Hybrid Perpetuea, Introduced - 1878
'Mabel Morrison' rose is a hybrid perpetual that has a tendency to grow tall and be clumsy shrubs. On the other hand, this rose variety is comparatively a compact cultivar and has healthy and attractive foliage, which is a pleasant exception. In fact, this is not a common rose. It is one rose cultivar that needs to be known better.
The blossoms of 'Mabel Morrison' rose are large, cup-shaped and outstanding. Their appearance bears close resemblance to big water lilies. When the flowers unfurl, initially they have a light pink blush, which subsequently fades to pure white as the blooms mature.
The color of the flowers remains pure white throughout the season, but they may have a deeper pink hue during fall. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance and they are excellent for use as cut flowers. In fact, 'Mabel Morrison' rose makes a wonderful addition to any mixed border of shrubs and flowers, particularly because it is capable of thriving in various types of soils.
Noisette, Introduced - 1879
Each double blooms of 'Madame Alfred Carriere' rose measures anything between 3 inches and 4 inches across and its petals have a creamy blush white hue. The flowers appear in clusters on straight stems and are full, globular and loosely formed. The flowers first appear in midseason and repeat until fall.
The flowers of 'Madame Alfred Carriere' are extremely scented. The leaves of this rose are light green and large, while the canes are very thorny. Similar to most noisette roses, 'Madame Alfred Carriere' rose is a vigorous climber.
The blooms have a nodding habit and they look wonderful when seen from below, for instance an arch, a pergola or a wall. You can also train 'Madame Alfred Carriere' rose to grow as a shrub and plant in your garden bed or border.
'Madame Alfred Carriere' is capable of enduring some shade, humidity as well as summer heat. Moreover, this rose is also moderately resistant to diseases.
Damask, Introduced - 1832
'Madame Hardy' rose is popular damask that produces clusters of very double, large and fragrant white-hued blooms. Each flower has a green eye at the center. This rose may possibly not experience adequate chilling in the especially mild southern California winter to bear any bloom in the following spring.
In addition to its attractive fragrant blooms, 'Madame Hardy' rose possesses exceptional adaptability. This rose grows excellently at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in the Southeast. In fact, you will find this shrub thriving well in desertion in the ghost towns of the erstwhile gold country of California.
Bourbon, Introduced - 1881
The flowers of 'Madame Isaac Pereire' rose have a magenta hue and they appear all through the summer. The blooming reaches its peak only before fall. Each flower of 'Madame Isaac Pereire' rose is a double bloom measuring about 3 inches to 6 inches in diameter. However, the size of the blooms depends largely on the climatic conditions of the place where the rose is grown.
The petals are quartered and roll back at their edges. The blooms have a fruit-like fragrance and it is said that the scent of 'Madame Isaac Pereire' rose is possibly most among all roses. You can also dry the flowers of 'Madame Isaac Pereire' for potpourris. This rose has abundant foliage, which is dark green, large and partially glossy.
'Madame Isaac Pereire' rose plants have a bushy habit and they are somewhat spreading. You may grow this rose as a freestanding shrub or even as pegged. You may train this rose to grow as a climber, which can grow up to 12 feet on a fence or trellis.
The flowers of this rose are excellent for use as cut flowers. The plants are robust and hardy too. They are capable of enduring even poor soil. 'Madame Ernest Calvat' is a color sport of 'Madame Isaac Pereire' and the former produces light lavender-pink colored blooms.
Alba, Introduced - 1846
The blooms of 'Madame Legras de St. Germain' rose are very double and each flower measures about 3 ½ inches across and comprises as many as 200 petals. The flowers of this rose have a white hue with a rich, creamy center. 'Madame Legras de St. Germain' rose blooms only once in one growing season and the flowers remain on the plants for several weeks together.
However, the flowers are unable to endure wet weather conditions. The blooms have a very potent scent. The foliage of this rose has a soft grey-green color, which offers an attractive contrast to the flowers. The canes of 'Madame Legras de St. Germain' rose are almost smooth and hardly bear any thorn.
'Madame Legras de St. Germain' rose grows very vigorously and they can be grown as a shrub growing up to a height of anything between 6 feet and 7 feet. Alternatively, you may train the plant to grow on a support. In the second case, the plant can grow up to 12 feet to 15 feet.
This rose has an arching and upright habit. Ideally, the plant should be grown in garden beds so that it can blend beautifully with the perennials. The blooms of 'Madame Legras de St. Germain' are excellent for use as cut flowers. 'Madame Legras de St. Germain' rose is capable of enduring some shade and it is also resistant to diseases.
Bourbon, Introduced - 1878
'Madam Pierre Oger' rose is actually a sport of 'La Reine Victoria' and is very similar to it in all manners, barring that the petals of this rose have a blush pink hue. As the flowers unfurl, they develop a rose-colored cast.
Alba, Introduced - 1835
The flowers of 'Madame Plantier' rose are borne in huge clusters and are very double and have a creamy white hue. They have a button green eye in the center.
Each flower of this rose measures anything between 2 ½ inches and 3 inches across and the blooms of 'Madame Plantier' rose almost cover the plants completely during the period between the beginnings of the growing season and midseason. 'Madame Plantier' rose does not repeat. The flowers of this rose are rather flattened and they are richly scented.
The leaves as well as the stems of this rose have a pale grey-green hue. 'Madame Plantier' rose grows vigorously and has a spreading habit. The plant is a loose, bushy shrub that is perfect from growing in large gardens. When maintained as a shrub, the plant can effortlessly spread up to 6 feet in width.
Moreover, you may also train the plant to grow as a climber on a pillar or trellis. 'Madame Plantier' rose is very hardy and, at the same time, it is resistant to diseases and can tolerate shade.
Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1981
The blooms of 'Madame Violet' are high-centered and each flower measures anything between 3 inches and 4 inches across. This is a vigorously growing rose and the plant grows up to a height of 4 feet to 5 feet. The foliage is partially glossy and more or less resistant to diseases.
The blooms usually appear in sprays and each flower comprises as many as 45 petals. The flowers unfurl into just the right spiral and have shades of lilac with a hint of pink. Although 'Madame Violet' blooms very sparingly, they are somewhat winter hardy.
Miniature, Introduced - 1972
The flowers of 'Magic Carrousel' rose are semi-double and have a creamy white hue with a vibrant dash of red. The bold as well as striking color combination of 'Magic Carrousel' rose and the fact that it blooms abundantly have made this rose cultivar very popular amongst all miniature roses.
Each flower of 'Magic Carrousel' rose measures between 1 ¾ inches and 2 inches in diameter and has a light fragrance. The leaves of this plant are also small, glossy and have a leathery texture. This rose has a habit of spreading and, hence, it ought to be pinched back in order to prevent the plant from becoming leggy.
It is very effective when grown in garden beds and borders, in the form of an edging and also in containers. It is quite easy to grow this rose, which is sufficiently resistant to diseases. Time and again, florists have been using this flower for boutonnieres.
Hybrid alba, Introduced - 1797
'Maiden's Blush' rose bears double, globular, light blush pink blooms. The flowers are fragrant and each measures anything between 2 inches and 3 inches across. As the flowers mature their color fades to white. 'Maiden's Blush' rose blooms only once in a year.
The flowers appear on long and arching canes, which produce blue-green leaves. The plants of this rose variety grow up to a height of 4 feet to 8 feet. Often, 'Maiden's Blush' rose is also referred to as 'Small Maiden's Blush' in order to differentiate it from another similar rose variety known as the 'Great Maiden's Blush'.
Shrub, Introduced -1976
The blooms of 'Malaguena' rose are double flowers, each flower comprising as many as 28 petals and measuring about 4 inches across. The flowers are shallowly cup-shaped and somewhat scented. The color of this rose varies from light to medium geranium pink. On the inner petals, you may find spots such as freckles.
In the beginning of the season, 'Malaguena' rose blooms heavily, while the flowering is sporadic during the remaining part of the season.
The foliage is dark green, large and has a leathery texture. The foliage of 'Malaguena' almost covers the entire bushy plant, which grows up to a height of 3 feet to 4 feet. The plant has an upright habit and is very hardy.