Roses In Alphabetical Order
'R' part 4

'Rose des Peintres' Roses

Centifolia, Introduced - prior to 1838

'Rose des Peintres' is one shrub that can be trained well to grow on a pillar or fence. This variety of rose bears very double flowers having as many as 200 petals each. The blooms are radiant pin, habitually with button-eye centers, and are fragrant.

Like several older roses, the fragrance of 'Rose Des Peintres' flower is truly memorable. When translated into English, the name of this rose denoted "rose of the painters". This also refers to that fact that pictures of this wonderful rose appeared frequently in the Dutch paintings of the 18 century, especially in the works of Jan van Huysum.

While 'Rose Des Peintres' is rather more susceptible to cold when compared with 'Centiflolia Variegata', this rose can be safely grown in the gardens located in the cold northern region.

'Rose de Rescht' Roses

Damask, Introduced - 1940

Different from its relatives that only bloom once in a year, 'Rose de Rescht' bears a great flush of blooms either in the later part of spring or in the beginning of the summer. Moreover, this damask repeats well with a rush of potently fragrant blooms in the fall.

When the flowers unfurl, they have a fuchsia-crimson hue, which fades to soft lilac as the flowers fade. The re-blooming habit of this rose coupled with the dense extent of the shrub as well as the old-fashioned appeal of the blooms, makes this damask a remarkable as well as useful rose.

You may easily plant this rose in the tight corners of your small garden to the appeal of old-fashioned rose. At the same time, 'Rose de Rescht' also provides a characteristic and attractive choice for planting it in containers.

'Rose du Roi' Roses

Portland, Introduced - 1815

'Rose du Roi' bears double flowers whose color is radiant red dappled with purple and violet. The individual bloom is arranged loosely and measures about 2 ½ inches in diameter. The flowers of this rose have a rich fragrance.

In midseason, the flowers appear profusely and they repeat well even after. The foliage of 'Rose du Roi' is small, pointed and dark green. The plants of this rose are small and have a spreading habit. Their form is rather unkempt.

The plants provide a prolonged season of richly scented flowers. They are perfect for planting in garden beds and in borders. They are especially suited for growing in smaller gardens. This rose has good resistance to diseases and is winter hardy too.

'Rosenstadt Zweibrücken' Roses

Shrub, Introduced - 1989

The Kordes family has been breeding roses that have won numerous prizes during for about four decades. As a result, the roses bred by Kordes family have always been favourites among the rose growers all over Europe. 'Rosenstadt Zweibrücken' is especially a favourite rose from the famous breeders.

It is worth mentioning here that several shrubs bred by Kordesii family are sprawling plants. On the other hand, 'Rosenstadt Zweibrücken' is a compact plant. It is more or less a dwarf and ideal for growing in smaller gardens.

Alternatively, this rose may also be incorporated into a mixed border of flowers and shrubs. 'Rosenstadt Zweibrücken' bears just about single blooms having coral-red hue, while their centers are interspersed with radiant red stamens.

'Roseraie De L'Hay' Roses

Hybrid Rugosa, Introduced - 1901

The buds of 'Roseraie De L'Hay' are long pointed and scrolled and they unfurl to blossoms having deep crimson hue with creamy-hued stamens. As the flowers mature, their color changes to magenta pink. Each flower of this rose measures anything between 4 1/2 inches and 5 inches across.

The flowers are semi-double and the folded petals are loosely arranged. The flowers are heavily scented. After the flowering season, the plants produce a few hips. The foliage of 'Roseraie De L'Hay' is compact and has an apple green color.

The color of the foliage is vivacious during the fall. Similar to all other hybrid rugosa roses, 'Roseraie De L'Hay' has a vigorous growth. Moreover, the plant is tough and has a good resistance to diseases.

In addition, the plant can endure an assortment of soil types and even seaside condition. The repeating blooms as well as the beautiful foliage of this rose make it a wonderful selection for growing it in a hedge or any mixed shrub planting.

'Rotes Meer' Roses

Hybrid Rugosa, Introduced - 1984

This new rugosa is also known as 'Purple Pavement' and its popularity is increasing by the day. This rose refutes the continuous criticism that despite being very hardy, rugosa hybrids are just too large to be accommodated in smaller gardens.

In fact, it is also difficult to fit in rugosa hybrids in more intimate sites of any large landscapes. However, 'Rotes Meer' is a neat and compact dome which grows up to a height of only 3 feet (0.9 meters). The shrub is equally wide and also sufficiently compact to be grown in a smaller garden.

In fact, this cultivar is equally effective when grown as a border shrub, as a low-growing hedge or in the form of a compact landscape shrub. The foliage of this rose is clean as well as crisp. 'Rotes Meer' bears deep violet-crimson, double blooms having contrasting golden hued stamens.

Often the flowers are in bloom continuously all through the summer and continue until the fall. However, the plant's display in autumn is considered to be most outstanding. Even as the new blooms continue, the plant produces red hips, which continue to fatten and ripen.

'Royal Gold' Roses

Climber, Introduced - 1957

This rose bears deep golden yellow blooms, whose color remains steady till the flowers wither. The flowers have an average scent and the plants bloom profusely at the beginning of the growing season. Subsequently, they repeat bloom intermittently.

The individual flowers are cup-shaped, measure around 4 inches across and comprise 35 petals when they are fully open. The flowers appear singly or even in small clusters. The plants of 'Royal Gold' rose are stiff and grow up to a height of anything between 5 feet and 10 feet.

'Royal Highness' Roses

Hybrid Tea, Introduced - 1962

'Royal Highness' rose bears subtle, majestic, light pink hued flowers. While the buds of this rose are slender, the flowers have a high-centered form. Each flower of this cultivar measures between 4 inches and 5 inches across when they are completely unfurled and comprises as many as 40 to 45 petals.

The blooms of 'Royal Highness' have a wonderful fragrance. They appear on plants that grow up to a height of 4 feet to 5 feet. Although this rose is very delicate during the cold winter months, it has reigned supreme for several years.

'Rugosa Magnifica' Roses

Hybrid Rugosa, Introduced - 1905

The color of 'Rugosa Magnifica' rose petals varies from deep purple-red to lavender and these petals encircle golden yellow hued stamens. The blooms are double and fragrant. 'Rugosa Magnifica' repeat blooms well throughout the season and once the flowering season is over, the plants produce plentiful of large and attractive orange-red hips.

The foliage of this rose is compact. 'Rugosa Magnifica' is a shrub having a vigorous growth. The plant has a habit of spreading wide. It is an excellent rose for growing in mixed-shrub plantings or in the form of a hedge.

Alternatively you may also grow this rose as a specimen plant. Similar to other hybrid rugosas, 'Rugosa Magnifica' is also exceptionally hardy and capable of resisting diseases well. At the same time, this rose can adapt to an assortment of soil types and can endure even seaside conditions.

'Royal Sunset' Roses

Rambler, Introduced - 1960

The blooms of 'Royal Sunset' rose are high-centered and have a cup-like shape. This rose bears flowers that have a deep apricot hue, which fades to pale peach in the summer heat.

The flowers are highly scented and measure anything between 4 ½ inches and 5 inches across and comprise 20 petals each. The flowers of 'Royal Sunset' repeat bloom well all through the season. The foliage is coppery green and has a leathery texture.

In addition to being slightly tender, the foliage can resist diseases well. The plants are stiff in nature and grow up to a height of roughly 6 feet.

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