China, Introduced - 1752
Despite being amongst the oldest southern garden roses, 'Old Blush' is still a favourite rose - thanks to the bounteousness of the flowers. In fact, this rose blooms all through the season, except in the extremely cold months. 'Old Blush' is generally found in deserted home sites even much after all signs of vegetation has been wiped out from the place. In effect, this rose is imperishable.
Once the plants of 'Old Blush' have established themselves, they are capable of surviving for several weeks even with no rain or irrigation. The blooms of 'Old Blush' are medium sized and have lilac-pink hue. However, the blooms have a very light scent. In case you do not deadhead (cut them as the flowers wither), the flowers will turn out big orange-hued hips.
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Miniature, Introduced - 1988
The flowers of 'Old Glory' rose are double and measure anything between 1 inch and 1 ½ inches. Each flower comprises as many as 30 to 35 petals, which have a medium red hue and a hint of yellow at their base. The blooms are high-centered and last for a long period after cutting. 'Old Glory' blooms profusely over the dark green leaves. The plants grow up to a height of 16 inches to 20 inches.
Grandiflora, Introduced - 1964
The blooms of 'Olé' are large and ruffled having glowing hues. The long-lived flowers are radiant orange-red - a color that reminds one of a bullfight. Individual flowers measure about 3 ½ inches in diameter and comprises anything between 40 and 50 petals. The flowers are either cup-shaped or high-centered and have a light fruity fragrance. The plants are bushy and grow up to a height of 4 feet. They are covered with glossy foliage.
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Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1982
As the name suggests, 'Olympiad' was the official flower of the Los Angles Olympic Games held in 1984. In fact, like the several athletes who participated in that Olympic, the blooms of this rose have an impressive performance. It has the ability to sustain in different climatic conditions that prevail in southern California as well as along the coasts of New England.
The blooms of 'Olympiad' are radiant medium red and have a velvety texture. The flowers are double and last for a long period making them a wonderful source of cut flowers, provided you can protect yourself from their thorns. However, this rose bears too many thorns, which provide an unusual protection or barrier when you plant it as a hedge.
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Floribunda, Introduced - 1959
The flowers of 'Orangeade' rose have a clear, radiant orange hue and they are somewhat fragrant. The stamens are bright yellow. Each flower of this rose measures about 2 ½ inches across and comprises anything between 12 and 15 petals. The flowers are borne in large and airy sprays, which last for a long period.
The plants of 'Orangeade' are rounded and grow up to a height of 3 feet. The plants have very few leaves, while the foliage is dark green. It is worth mentioning here that the foliage of 'Orangeade' requires additional shield from mildew.
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Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1978
The blooms of 'Osiria' are large and well-formed. The high-centered blooms of 'Osiria' measure anything between 4 inches and 6 inches across each and individual flowers comprise as many as 50 to 60 petals. The petals have a dark red hue on their inside, while on the outside, they are silvery-white.
The blooms are very fragrant and they repeat rapidly, which is something unusual for large-sized roses. The plants grow up to a height of 5 feet to 6 feet. The foliage of 'Osiria' rose is dark green, partially shiny and resistant to black spot. Although the plants are very winter hardy, they are susceptible to mildew.
Shrub, Introduced - 1990
'Othello' rose is also called 'Auslo' and the blooms of this rose are fully double, cup-shaped and their color varies from rich crimson to burgundy. Individual blooms measure anything between 4 inches and 5 inches and possess a heavy fragrance of old roses. As the blooms fade their rich crimson color changes from mauve to purple.
This rose re-blooms moderately. The plants have a vigorous growth and are spreading. They grow up to a height of 5 feet to 6 feet and bear lots of thorns. The plants of 'Othello' rose are highly resistant to diseases.
Miniature, Introduced - 1972
'Over The Rainbow' rose plants are bushy and have a vigorous growth. They grow up to a height of anything between 14 inches and 18 inches and have medium green foliage, while the leaves have a leathery texture. The petals of this rose are red on their inner side, while the color s yellow-orange on the reverse.
The blooms of this rose are double, high-centered and have a light scent. Individual flowers measure between 1 inch and 1 ½ inches in diameter and they appear above the foliage.