda Campbell' is different from nearly all red rugosa roses. While the flowers of red rugosa roses usually have a tendency to be purplish or mauve, the flowers of 'Linda Campbell' are pure red. The flowers of 'Linda Campbell' appear in large, striking sprays all through the summer and continue blooming well into the fall.

The flowers of this rose are double and cup-shaped. The only flaw of 'Linda Campbell' blooms is that they do not have any fragrance. The foliage of this rose is dark green and partially shiny, while the shrub has a bushy nature and upright growing habit.

'Linda Campbell' is an excellent rose for growing as a hedge or using it in the form of a landscape shrub. It can also be grown as a specimen shrub or used as a foundation planting.

'Linville' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1989

'Linville' rose bears pointed buds that unfurl into double white blooms having a touch of pink. As the flowers mature, their color turns to pure white. However, when grown in cool weather conditions, the flowers have a tendency to keep hold of their pink tones.

Usually the high-centered blooms appear singly on long canes and they have a slight fruity fragrance. The leaves of this plant have a medium green color and are partially glossy. The stems of 'Linville' rose produce straight, pink colored thorns.

The plants have an upright growth and relatively tall for any miniature. However, the growth rate of the plants is medium. 'Linville' rose is very effective when grown in garden beds and borders or as edgings.

In addition, this rose can also be grown as a container specimen, but in large pots. The flowers of this rose variety are excellent for exhibition as well as for use as cut flowers.

'Little Darling' Roses

Floribunda, Introduced - 1956

'Little Darling' bears flowers whose color is a blend of salmon-pink and yellow. While the plants can grow somewhat large and also be of spreading nature, the flowers of this rose are not only small, but also wonderful. When the flowers unfurl initially they have the perfect form of a hybrid tea.

When fully open they are cup-shaped. Each flower of 'Little Darling' measures anything between 2 inches and 2 ½ inches across and comprises about 24 to 30 petals. The flowers are borne in small sprays on arching stems.

The plants of 'Little Darling' rose grow up to a height of 3 feet to 4 feet. If you prune the plants to inward-facing buds, it will help in maintaining the compact form of the plant. The leaves of this plant are dark green, glossy and have a leathery texture. Their ability to resist diseases is better than average. In addition, this rose is also very winter hardy.

'Little Jackie' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1982

'Little Jackie' rose bears light, orange-red hued flowers. On the reverse, the petals have a yellow hue. The blooms are high-centered and each flower measures ¾ inch to 1 inch across and comprise very fragrant petals. The small flowers are compact and each bloom comprises 25 petals.

As the flowers open, the petals reflex back and forms points. The plants grow up to a height of anything between 18 inches and 24 inches. The foliage of this rose is medium green and partially shiny.

'Littlest Angel' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1976

'Little Angel' is among the best varieties of micro minis. The color of this rose varies from medium to deep yellow. Each high-centered bloom of 'Little Angel' measures just ½ inch in diameter and comprises as many as 28 petals.

The plant is compact, low-growing and bushy and grows up to a height of anything between 4 inches and 8 inches. Ideally, 'Little Angel' rose should be grown in partial shade in case it is grown outdoors, particularly in hot climatic conditions.

'Liverpool Echo' Roses

Floribunda, Introduced - 1971

This rose has been named after an English newspaper called 'Liverpool Echo'. The blooms of this rose have a soft salmon hue and they are somewhat fragrant. The flowers are high-centered and have 23 petals.

On their reverse side, the petals have a tinge of light yellow. When fully open, each bloom measures 4 inches across. The foliage of 'Liverpool Echo' is light green and resistant to diseases.

The leaves of this rose almost cover the plant, which grows up to a height of 5 feet. The flowers appear in large sprays, but after the initial bloom, the plants have a tendency to produce long canes measuring 6 feet to 8 feet, which do not bear flower.

'Louise Odier' Roses

Bourbon, Introduced - 1851

'Louise Odier' bears one of the brightest roses that have a soft shade of a hint of lilac. This rose appears in profusion in the midseason and then repeats excellently until fall. The flowers of 'Louise Odier' are very double and cupped and they resemble camellias.

The petals of this rose are quartered and have a deliciously rich fragrance. The flowers appear in clusters. The weight of the flowers may often weigh down the branches, thereby creating an elegant and arching effect.

The plants have a robust growth and upright habit giving rise to slender canes. 'Louise Odier' was a popular choice in Victorian gardens. The plants of this rose make a graceful shrub. Moreover, the plants can be trained to grow as climbers on posts or pillars. 'Louise Odier' is not only a hardy plant, but also resistant to diseases.

'Louis Philippe' Roses

China, Introduced - 1834

'Louis Philippe' is a Chinese rose which is very adaptable and this has been proven since long. This rose has its origin in France; it was introduced in Texas in the very first year it appeared on the market. This rose has survived for over 150 years, which is something incredible considering the extreme weather conditions of the state.

It is very true that 'Louis Philippe' is one of the roses that is widely found in and around deserted homesteads in the Deep South. The flowers of 'Louis Philippe' are double, cup-shaped flowers with deep crimson, while the centers are blushed with pink.

Occasionally, the petals of this rose are streaked with purple. As far as the recurrence of its blooms is concerned, this rose is exceptionally reliable. Usually, 'Louis Philippe' blooms from spring to the beginning of winter even during warm spells in the cold months.

'Love' Roses

Grandiflora, Introduced - 1980

In fact, 'Love' is basically a grandiflora, which can easily be mistaken for a hybrid tea rose. This rose is a dense shrub that produces high-centered buds that bear resemblance with hybrid tea rose.

The buds of 'Love' unfurl into radiant red flowers, with a colourful distinction. On their reverse side, each petal of this rose has a silvery pink hue, which gives the flowers of 'Love' the appearance of a hand-painted bloom.

'Loving Touch' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1982

The blooms of 'Loving Touch' are large for any miniature, particularly when grown in cool weather conditions. The blooms of this rose are double, have an apricot hue and comprise 25 petals each. The flowers bloom profusely, in most case on a single stem.

The blooms of 'Loving Touch' are high-centered and are slightly fragrant. The leaves of this rose are medium glossy and have a medium green color. After the flowering season, 'Loving Touch' produces attractive, globular hips.

The plants of this rose are bushy in nature and spreading too. They are most suitable for growing in garden beds and borders. In addition, they can also be used as edges.

'Loving Touch' rose is also attractive when grown in containers and as patio plants. The flowers of this rose are outstanding for use as cut flowers and also for exhibition.

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