Roses In Alphabetical Order
'R' part 2

'Reine des Violettes' Roses

Hybrid Perpetual, Introduced - 1860

'Reine des Violettes' rose is a hybrid perpetual and it bears very double blooms, which have a rosy purple hue when they open. As the flowers mature, their color fades to violet. On their underside, the petals have a lighter hue and are silkier compared to their velvety upper surface. In addition, the petals of this rose are quartered and they encircle a button eye.

The flowers of 'Reine des Violettes' rose appear singly or even in small clusters. The fragrance of the blooms is potent and complex. Once the flowers have matured fully, they fade very quickly. The foliage of this rose is very sparse and its color is silvery green. The canes of this plant are almost smooth.

'Reine des Violettes' rose is a bushy plant that grows equally tall and wide. In order to maintain the compact habit of the bush it is necessary to prune it hard. This rose produces long and flexible canes that can be trained to grow as climbers. In fact, this rose is especially gorgeous when you grow it on walls. In order to put forth its best performance, this rose requires rich soil.

'Reve D'Or' Roses

Noisette, Introduced - 1869

'Reve D'Or' rose bears globe-shaped, pendulous flowers having buff yellow hue with a tinge of salmon. The color of the flowers turns paler as they mature. The stamens of this rose have a dark yellow hue. The flowers of 'Reve D'Or' rose are loosely double and scented.

The plants start blooming at the onset of spring and repeat blooms occur sporadically all through the growing season. In some places, the plants flower best during the fall. The leaves of this rose have a coppery hue when the plants are young, but they are rich green and glossy as the plants mature.

The canes produce very few thorns. 'Reve D'Or' rose has a robust growth and is suitable for growing in a warm and sunny site in your garden. This rose can be effectively trained to grow on a pillar or wall as the plant has a climbing habit. In addition, the plants are capable of enduring the summer heat as well as humidity.

'Rhonda' Roses

Climber, Introduced - 1968

'Rhonda' rose was hybridized by an amateur breeder. This variety of rose appears in clusters and is double, somewhat scented. The color of the flowers is salmon-pink and the individual bloom measures 4 inches across and continue to flower repeatedly. The plants are robust and grow up to a height of 8 feet. The foliage of 'Rhonda' rose is dark green and glossy.

'Ring of Fire' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1987

'Ring of Fire' rose bears yellow edged flowers whose edges are fiery red; this combination of colors makes the flowers appear orange when you look at them from a distance. The blooms of 'Ring of Fire' are high-centered and last for a long time even when used as cut flowers.

The individual flowers measures anything between 1 inch and 1 ½ inches in diameter. The plants grow up to a height of anything between 16 inches and 20 inches and are resistant to diseases.

'Rise 'n' Shine' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1977

The flowers of 'Rose 'n' Rise' are radiant, have a clear yellow hue and create a dramatic contrast with its dark and glossy foliage. The individual flower measures between 1 ½ inches and 2 inches. This rose bears long and pointed buds that unfurl into high-centered blooms each comprising 35 petals.

The flowers appear singly or even in clusters endlessly all through the summer months and also repeat excellently. However, the flowers have slight fragrance. The plants of 'Rise 'n' Shine' have an upright habit and are well branched, forming small, rounded bushes. This rose is excellent for growing as edgings and also as container plants.

Moreover, this rose can also be grown in garden beds and borders. It is easy to grow 'Rise 'n' Shine' rose, which have exceptional resistance to diseases.

'Robusta' Roses

Shrub, Introduced - 1979

'Robusta' rose bears single scarlet hued blooms, which individually measure about 2 ½ inches across. The flowers appear profusely all through the growing season and they are pleasantly fragrant. The foliage of 'Robusta' rose is compact and extremely good-looking, but slightly coarse.

The leaves are dark green hued, glossy and have a leathery texture, which offer a loaded foil for the flowers. The canes of this plant have plenty of prickles that are like nails.

This rose is very robust and has a full, bushy habit. In fact, 'Robusta' rose is perfect for using in the form of a dense hedge when the plants are grown 4 feet apart. 'Robusta' rose is an excellent for growing as a specimen shrub. Alternatively, you may also grow the plants the length of a fence.

'Roger Lambelin' Roses

Hybrid Perpetual, Introduced - 1890

'Roger Lambelin' is valued for the exceptional color pattern of its double flowers that repeat bloom. The petals of this rose have a radiant crimson edge and they have white streaks. This makes the blooms look like wearing petticoats.

As the flowers mature, the color of the flowers fades to maroon. Individual flower comprises roughly 30 fringed petals having a velvety texture. The flowers of this rose are heavily scented. 'Roger Lambelin' is a robustly growing hybrid perpetual and has a packed, bushy habit. However, this rose is somewhat fussy and needs very fertile soil.

On the other hand, it is prone to mildew as well as black spot. It is worth mentioning here that a similar rose in this class, known as 'Baron Girod de I'Ain', bears flowers whose color is less rich compared to 'Roger Lambelin', but it is a more dependable performer.

'Rosa Banksiae Banksiae' Roses

Species, Introduced - 1807

'Rosa Banksiae Banksiae' (botanical name R. banksiae banksiae) bears double white hued flowers. The plants bloom profusely during spring and the flowering season continues up to six weeks. In fact, when the plants are in full bloom, the flowers cover the entire plants. Individual flowers of 'Rosa Banksiae Banksiae' are very small and measure less than even 1 inch in diameter.

The flowers have a pure white hue and are highly scented, with the aroma of violets. The leaves of this rose are long, have a pale green hue and glossy. The canes of this plant are almost without thorn. In hardy places, 'Rosa Banksiae Banksiae' is a vigorous and fast grower and they have a somewhat long life.

This variety of rose grows excellently on a wall, tree or trellis. The growth may become rampant if it is not checked. R. banksiae banksiae has a related variety that bears double flowers whose color varies from light to deep yellow.

The flowers of the related variety are somewhat harder than and not as fragrant as Rosa Banksiae Banksiae. Interestingly, both varieties of this rose are also known as the Lady Bank's Rose.

'Rosa Eglanteria' Roses

Species, Introduced - prior to 1551

'Rosa Eglanteria' (botanical name R eglanteria) is commonly known as the eglantine or sweetbrier rose. The flowers have a single blush pink and individual blooms measure about 2 inches in diameter. The petals of this rose encircle golden hued stamens.

The blooms of 'Rosa Eglanteria' appear singly or even in small bunch towards the end of spring. After the flowers wither away, the plants produce vivid red hips. The leaves of this rose are dark green, tough and have a distinct apple scent.

The flowers too have a sweet scent. The canes have plenty of prickles. 'Rosa Eglanteria' is a vigorous and large rose having a rambling habit. In fact, this variety of rose have naturalized in North America and you may find them growing even in pastures.

When grown in gardens, the plants need to be pruned heavily in order to control their growth and also to persuade new growth. The new growth of this rose is particularly aromatic.

'Rosa Foetida' Roses

Species, Introduced - prior to 1542

'Rosa Foetida' bears single, radiant yellow hued flowers and each bloom measures between 2 inches and 2 ½ inches across. The flowers appear only once in a year on plants that grows up to a height of 10 feet.

The odour of the flowers of this rose are almost nauseating sweet. In fact, 'Rosa Foetida' was used as the base for the yellow hue of modern roses. It is really unfortunate that this rose, despite is attractive blooms, is very susceptible to black spot.

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