Roses In Alphabetical Order
'M' part 3

'Marina' Roses

Floribunda, Introduced - 1974

The buds of 'Marina' rose are long and pointed. These buds unfurl into high-centered blooms that have a radiant orange-red hue, while their base is yellow. Each flower of 'Marina' rose is about 3 inches across and comprises as many as 35 to 40 petals, which are gracefully scented.

The flowers appear in sprays on long stems, making them excellent for use as cut flowers. The leaves are dark green and shiny with a leathery texture. 'Marina' is among the very few roses that flourishes equally well in the garden as it does in greenhouses. Nevertheless, this rose is rather tender in winter.

'Martin Frobisher' Roses

Climber, Introduced - 1968

'Martin Frobisher' is among the first Canadian explorer roses. This particular cultivar has its origin in Rosa rugosa, a central Asian species. In effect, often 'Martin Frobisher' is categorized as a hybrid rugosa.

No matter under which category you place this rose, 'Martin Frobisher' possesses the vigour as well as resistance to cold - two vital attributes of its forbearer. While this rose is somewhat susceptible to rust and black spot, but generally it is a very robust and healthy plant. 'Martin Frobisher' bears very double, small, soft pink hued rosettes throughout its long growing season.

Technically, 'Martin Frobisher' is a shrub, but it has a slender, upright habit. It can also be trained to grow along a pillar or a fence.

'Mary Marshall' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1970

'Mary Marshall' has been named after an amateur rose grower who specialized in miniatures. The blooms of this rose measure just 1 ½ inches across and has a deep coral hue with overtones of yellow, pink and orange.

The blooms last for a long time on the plant and are also effective as cut flowers. The flowers are somewhat fragrant and each flower comprises 24 to 30 petals. The flowers of 'Mary Marshall' rose are high-centered and appear on bushy plants. The plants grow up to a height of 14 inches and are very winter hardy.

A climbing form of 'Mary Marshall' rose is also available which grows up to a height of 5 feet. The color of the leaves is medium green and they are partially glossy. The ability of the leaves to resist diseases is above average.

'Mary Rose' Roses

Shrub, Introduced - 1983

'Mary Rose' is a neat shrub and the flowers of this variety appear in sprays. The blooms have a rich pink hue and each flower measures anything between 4 inches and 5 inches. The flowers are double rosette-shaped and have a potent damask fragrance. This rose re-blooms moderately. The plants grow up to a height of anything between 4 feet and 6 feet.

'Matador' Roses

Floribunda, Introduced - 1972

The blooms of 'Matador' rose have a flashing scarlet and orange hue, while the petals are golden yellow on the reverse, which often evoke the exhilaration of a bullfight. In Europe, this flower is known as 'Esther O'Farim'- named after a German singer who was a favourite of the person who introduced this rose.

The blooms of 'Matador' rose are high-centered and somewhat fragrant. Each flower comprises anything between 25 and 30 petals and when they are fully open, they measure about 2 inches to 2 ½ inches in diameter.

The 'Matador' rose is perfect for growing in containers as well as mass plantings. The foliage of this rose is dark green and leathery. The plants grow up to a height of 2 feet to 3 feet.

'Max Graf' Roses

Hybrid Rugosa, Introduced - 1919

'Max Graf' rose bears single pink blooms that are rather modest in appearance. However, they appear in large clusters quite later in the growing season, at a time when most other roses have crossed the peak of their initial flush of blooms.

In fact, this rose has been extensively used in the form of a ground caver requiring low maintenance along in the urban areas as well as along highways, where the plants actually stay alive in very dejected growing conditions.

When grown is much better conditions, such as in average gardens, the dark green, large and somewhat glossy leaves form a graceful background for the shrub's or other plantings' blossoms.

'May Queen' Roses

Rambler, Introduced - 1898

The 'Mary Queen' rose is actually a rambler that produces abundance of very double, quartered pink hued blooms, which measure about 2 inches across each.

When fully open, the flowers are somewhat flat and have a fruity scent. Sometimes, this plant repeats its blooms, which is something unusual for a rambler. The plants can grow up to 25 feet. You may train this rose to grow as a climber or also allow them to take the form of a shrub.

'Maytime' Roses

Shrub, Introduced - 1975

The color of the 'Maytime' rose may vary from carmine-rose to soft coral, with their bases having a yellow hue. This rose is a single comprising only 6 to 10 petals and cupped. The blooms of 'Maytime' rose are fragrant and each flower measures anything between 3 ½ inches and 4 inches in diameter.

The flowers of this rose last for a long period. They are in bloom throughout the summer and appear on bushy and very hardy plants that grow up to a height of 3 feet to 4 feet. The foliage is deep bronzy green and has a leathery texture.

'Memorial Rose'

Species, Introduced - 1891

As the name suggests, 'Memorial Rose' is preferred for planting for cemeteries when it is able to survive with even when it is taken care of sporadically. This rose is usually planted in cemeteries because of its vigorous growth, hardiness as well as sweet fragrance. It also serves as an excellent ground cover for grave sites.

Therefore, it is fondly called the 'Memorial Rose'. This rose has also been trained to grow as a climber. In fact, it is a parent of several wonderful climber roses. 'Memorial Rose' produces pyramid-shaped bunches of white blooms which appear very late in the season - sometime around August.

Each flower measures 1 ½ inches (3.8 cm) to 2 inches (5.1 cm). The yellow stamens of the flowers are prominent. The blooms of 'Memorial Rose' have a fruity fragrance. The blooms are followed by dark red, ovoid hips. The foliage of this rose is dark green and glossy and remains evergreen even when grown in places having mild winters.

The canes produce a moderate number of thorns and when the plants are permitted to sprawl, they take root wherever the tips come in contact with the ground. New plants grow from such rooting, making R. wichuraiana one of the very effective roses that are used for ground cover.

'Mermaid' Roses

Climber, Introduced - 1918

'Mermaid' rose serves as a floral white-out or squall. You should grow this rose near an ugly shed or an unsightly fence and wait for some time. This rose will take about a year or two to be established. However, once it establishes itself it will conceal the blot on the landscape growing very speedily, particularly if it is grown in places having warmer climatic conditions.

'Mermaid' rose bears very big, single flowers having canary yellow hue. Each flower of this rose measures 5 inches (13 cm) and has very attractive golden hued stamens. In fact, the stamens remain striking even after the petals have withered.

The plants produce impressive thorns that form an effective barrier, but they also make pruning the plant a difficult task. Ideally, you should grow this rose in such a place where it can grow according to its will.

'Minnehaha' Roses

Rambler, Introduced - 1905

Like 'Mary Queen' rose, 'Minnehaha' is also a rambler and bears small, semi-double and somewhat scented flowers. When fully open, each flower of this variety measures 1 inch to 2 inches in diameter. The flowers have a pale pink hue and as the blooms mature their color fates to white.

The flowers appear in large bunches, but only once in their growing season. The plants grow up to a height of anything between 15 feet and 20 feet and produces small, dark green and glossy leaves.

'Minnie Pearl' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1982

'Minnie Pearl' is a versatile miniature rose that functions as an exceptional edging shrub or border. Though the rose is small, it is a flawlessly formed blossom that makes 'Minnie Pearl' a wonderful cut flower. This rose grows comfortably in a window box or in containers.

Similar to several other miniature roses, 'Minnie Pearl' is deal for gardeners who possess small properties. In addition, this rose is also a wonderful flower for old gardeners for whom conventional roses cause a lot of strain on their backs. When they plant this rose in a pot and put it up on a wall that is waist-high or any other type of support, they do not need to stoop to cultivate 'Minnie Pearl'.

'Miss All-American Beauty' Roses

Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1967

In Europe, 'Miss All-American Beauty' rose is also known as 'Maria Callas.' The flowers of this rose are cup shaped and each flower comprises as many as 50 to 60 petals, while they measure anything between 4 inches and 5 inches.

The flowers of 'Miss All-American Beauty' rose are very fragrant and have a deep pink hue that appears to be almost red. The leaves have a leathery texture, while the plant itself is bushy growing up to a height of 3 feet to 4 feet. This rose is extremely winter hardy.

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